Final Death: Difference between revisions

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*** And said cleric only healed status effects, not health.
* Unusually for what's essentially a [[Mons]] series, ''[[Geneforge]]'' does this with any and all slain party members in games 1, 2, 4 and 5. 3 has your [[Sidekick|sidekicks]] "[[Screw This, I'm Outta Here|run off screaming]]" when badly wounded, allowing you to recruit them again, but still has your creations die permanently.
* ''[[Final Fantasy IV: theThe After Years]]'' has this for only a handful of characters. During Edge's Tale, you get four mini-missions with his Ninja in training, with each ninja going solo. Whereas in the rest of the game you get a Game Over if the party's wiped out, in this case, if a ninja dies on his or her mission, the game just moves onto the next one, and you never get that dead ninja back.
* In ''[[Mass Effect]]'', if Wrex, Kaidan, or Ashley dies in Virmire, they stay dead in ''Mass Effect 2'', they don't come back as a burn victim, they don't come back as a badass, they stay dead. And anyone who dies in ''Mass Effect 2'' stays dead, and won't come back in ''Mass Effect 3''. One of the endings even has Shepard dying, and if Shepard dies, you can't import that save for ME3. All of the above fall somewhere between this trope and [[Plotline Death]], since all deaths take place in cutscenes integral to the plot, but you can still affect some of them thanks to the non-linear story ({{spoiler|though either Ashley or Kaidan ''[[Sadistic Choice|must]]'' die on Virmire}}).
* ''[[Valkyrie Profile Covenant of the Plume]]'' is partly merciful: just letting an ally fall in combat won't finish them off. Sacrificing their life through dark magic to increase your power? ''That'' means [[Final Death]]. (Naturally, {{spoiler|you get the best ending through [[Everybody Lives|refusing to kill off any of them.]]}})