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* [[Heel Realization]]: Quite a few, with Dennis Peace as the standout so far.
* [[Hell On Earth]]: Probably just around the corner, if not already breaking out, and sometimes you get a taster version.
* [[Hello, Nurse!]]: ''Juliet''.
* [[Heroic Sociopath]]: Ajulutsikael, again.
* [[Hide Your Lesbians]]: Averted with Juliet and Susan Book. At the end of ''Dead Men's Boots'', {{spoiler|Castor gets an invitation to their civil union.}}
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* [[Male Gaze]]: Fix, practically any time he encounters a woman, and no, not just when [[Justified Trope|she's a succubus]].
* [[Noble Demon]]: {{spoiler|Juliet decides that she doesn't want to go back to [[Hell]] after Castor frees her from her binding, so she cleans up her act, decides not to rape and murder men anymore, becomes a for-hire exorcist, and settles down with a nice girl. She's still incredibly dangerous and has her own agenda, though.}}
* [[No Social Skills]]: Ajulutsikael's not always entirely successful or whole-hearted attempts to get her head around human concepts like altruism, table-manners and small talk. Or traffic regulations. Or [[Full -Frontal Assault|clothes]].
* [[Our Demons Are Different]]: Demons have a complex ecosystem in Hell, and apparently complicated politics. Ajulutsikael is certainly not friends with the other two main demons that have so far been introduced in the series, Asmodeus and Moloch. And then there's the one on the Salisbury estate in ''Thicker Than Water'', which complicates the picture still further.
* [[Our Ghosts Are Different]]: Ghosts can't cross running water. Also, ghosts are the source for nearly all other supernatural types in the world. See also [[Our Zombies Are Different]] and [[Our Werewolves Are Different]].
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[[Category:Fantasy Literature]]
[[Category:Felix Castor]]