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* In the famous scene of ''[[Modern Warfare]] 2'' {{spoiler|Shepherd}} orders his men to do this with {{spoiler|the body of Ghost and the main character, who is still somewhat conscious enough to see Shepherd throw his burning cigar into the gasoline soaked ditch.}}
* In ''[[Max Payne (series)|Max Payne]]'', when the title character is investigating the Cold Steel mill, he hears that a facility called the "Deep Six" has been compromised, and a call for commencement of "Operation Dead Eyes."
{{quote| ''The walkie-talkie military lingo could mean only one thing... they were getting ready to destroy the evidence and vanish into the night.''}}
** When Max actually reaches the bunker and finds out exactly what Horne and her people have been mixed up in (as well as the truth about {{spoiler|his family's murder}}), he eventually has to escape the facility before it blows sky high.