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* The excellent ''[[Crash (Film)|Crash]]'', has a few of these moments but none jerk tears more than the scene in which {{spoiler|the locksmith's 5-year-old daughter, believing herself to be wearing an invincible armour cloak, runs in front of her daddy as he's being held up by an angry, disillusioned gunman. The handgun accidentally discharges just as the girl leaps up to hug the father. Cue horrific closeup of the father's face after he realises that he made his daughter think she was impervious to bullets}}. {{spoiler|''Crowning Moment of Heartwarming'' occurs when you realize the ammo in the pistol was craftily loaded by the gunman's daughter with blanks, knowing her father would get into a situation like this.}}
* ''Crossing'', a film about North Korean refugees. Its depiction of how people live in that country ''[ actually managed to get a theater crying.]'' It definitely succeeds in portraying Kim Jong-il as an [[Always Chaotic Evil|Always Chaotic]] [[Evil Overlord]] with [[Zero Percent Approval Rating]]...
* {{spoiler|Li Mubai and Shu Lien's [[Last Kiss]], followed by Mubai's [[Famous Last Words]] and his death in Shu-Lien's arms}} in ''[[Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon]]''.
* ''[[Crow]]'' has a scene that gets me everytime. As Eric leaves Albrecht's apartment and Albrecht asks "Are you gonna disappear into thin air again?", Eric turns to him, the heartbreaking look on his face and says "I think I'll just use your front door." It told me that that he misses the simple pleasures of living.
* The film version of ''[[The Crow]]'' is rapid-fire [[Mood Whiplash]], alternating between tear-jerking and fist-pumping, but even if you've held it together through the whole movie, the final few minutes, in which Eric has to explain to Sarah that he can't stay and take care of her shortly before the final battle, which culminates in him finally killing Top Dollar by inflicting upon him Shelly's final "thirty hours of pain" after having been stabbed through the gut, moments before he finally collapses on top of his own grave, and Shelly appears to bring him to Heaven is impossible to keep a dry eye through.
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** Later in the movie, the Jews are enduring a harsh winter out in the forest where they've made their home. With no food, everyone is slowly weakening and losing hope. So Daniel Craig leads his beautiful white horse out away from the camp, pats its snout one last time, and [[Shoot the Dog|shoots it]].
* The ending of ''De-Lovely'' when Cole and Linda Porter sing "In the Still of the Night" as the camera pulls back and they fade to black. I'm not usually the person to cry at the end of a movie.
* Unusually for a horror movie, ''most'' of the deaths are [[Tear Jerker|Tear Jerkers]] in ''[[The Descent (Film)|The Descent]]''. Most obviously {{spoiler|Beth's well-acted [[I Cannot Self -Terminate]] scene, but the sisters [one of whom was [[The Cutie]]] trying so hard to protect each other, one throughout the film and one [[Taking a Level In Badass]] just before she died, and both failing, is pretty upsetting too.}}
* ''Despicable Me'': when Gru reads the 'Three Little Kittens' book to the girls. Especially when he reaches the end of it.
* ''[[Dinner for Schmucks (Film)|Dinner for Schmucks]]'', where Tim finds the pictures of the mouse dioramas of Barry and his ex-wife.
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** And oddly (or perhaps not, all things considered), that final shot of the Whistle Stop Cafe, dilapidated and weathered and abandoned, with the whole town gone. It just seemed to encapsulate everything Idgie lost, everything we loved about her town.
* An old Spencer Tracy movie called ''Fury''. His character had been arrested in a case of mistaken identity and a lynch mob stormed the town jail and set it on fire, killing his dog and narrowly missing killing him as well. Then again at the end, when his girlfriend talked him out of {{spoiler|framing them for his "death"}} and he gave an impassioned-but-bitter speech about how he'd always thought of America as a place where you could find justice.
* ''[[Galaxy Quest (Film)|Galaxy Quest]]'', when Sarris' minion [[Kick the Dog|shoots Quellek]]. For Quellek, [[It Has Been an Honor]] to serve Alexander Dane, whose [[Proud Warrior Race|culture and philosophy]] he had emulated for life. For Alexander, watching the only one who respected him [[ItsIt's Personal|die in his hands]] spurs him to deliver the line he hates the most as an actor: "[[Badass Creed|By Grabthar's hammer, by the suns of Warvan, you shall be avenged!]]"
* ''[[Gallipoli]]''.
** Frank ([[Mel Gibson (Creator)|Mel Gibson]]) just can't ''quite'' run fast enough to get back to the trench with the order to stop the attack, and has to watch all his mates going over the top to their doom.