Female Feline, Male Mutt: Difference between revisions

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It seems whenever cats and dogs are paired together, the dog will almost always be male while the cat will almost always be female. The cat will be sassy, intelligent, but occasionally [[Cats Are Mean|cruel]]. The [[Dogs Are Dumb|dog]] will be [[Men Are Uncultured|crude]] but [[Dumb Is Good|kind]].
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== Other ==
* In the German language (which has three grammatical genders), there is "die Katze" and "der Hund", the former being feminine and the latter masculine. <ref>That is, the generic term for cat also covers female cats in particular, whereas the most common generic term for dogs also covers male dogs. There are also 'der Kater' and 'die Hündin', but they are never used generically. And now you know!</ref>
** In lower sociolects of Hebrew, ''khatula'' (חֲתוּלָה), lit. ‘she-cat’ will be used as the generic term, although with the stress on the penultimate syllable (not on the last one, like in standard Hebrew). This was formerly associated mostly with people from Jerusalem; as a matter of fact, the Maccabi-Mutsri Square in Jerusalem is usually called ‘The ''Khatulot''<ref>plural of ''khatula''</ref> Square’. As for dogs, the masculine is usually used for a generic term, as is the case with the vast majority of animals.
* "Kitty" is a name, or nickname, applied almost solely to female humans, even though it's gender-neutral for cats. "Mutt" is a (rare) nickname applied almost exclusively to human males, although dogs of either sex can be mutts.
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== Subversions and Inversions: ==
== Anime and Manga ==
