Female Angel, Male Demon: Difference between revisions

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** Actually there was a female angel shown in an omake chapter {{spoiler|and Satan becomes an angel again in the end.}}
* Not played completely straight but kind of in ''[[Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne]]''.
* Played straight in ''[[Black Butler (Manga)|Black Butler]]'' with the male demon Sebastian and the female angel, Angela. That is, until near the end of the first season of the anime, when {{spoiler|Ash, the Queen's butler/bodyguard is revealed to be Angela in male form - so it's really Hermaphroditic Angel Male Demon}}. The angels in this series are [[Knight Templar]] and so very, very [[Light Is Not Good]].
== [[Comic Books]] ==
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* Inverted in ''[[Preacher (Comic Book)]]'', where Genesis is the offspring of a male angel and a female demon.
** Arguably inverted again almost back again, as the angel proves to be a bit of an asshole and the demon seems a nicer entity.
* ''[[PS 238PS238]]'''s [[Captain Ersatz]] of Genesis, Malphast, has the same set of parents, taken even further. The two are [[Happily Married]] and [[Friendly Enemy|Friendly Enemies]] of each other. When other mortals come into contact with them, they are about equally manipulative (not to mention both are good sports about the certainty that their better half will undoubtedly manipulate them in the other direction).
* The title force of ''[[The Darkness]]'' always has a male host, who can create hordes of goblin-like creatures. On the other hand it's opposite number [[Light Is Not Good|The Angelus]] is always female, and she and her creations appear angelic. Though we also get at least one female demon, and the male [[Enfant Terrible|Legion of the Cherub Hostile]].
* [[Marvel Comics]]' cosmic deities include Mistress Love and Master Hate, the living embodiments of their namesake emotions whose appearances and temperaments play directly to this image.
== [[Film]] ==
* In ''[[Constantine (Film)|Constantine]]'', the [[Archangel Gabriel]] is specifically portrayed as androgynous, but is played by [[Tilda Swinton]].
** Lucifer, on the other hand, is undoubtedly male.
** There are other angels in the film that are definitely male as well, such as that one paramedic and in a cut scene {{spoiler|Shia Lebouef's character}} became one post mortem.
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* Inverted in ''[[The Dresden Files]]''. The only angel we see is Uriel, portrayed by a man, and the primary demon (actually a [[The Fallen|fallen angel]]) is the female Lasciel.
** However, an Angel of Death appears female, and there are many male demons.
* ''[[Good Omens (Literature)|Good Omens]]'' gives us Crowley (demon) and Aziraphale (angel)... both of whom have taken male forms. Aziraphale, however, is written as the more effeminate of the pair. [[Slash Fic|Of course, they get paired together]].
* One of [[Tom Holt]]'s books has a female angel (who's frankly kind of a bitch) and Oscar the demon (who's a bit...off). {{spoiler|They get together in the end; this is why you should always ''listen'' to someone whose day job involves a bestselling [[Love Potion]].}}
* Inverted by [[Shakespeare]] in [[Good Angel, Bad Angel|Sonnet 114]]:
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== [[Live Action TV]] ==
* Inverted in the ''[[Tales From the Darkside (TV)|Tales Fromfrom the Darkside]]'' episode ''"Let the Games Begin"''. A male angel and a female demon have a contest over a man's soul. They get together at the end of the episode.
* [[Averted]]/[[Inverted]] in ''[[Supernatural (TV series)|Supernatural]]'': Most of the angels we've seen have taken male humans as their hosts, and demons' hosts are more-or-less split 50/50. (We haven't seen the angels in their true form.)
** [[Inverted]] in the episode "Caged Heat" where the male angel Castiel gets French-kissed by a female demon. To be sure, the two of them have displayed [[Unresolved Sexual Tension|UST]] signals long before that episode.
* The ''[[MST3KMystery Science Theater 3000]]'' short [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbFxQtbwa5g "Out of This World"] follows the trope, although the theology is rather sketchy.
* One ''[[Charmed (TV)|Charmed]]'' episode has two guardians of [[Eldritch Abomination|The Hollow]], a female angel representing Good and a male demon representing Evil. Of course in this case it only appears to be symbolic and both guardians are neutral.
== [[Music]] ==
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== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* In ''[[Magic: theThe Gathering]]'', all angels are female (and usually clad in some type of [[Stripperiffic]] outfit), although this ''was'' one of the first notable appearances of female angels as ''warriors''. Demons are usually so twisted and monstrous that questions of sex hardly arise, but those that do have a human or semi-human appearance are almost all male.
** Except in the alternate universes of Planar Chaos where they [http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=122481 are male].
** Well, technically there's [http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=201188 one] in the regular, non-alternate universe who was male. [[Early Installment Weirdness|Which, it should be noted, was one of the first angel cards printed]]. [[Retcon|Although it wasn't an angel at the time.]]
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* Subverted in ''[[Infernum]]'' where angels can be genderless or of either gender, while all demons except [[Horny Devils|Malcubi]] are genderless. Also, there is no artwork of female angels in any of the rulebooks, and many female demons (some of which are [[Fan Disservice]] -- such as one 'she-demon' that is basically a four-breasted wolf-woman with tentacles instead of legs).
** Inverted by Riethii and Purity, a fallen angel and a [[Horny Devils|succubus]] who [[Unholy Matrimony|fell in what passes for love in Hell]] before {{spoiler|Purity [[You Have Failed Me|killed Riethii for screwing up]].}}
* Averted in ''[[Demon: The Fallen (Tabletop Game)|Demon: The Fallen]]'', where both sides were both genders. Granted, the demons ''started'' as angels. This is a Abrahamic world... to an extent.
== [[Theatre]] ==
* In ''Auto da Barca do Inferno'' by Gil Vicente the demon is usually portrayed by a male actor and the angel by a female actor, even if neither are identified by sex in the original work. The most modern version can be seen as a subversion though, [[Light Is Not Good|as the angel is just as evil as the devil]].
* An amateur production of ''[[Doctor Faustus (Theatre)|Doctor Faustus]]'' subverted this; the good angel was played by an old man, while the bad angel/demons were all played by young women.
== [[Video Games]] ==
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** It's debatable whether angels are female or just [[Bishonen]] though.
* Necro and Undine, Dizzy's Wings from ''[[Guilty Gear]]''.
** And, because every ''[[Guilty Gear]]'' example needs a [[Spiritual Successor|follow-up]] example from ''[[Blaz Blue]]'': consider [[Dark Is Not Evil|Ragna]] and [[Person of Mass Destruction|Nu]]. The former is a [[Boisterous Bruiser]]-type who uses his full power by releasing "restriction [[Number of the Beast|666]]." The latter is a mecha-woman with [[Feather Motif|bladed wings]] who [[Yandere|wants nothing more]] than {{spoiler|to [[Unusual Euphemism|impale Ragna with a giant sword in an act of creation.]] The end result of this will bring about [[The End of the World Asas We Know It]], [[Stable Time Loop|1000 years ago]].}}
* Chaos and Cosmos (technically a god and goddess) from ''[[Final Fantasy Dissidia]]''.
* The two advisors in ''[[Afterlife (Video Game)|Afterlife]]''.
* Subverted in ''[[Painkiller|Painkiller: Overdose]]'' in that the main character Belial is the son of a female demon and a male angel.
* The recurring summons [[An Ice Person|Shiva]] and [[Playing Withwith Fire|Ifrit]] in the ''[[Final Fantasy]]'' series.
== [[Web Comics]] ==
* Buwaro & Kieri in ''[[Slightly Damned]]''.
* Inverted in [http://www.egscomics.com/sketchbook/?date=2002-08-11 this] ''[[El Goonish Shive (Webcomic)|El Goonish Shive]]'' filler strip.
* Seraphim and Asmodeus in ''[[Megatokyo (Webcomic)|Megatokyo]]''.
* In ''[[The Order of the Stick]]'', the Bureaucratic Devas and the celestial [http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0193.html here] are both female, and the IFCC Directors and Qarr are all male. Sabine gets a pass for being a [[Horny Devil]].
== [[Western Animation]] ==
* ''[[Classic Disney Shorts|Donald's Better Self]]'' showcases the struggle between [[Donald Duck]]'s [[Good Angel, Bad Angel|responsible and devious personalities]]; while they're both clearly male, what with looking exactly like Don, his good self is voiced by a woman. Oh, and both angel and devil's voices are easy to understand, unlike Don himself.
* Daughter and Son from ''[[Star Wars: theThe Clone Wars]]''.
* Raf and Sulfus from ''[[AngelsAngel's Friends]]''.