Fate stay night/Characters/Servants: Difference between revisions

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* {{spoiler|[[Died Happily Ever After]]: With Shirou in Realta Nua's Last Episode.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Distress Ball]]: Much to her consternation in ''Unlimited Blade Works''.}}
* [[Don't You Dare Pity Me!]]: In ''Fate,'' Shirou attempts to defend her from harm, {{spoiler|and does things for her (such as going out on a date) to get her to give up seeking the grail, and admits that this is because he feels sorry for her because of her death and her current situation.}} This does ''not'' have the intended effect.
* [[Failed a Spot Check]]: {{spoiler|She fails to notice Rider latch onto Shirou and give him erotic dreams in order to absorb his mana in ''Heaven's Feel''. This was with her standing near him at Kotomine Church, and she never even realizes exactly why he’s so drained the next day thinking he’s just gotten a minor flu, courtesy of Sakura.}}
* [[Foregone Conclusion]]: {{spoiler|It's impossible to save Saber from dying because it happened about 1500 years ago from Shirou's perspective. However, this doesn't mean she can't live out a full life ''here'' and then simply return on the verge of death back to the battlefield and then die there. [[Multiple Endings|This only happens in one ending, though]].}}
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* [[Waif Fu]]: [[Played With|Played with, depending on how you look at it]]. Without buffing herself with magic, she has the physical strength of someone befitting her size; she is quite a bit weaker than Shirou and Rin but has still exceptionally good sword skills and tactical mind. And she still delivers some ass-kicking.
* [[Wave Motion Sword]]: {{spoiler|"''Excalibur'', The Sword of Promised Victory". She also once possessed Caliburn, which had a similar but lesser effect. However, that sword was broken.}}
* [[What Beautiful Eyes!]]: Saber's eyes are lovingly described often in both Shirou and Rin's narration/internal monologue.
* [[When She Smiles]]
* {{spoiler|[[The Woman Wearing the Queenly Mask|The Woman Wearing the Kingly Mask]]: Aided by a [[Gender Flip]] illusion cast by Merlin. Unfortunately it works ''too'' well, and a rebellion rises up against Saber because some see her as an inhuman demon that doesn't care for her people.}}
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* {{spoiler|1=[[Generation Xerox]]: His foster father, Kiritsugu Emiya, [[Fate Zero (Literature)|started out wanting to be a "hero of justice" but learned things the hard way, and ended up sacrificing the few to save the many in his actions]]. Like father, like son, so much that ''[[Fate Zero (Literature)|Fate Zero]]'''s opening description of Kiritsugu exactly fits Archer as well.}}
{{quote| ''{{spoiler|Let us tell the story of a certain man. The tale of a man who, more than anyone else, [[Wide Eyed Idealist|believed in his ideals]], [[Fatal Flaw|and by them was]] [[Despair Event Horizon|driven into despair]].}}''}}
* {{spoiler|[[Go Out Withwith a Smile]]: In ''Unlimited Blade Works''.}}
* [[Gratuitous English]]: [[Invocation|The activation speech]] for his Noble Phantasm. The Engrish is used in the [[Visual Novel]] as well but is also accompanied by a proper (and quite different) Japanese version that clarifies its meaning.
* [[Gray Eyes]]
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* [[No Good Deed Goes Unpunished]]: Archer is the freaking patron saint of this trope. {{spoiler|He willingly gave both his life and his afterlife for the sake of other people and it never brought him anything but pain and betrayal.}}
* [[Non-Indicative Name]]: While his name is Archer, he doesn't really use bow and arrows much at all, being a swordsman instead. He does use a bow from time to time, but he shoots SWORDS with it instead.
* [[Precision -Guided Boomerang]]: Kanshou and Bakuya, again.
* [[Sarcastic Devotee]]: To Rin. {{spoiler|Eventually [[Subverted]] in ''Unlimited Blade Works'' as he ends up betraying her to fulfill his own objective.}}
* [[Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids]]: ''Drown in your ideals and die!'' {{spoiler|He is telling that to his past self though.}}
* [[Sour Supporter]]/[[Teeth -Clenched Teamwork]]: To Shirou, whenever they're forced to work together.
* [[Storm of Blades]]: While it's not his trademark, Archer is fully capable of this {{spoiler|by invoking his Reality Marble}}.
* [[Stupid Sexy Flanders]]: It's hardly uncommon to hear men claim that they are [[Even the Guys Want Him|GAR]] for Archer...
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* [[Blood Knight]]: A surprisingly non-[[Ax Crazy]] version {{spoiler|even though he himself explained that he can also fit the role of [[The Berserker]]}}. He actually doesn't care about getting the Grail at all; he just wants to fight. Hence his frustration...
* [[Boisterous Bruiser]]: Especially in ''Unlimited Blade Works'', whereas he's shown to love teasing ''both'' Rin and Saber, and he fights for the fight itself.
* [[Body Paint]]: Well, it's full-body spandex, but it's generally considered a nod toward the popular perception of Celtic warriors fighting [[Full -Frontal Assault|in the nude]] in blue body paint.
* [[Boring but Practical]]: Despite being not very flashy and useless against multiple foes or fortifications, Gae Bolg can potentially [[One-Hit Kill]] servants and uses extremely little mana. Saber states he could probably use it six or seven times for the same amount of mana that an equally decisive blow from an "A"-rank Noble Phantasm would consume, and likens it to a man who can use a single arrow to win battles while other Servants can only settle with artillery cannons.
* [[Chekhov's Skill]]: The Athn Gabla spell.
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* [[One-Man Army]]: Literally. As told in the story of his life he tells to Shirou, he was the ''only'' person able to fight for Ulster due to a Geas on the male populace that he escaped via loophole. And he ''won'' the war, killing thousands of people per day or winning every duel he came upon.
* [[Red Baron]]: "Cú Chulainn" means "Culann's hound". In-game, he's also referred to as "Ireland's Man of Light" on top of this. [[Fate Hollow Ataraxia (Visual Novel)|Caren amuses herself by referring to him as "dog"]].
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: Ultimately subverted, though at first he looks like he's playing it straight. He may have quite a bit of bloodlust, but he's actually not a bad guy.
* [[Semi -Divine]]: Divinity Rank B, being the son of Lugh, although it doesn't come into play.
** To be fair, it's what allows him to {{spoiler|be effectively immobilized by Gilgamesh's Enkidu}}.
* [[Spam Attack]]: He has a penchant for rapid-fire spear thrusts.
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* [[Rapunzel Hair]]
* [[Restraining Bolt]]: Shinji would have died a ''long'' time ago if it hadn't been for his possession of the Book of False Attendant, {{spoiler|which Sakura gave him to allow him to command Rider}}.
* [[Semi -Divine]]: Divinity Rank E-; she originally had a higher rank, but having been turned into a demonic beast, Rider's divinity was reduced to E-.
* [[Statuesque Stunner]]: By far the tallest female in the game. Just look at her.
* [[The Stoic]]
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* [[Adaptive Ability]]: {{spoiler|God Hand renders Berserker immune to any attack that has killed him before, as long as he's got a life left to use for a regeneration. It's more of an [[Informed Ability]] than anything since nobody ever tries to use the same attack on him twice on-screen.}}
* [[Attack! Attack! Attack!]]
* [[Ax Crazy]]: Pretty obviously.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Somewhat [[Lampshaded]] by the fact that it's Berserker who seems to go into a mad rage whenever you get near Ilya.
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* [[Razor Wind]]: The usual result of a missed swing.
* [[Restraining Bolt]]: Ilya herself acts as this for him, which says a lot about how powerful she must be in order to keep freaking Heracles on a short leash.
* [[Semi -Divine]]: Divinity Rank A, the highest rank, being the son of Zeus and having ascended to the Olympic pantheon. Comes to bite him back in Unlimited Blade Works where it allows {{spoiler|Gilgamesh to restrain him with Enkindu and impale him with Gate of Babylon}}.
* [[Simultaneous Blade Spam]]: '''Nine Lives''' (Japanese gloss: "Shooting Hundred Heads"), Berserker's second Noble Phantasm, which he can't use it in-story because his class ability [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity|Mad Enhancement]] won't let him; the actual Noble Phantasm itself, derived from Herakles' feat of defeating the many-headed, nigh-immortal Hydra with his bow and arrows, was never used by Berserker himself in ''[[Fate Stay Night]]'', {{spoiler|but when Shirou in the ''Heaven's Feel'' route used his Projection magic to adapt the Noble Phantasm for his own use, the resulting "Nine Lives Blade Works" was composed of eight simultaneous slashes from different directions in one instant, followed by a stab to the center, all done with [[Super Speed]]. And each strike was considered a lethal A-ranked blow to Black Berserker}}. The [[Fighting Game]] spin-off ''[[Fate Unlimited Codes]]'' resorted to depicting Nine Lives as butchering an enemy by hitting them ''one hundred'' times in a short span of time.
* [[Spell My Name With an "S"]]: Though most people use the more common spelling of "Hercules," Berserker's name is pronounced in the Visual Novel like the original Greek name "Herakles."
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* [[The Worf Effect]]: He's freaking' Hercules, explicitly stated to be the strongest of ''all'' the Servants, yet he gets schooled in ''every single path'' to show off how awesome someone else is, and almost every significant power upgrade across all three routes for Servants is either used on him, or explained by the commentators as meaning they could now easily defeat him. Even Assassin, the weakest Servant, is mentioned as having repulsed him offscreen just to showcase his freakish sword skills.
* {{spoiler|[[The Unfought]]: In ''Unlimited Blade Works'', [[The Worf Effect|done just to show off how dangerous Gilgamesh really is]].}}
* [[Unskilled but Strong]]: Being incapable of any strategy more complicated than [[Attack! Attack! Attack!]] usually doesn't matter when you can shatter buildings with a single blow and move faster than the human eye can follow. [[The Worf Effect|In theory, anyway]].
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* [[Friendly Enemy]]: Mainly towards Saber.
* [[Glass Cannon]]: His defining sword technique is pretty much an instant kill attack if all three blows land. On the defensive side he has no armor, an "E" rating in toughness, and dies more or less instantly if struck even once. Good luck actually hitting him though...
* {{spoiler|[[Go Out Withwith a Smile]]: He does so in ''Unlimited Blade Works'', having fulfilled his wish of having a climactic battle with Saber.}}
** {{spoiler|And again in ''Heaven's Feel'', although this is less because he's actually happy and more because he's being devoured from the inside and smiling is his way of showing contempt for his killer and going out with dignity.}}
* [[Master Swordsman]]: Probably the greatest one in the game, skills-wise.
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* [[Attempted Rape]]: Even if he never actually succeeds, it's made very, ''very'' clear that he intends to have his way with Saber. One of the verbs he uses in Japanese even ''means'' both "to trap" and quite literally "to rape", and his description of what he's going to do with Saber once he beats her is pretty sickening.
* [[Badass]]: He isn't called [[Red Baron|King of Heroes]] for nothing.
* [[Badass Finger -Snap]]: The gesture he uses to activate his Gate of Babylon barrage.
* [[Berserk Button]]: He actually has several, which is quite fitting given that his [[Pride]] is his most defining characteristic and [[Fatal Flaw]]. Some relate to criticising {{spoiler|his kingship (Saber and the Fourth War's Rider are good at this), and his superiority (in power and age/originality). Archer really gets on his nerves as a 'faker' that devalues Gil's original/prototypical weapons by reproducing them.}} But by far the biggest button is that pressed by both {{spoiler|Shirou and [[Fate Zero]]'s Berserker}}. {{spoiler|They essentially steal his treasury - his weapons, the representation of the strength of his historical rule - via their own Reality Marble/Noble Phantasm. And then they use them against him.}} ''That'' pisses [[Fan Nickname|Goldie]] off.
* [[Big Bad]]: In ''Unlimited Blade Works''.
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* [[Fur and Loathing]]: His pimp-tastic civilian dress.
* [[The Good King]]: If he was in life anything like the legend he's based on, he certainly wasn't always that way (screwing everyone's wives), but after he met Enkidu, he was a fair and just king who generally ruled over everyone by being more awesome than everyone else. Fits his character, really.
* [[Go Out Withwith a Smile]]: ''"King of Knights, it was... truly fun."''
* [[The Hedonist]]
* [[Heroic Willpower]]: More like Heroic Ego. Its what prevented him from getting corrupted by Angra Mainyu's curse.
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* [[Pure Is Not Good]]: Let us reiterate: Gilgamesh got ''the concentrated form of all humanity's evils and sins combined'' poured onto him. '''''He didn't even flinch'''''.
* [[Red Baron]]: "King of Heroes".
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]
* [[Relationship Voice Actor]]: He's voiced by Tomokazu Seki, who has several times played roles of villains that lusts over the character played by Ayako Kawasumi (Saber's seiyuu).
** Another voice actor Tomokazu Seki has a good relationship is Shinchiro Miki who is Assassin's seiyuu.
* [[The Rival]]: To Saber
* [[Semi -Divine]]: Divinity Rank B, originally Rank A since he's two-thirds god, but his divinity suffers a rank-down since he himself hates the gods.
* [[Slap-On-The-Wrist Nuke]]: Ea is classified as an "Anti-World" Noble Phantasm, but due to Gilgamesh's immense pride, he does not use it at its full potential. Even during the [[Beam-O-War]] he has with Saber's Excalibur, he only uses a fraction of Ea's strength, which is ''still'' enough to overpower Excalibur. Full power usage breaks reality to the point a rift is created that shows the world before it was even created.
* [[Smug Snake]]: His colossal strength and power could transform him into a much more successful villain. However, his ego manages to be even more powerful and domineering than either of those combined, leading to his downfall in all three routes.
* [[Social Darwinist]]
* [[Storm of Blades]]: ''Gate of Babylon''.
* [[Story -Breaker Power]]: No matter who he's fighting, he's almost guaranteed to have at least a dozen weapons specifically designed to exploit their weaknesses, and as a fallback he always has Ea, which is so unstoppably powerful that even Excalibur itself pales in comparison and {{spoiler|even Dark Sakura, who is almost perfectly specialized for defeating Servants, most likely couldn't survive a direct hit from it}}. Were it not for his colossal ego ensuring that he never takes advantage of this, there is really no reason he should ever be defeated by anyone.
* [[Superpower Lottery]]: The fact that he's the King of Heroes and has access to almost every other Noble Phantasms, in addition to his demigod origins, makes him a prime case of this. According to [[Word of God]], Gilgamesh is as powerful as five regular servants combined.
* [[Super Prototype]]: His Gate of Babylon holds the [https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Theory_of_Forms "perfect prototype"] of every Heroic Spirit's Noble Phantasm. By [[Nasuverse]] rules (i.e. [[Older Is Better]]), this gives all of the Gate's prototypes one rank in power above the versions that are actually in use.