Fighting a Shadow: Difference between revisions

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* Midway through ''[[Shin Megami Tensei II]]'', you fight against YHVH, aka God. Except it's not the real one, it's just a false image unconsciously created and empowered by the archangels. In the end, if you're not choosing the Lawful path, you fight the REAL one. And even if you win, He says He will not truly be defeated - as long as there are people praying to him, he will return.
** The same holds true to any demon or god in the series. Killing them doesn't stop them from showing up in any of the other games, or even later in the same game. (Often it gives you [[You Kill It, You Bought It|the right]] to [[Summon Magic|summon]] them as [[Mon]]s.]]
* [[Ghostbusters|The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man]] is actually listed as a Class 7 Projected Avatar of Gozer in Tobin's Spirit Guide in the video game. Whenever it enters a new plane of existence, Gozer is given a new form and [[Shapeshifter Mode Lock|Mode Locked]] into it, but it cannot be totally destroyed, only removed from the plane.
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