FernGully: The Last Rainforest/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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* Why did the scientists do so many unrelated experiments on Batty? Aside from being horribly unethical, it's just bad science. Have they never heard of confounding variables?
** It's to play up on the whole [[Humans Are Bastards]] element of the film. Remember, this is a movie that tries to [[Anvilicious|pound the whole "save the rainforest" message down the throats of children]]. [[Viewers Areare Morons|It has to be over-simplified for the kiddies to understand it.]] Go figure. Kind of like how the villains in [[Captain Planet]] wreck the environment for no reason other than to be evil. It's bad business (Let's face it, I highly doubt Dr. Blight is making billions by dumping oil into the ocean), but it's little more than a means to show kids why pollution is bad and nature is good without going into how complex the ethics of saving the planet really are.
** In fairness, all we know of the experiments (the lyrics of the "Batty Rap") are coming through a ''seriously'' [[Unreliable Narrator]]. The whole experience was clearly traumatic, but who knows exactly what was going on when not viewed through Batty's eyes?
** Animal testing still goes on, and it's horrible. Look it up on the Internet sometime - makeup testing is particuarly common. It depends on where you are whether it's legal or not - but I assumed that while Batty was clearly experimented on, that doesn't mean all he related happened to him - perhaps he witnessed other animals being tested on too. Which would make it worse to escape but not get anybody else out with him.
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* Further, if Hexxus is strengthened by pollution and has a fair understanding of machinery, why not just go: "New orders boys...you're going directly back to the factory." Release himself into the production plant/ship yard (either would be a far greater source of carcinogens or [[Applied Phlebotinum|whatever powers him]]), then go back against Ferngully as a super-charged Smog God with an army of Levelers beneath him?
** Because, while he can instinctively figure ''this'' one out, he doesn't know if there are more, or how much pollution there is elsewhere. He's spent the entire Industrial Revolution inside a tree; as far as he knows, other than that one machine, all there is is the smoke of campfires. He may want to go and ''find out'' what pollution is available elsewhere, but he wanted to take Fern Gully- the only threat to him- out first, on the off chance that there isn't anything else available- if that was the case, he'd just be giving Fern Gully time to prepare, and he doesn't want to risk that.
* Probably [[A Wizard Did It|an unanswerable question]], but what exactly happens to Hexxus after the Leveler gets shut down? A millenia of hate gave him a [[One -Winged Angel|power up?]]
** I always thought that he drawed upon all the pollution he already caused (if you look carefully when he's rising, you can see him "inhaling" some sort of fumes). He might have also directly drained the Leveler from its fuel instead of sucking its wastes.
** Also, just because it was shut down doesn't mean all the pollution had left the Leveler. Also, he might have just eaten the entire supply of oil from it to go [[One -Winged Angel]].
* Why is Zack marking all the trees to be cut down? Quite a waste of spraypaint, that is.
** Checking for the trees with the "purest" lumber. A mecha-monstrosity like The Leveler must take unheard of sums of fuel to run, so you need to get the best lumber as quickly as possible, and with as little dead time as possible (like turning).
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* Say, Hexxus, you want to destroy the rainforest, right? You got yourself a big ol' machine to cut down the trees too. But...um, might I suggest an easier plan? You, uh, you know trees are kinda flammable, right?
** Hexxus started off as a tiny black ooze thing with almost no power. It's unlikely he would have been able to burn down the forest until he had fed on a lot of corruption, which is why he was using the Leveler.
*** Also, the Leveler was pretty much an all you can eat buffet on wheels. He benefited two fold, he has a huge weapon of mass destruction and all the food he could possibly want rolled up into one. It shows because he goes from being a tiny black blob to a [[One -Winged Angel]] by the time the Leveler is disabled. Had he gone right to causing havok himself, it'd have been easy for the fairies to reseal him. That's another point, inside the Leveler, he was protected to some degree from them, it wasn't till he emerged that he could be sealed away.
** But destroying it with fire wouldn't get rid of the rainforest forever, especially with the magic of the fairies helping to speed up growth. In reality, some species of plants will grow back faster after a fire. As Fern Gully is in Australia - where bush fires occur constantly - all species of plant there are adapted to not only grow faster than usual but drop more seeds to increase the number of plants regrown as it's being burnt. Hexxus wants the rainforest destroyed for good, not temporarily then in a few years later have this rainforest regrown into something even bigger. Also, it wasn't like Hexxus knew of the humans' plan to build over the cleared out forest, so he couldn't have expected that nothing would happen to intervene with the forest regrowing while he was off causing destruction else where.
** Hexxus is a poster child for [[Evil Is Hammy]]; he's got an overblown sense of style and showmanship. Which is more dramatic: a flamethrower, or a giant metal monster with bladed claws and chainsaw elbows, hmmm?