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*** Mordra has a better ring to it. Though I suppose if your feminizing from the original Medraut you could opt for Medrau
*** See also: Sir Bedeviere. Merlin was a busy man.
**** Not necessarily. [[Mamiko Noto]] has done guys before (see [[Full Metal Panic!]] so it's possible Bedeviere is just as [[Bishonen]] with a girly sounding voice.
**** Mordred is a trap, according to Side Materials.
*** Bedivere, at least, apparently knew his king was a girl (he switches to calling her "she" instead of "he" at the last moment). He probably wasn't the only one. Any number of knights might have known the truth but kept their mouths shut because it wouldn't do anyone any good to speak up.
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**** To write out Archer's life is to basically open up an entire new timeline. That would be far too much trouble for what it's worth. Imagine, for example, if Archer's story expanded the [[Nasuverse]] timeline by fifty years. Now, imagine if Tsukihime 2 is released afterwards, and set ten years after the current timeline's present, happened to involve an invasion of dragons that completely changed the political landscape of the Church and Mage Institute. Now, you'd then have to fit an explanation of why this invasion of dragons didn't occur in Archer's timeline, which would then cause a snowball effect as you have to explain why everything else that then happens after Tsukihime 2 in the main timeline didn't happen in Archer's timeline. Basically, you've opened up an entire new continuity. It's different for games with multiple routes like Fate or Tsukihime, since branching events explain why the villains of each route are different and explanations in each route also expand upon events that happened in the other routes. You wouldn't have this interdependency if you wrote a light novel about Archer's life, you'd have a massive [[Continuity Snarl]] and massive restrictions on the changes you could bring to the main Nasuverse timeline. Imagine if Heaven's Feel had Type Mercury show up for no reason and blow everything up, and then Shirou had to learn the mystic ways of frogs to defeat it. The question would then be; ''why doesn't the mystic ways of frogs come up in other routes''?
**** First off, the initial theory about interdependency is off. Parallel dimensions, remember? For all we know, the events of Tsukihime never happened in Fate, UBW, or HF, and it doesn't change a thing. Second of all, infinite parallel dimensions means that there was a dimension where everything was exactly like Heaven's Feel except that ORT turned up out of nowhere and required Shirou to defeat it with the mystical art of frogs.
***** Of course you don't have to have any interdependency if Tsukihime and [[Fate/stay night]] were set in entirely different continuities, but there's no evidence that they aren't. You're really missing the point about the frogs. Unlike ''[[KaranoKara no Kyoukai:|Kara no Kyoukai]]'', which is a complete alternate continuity set in another dimension, any story about Archer's life would have to fit into the Nasuverse as a whole, since Archer's life is the possible future of Shirou. It's much better to leave it vague and thus leave the author's options open.
***** The problem here is that having no evidence that the Fate universe and the Tsukihime universe are not connected is not the same thing as having evidence that they are connected. Whatever happened in Archer's timeline doesn't necessarily have to happen in any other timeline. Just because something happens in this hypothetical Tsukihime 2 plot does not mean that it happened in Archer's life. I'm not seeing what you mean that any story about Archer's life would having to fit into the Nasuverse due to being a possible future of Shirou's. Archer's timeline is already different from any of the routes we played in Fate/Stay Night. It's quite probable that major events that happened in Archer's life might never happen in the Tsukihime continuity or the three fate/stay night routes.
****** Dude. The point isn't that it's ''impossible'', it's that it's ''way too much trouble to produce''. That was the original question; "why doesn't Type Moon produce an Archer story?" Especially since we ''know everything we need to know about Archer already''. Any story about Archer's life would be directly related to internal Magic Association and Church politics, so to do it properly Type Moon would have to produce a lot of material, which would be effort better spared towards an actual sequel to ''Fate''. This is the reason Archer's flashforwards/flashbacks in the game are so vague. Little vignettes showing Archer's life - like the Shikiller dealing with the Forest - are much more likely than a light novel series. That would be cool.
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**** [http://typemoon.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_minor_characters_in_the_Fate_series#Merlin Sorta confirmed by the Type Moon Wiki]
***** Nasu, you dick. Now I'll never be able to look at the beautiful warrior-queen again without imagining her as a brainwashed futanari of /d/oom.
**** Well, not much to be done there. Nasu just loves characters that blurr the gender line, apparently. Case in point, [[KaranoKara no Kyoukai:|Ryougi Shiki]]. Though, if that helps, I'm pretty sure the "harvesting sperm" thing didn't involve actual sexual intercourse. That wouldn't be Arturia's personality. To me, it seems more likely that Morgan's familiar would've taken the sperm from Arturia while she was asleep. Like succubi are sometimes described to do in the older myths...Or something. What bugs me more is that technically speaking, this makes Merlin indirectly responsible for Mordred's creation and therefore, Arturia's eventual death...
* Right, this one is somewhat meta, but...now DO you need a Summoning Catalyst to call upon a Servant or not? And what is this about similar personalities to the master? I think I read somewhere that if a Summoning is done without a catalyst, the Servant will be similar in personality to the master. But all the summonings I can think of that were supposedly done without catalyst, there was one anyway! For Saber, it was Avalon. For Archer, it was Rin's crystal necklace thing. Caster in Zero...probably the book that contained the summoning rite as well? I'm not sure, but I don't remember any summon clearly stated to be conducted without catalyst. Actually, wasn't there a point somewhere where it was outright said that you DO need a catalyst every time? And if Saber was actually summoned via catalyst, is the obvious idealism, self-sacrificing nature and unreachable dream that they have in common just a coincidence?
** It's stated that the catalyst is always needed. The "Servent-similar-personality" thing is a Wild Mass Guessing from Rin and associates.