Fictional Political Party: Difference between revisions

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* The "Clean US Party" ([[Fun with Acronyms|CUSP]]), led by crooner Johnny Gentle in [[David Foster Wallace]]'s [[Doorstopper]] ''[[Infinite Jest]]'' (set [[Twenty Minutes Into the Future]] relative to the early 1990s, or in other words, about now). The party is deeply, deeply concerned with keeping the United States "clean and tight" (as President Gentle puts it), to the point of dumping ridiculous amounts of toxic waste in a part of New England so that they can give it to Canada (and thus not be in the US anymore). Yes, it's that kind of novel.
* ''[[Nineteen Eighty-Four|1984]]'' brings us 'The Party'. Simply 'The Party' since they've long since gotten rid of the competition, forming a totalitarian regime. Judging from what little history we can discern, they were originally a very left/communist party which formed in Britain or Europe, eventually succeeding in revolution. Of course, their communist beliefs about social equality were all just a sham, or have long since become one- the only thing The Party wants is power.
** There are ([[Unreliable Expositor|according to The Party's propaganda]] two similar parties controlling the rest of the world, Eurasia apparently following Neo-Bolshevism; whilst Eastasia follows a philosophy "called by a Chinese name usually translated as Death-worship, but perhaps better rendered as 'Obliteration of the Self'".
* [[Harry Turtledove]]'s ''[[Timeline-191]]'' series has the Freedom Party, [[A Nazi by Any Other Name|a counterpart to the Nazis]] set in Confederate America. "Freedom from blacks", that is; after a black communist uprising, they decided that slavery wasn't going far enough. Prior to the rise of the Freedom Party, the two main political parties in the Confederacy were the Whigs and the Radical Liberals.
** In the same series, the United States' two main parties are the right-wing Democrats and the left-wing Socialists, with the centrist Republicans as a minor third party that draws most of its support from the agrarian [[Flyover Country]] states. Party colours are also different (as they are [[Newer Than They Think]] in real history) with the Socialists using red, the Republicans using yellow, and the Democrats using red, white and blue together due to [[Patriotic Fervour]].
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* The [[There Is No Such Thing as Notability|German young adult book]] ''Machtspiel'' by Andreas Schlüter features a politician of the 'Freie Soziale Demokratische Union' (Free Social Democratic Union), a combination of the names of the 3 most important parties in [[The Bonn Republic|Germany]].
* In Norman Spinrad’s ''[[Bug Jack Barron]]'', Jack becomes the Presidential Candidate of both the left-wing Social Justice Coalition and the Republican Party, and stands against “Teddy and his ghosts” of the Democratic Party.
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