Femme Fatale: Difference between revisions

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[[File:blackwidowkillercaught.jpg|frame|Whatever [[Jennifer Connelly|she]] did, be glad it wasn't to you<ref>unless it was ''that''. [[Death by Sex|And even then]]...</ref>]]
[[caption-width-right:330:Whatever [[Jennifer Connelly|she]] did, be glad it wasn't to you<ref>unless it was ''that''. [[Death by Sex|And even then]]...</ref>
{{quote|''"They’re the kind of dames who can wear floor-length gowns and look completely naked. The kind with hair piled up on their head like compliant serpents, or falling down in smooth lustrous waves. Dames with hard faces and mocking smiles and eyes that sized you up and found you wanting . . . but you’d do, for now."''|'''James Lileks,''' ''The Bleat'' for [http://www.lileks.com/bleats/archive/03/0203/020703.html February 7, 2003]}}
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