Final Destination: Difference between revisions

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* [[Asshole Victim]]: This being a slasher franchise, this happens a lot. See below for specific examples.
* {{spoiler|[[The Bad Guy Wins]]: No matter what the characters do, Death will always claim them.}}
* [[Balancing DeathsDeath's Books]]: The driving force behind the films. People were supposed to die, but they cheated and got out of it. So now Death is going to get his revenge, by killing them off in excruciating and painful ways.
* [[Because Destiny Says So]]
* [[Big Bad]]: Death
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* [[Prophetic Fallacy]]: The opening premonitions, especially Kimberly's and Nick's series of secondary visions in the second and fourth films.
* [[Psychic Dreams for Everyone]]: {{spoiler|Clear}} gets some limited precognition throughout the first film (but not in the 2nd, strangely), despite not being involved with the first premonition. In addition, anyone can see signs if they pay attention, most notably {{spoiler|Rory and Kat}} from the second film.
* [[Reality Is Unrealistic]]: As the [http://en.[ of unusual deaths|list of unusual deaths]] on the other wiki shows, people sometimes ''do'' die in incredibly bizarre circumstances, such as being killed by an ''airborne fire hydrant'' when a car struck the hydrant and the water pressure propelled it through another car's windshield. Some people even died in incredibly similar circumstances to the films, like decapitation by elevator or getting their insides sucked out by a pool drain.
** To be fair, the person involved in the freak accident with the pool drain did survive several months, and it was a rare transplant-related cancer which eventually took her life.
* [[Rube Goldberg Device]]
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* [[Bring My Brown Pants]]: Anyone notice the seemingly large stain on Carter's pants after Billy's decapitated?
* [[Car Fu]]: Terry Chaney VS a city bus.
* [[Cymbal -Banging Monkey]]: One of these was among the toys panned over during the opening credits.
* [[Death By Pragmatism]]: Was going to be subverted in the first movie, but they made them reshoot the ending.
* [[Delayed Explosion]]: The explosion of the plane in the first film is a case of Realistic Delay, though some say it's exaggerated given the short distance involved.
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* [[Off With His Head]]: Nora Carpenter
* [[Porn Stash]]: Referenced.
* [[Revival Loophole]]: Standard example, {{spoiler|where the visionary kills herself only to be revived, hence receiving a new life untainted by Death}}. A more ersatz one followed in part 5, where {{spoiler|those remaining survivors are told they can kill another human being to save themselves, since they'd be taking their victim's life - utainted by Death - and giving them their death, [[Balancing DeathsDeath's Books]].}}
** {{spoiler|Yeah, '''''[[I Lied|that worked.]]'''''}}
** Judging by the fifth film, that may have been a misinterpretation.
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* [[3D Movie]]
* [[Torso With a View]]: The mechanic [[Made of Plasticine|gets diced by a chain-link fence]], and a diamond-shaped piece falls through to allow the audience a clear view of the other surviving characters freaking out.
* [[Very Loosely Based on a True Story]]: The pool death in was probably based on [http://en.[ of Abigail Taylor|Abigail Taylor]], though she didn't die from the event itself.
* [[Token Minority]]: George
* [[Trailers Always Spoil]]: At least half the deaths from were spoiled in the commercials. Subverted with {{spoiler|Janet}}, whom we all thought was going to get her face ripped off in the car wash.
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* [[Token Minority]]: Nathan.
* [[Trailers Always Spoil]]: Subverted ''and'' played straight in Final Destination 5; some fans thought the trailers spoiled everything. For the most part, some of the implied deaths scene spoilers [[I Lied|weren't the actual deaths.]] Except for {{spoiler|Olivia's and Dennis'.}}
* [[Wham! Line|Wham Shot]]: {{spoiler|At the end of the fifth film, Sam and Molly board a plane to Paris. Seems like a reference to the first film, right? When Sam puts his bags away, he hears a commotion behind him. He turns around, and we see '''Alex and Carter from the first film fighting and being thrown off the plane.''' That's right, ''the entire film was a prequel''. Sam and Molly blow it off, and take their seats, [[Doomed By Canon|sealing]] [[Foregone Conclusion|their]] [[Downer Ending|fates.]] }}
* [[Worst Aid]]: {{spoiler|Isaac immediately pulling out one of the acupuncture needles after he's been impaled with them, which looks like it may very well have pierced ''his heart''}}.
* [[Xanatos Gambit]]: Death pulls one in ''Final Destination 5''. {{spoiler|Even though Molly was never supposed to die on the bridge, she was on Death's list for a Flight 180 victim. And even though Sam cheated Death by killing Peter (who killed Agent Block, thus taking Block's life) he ends up dying on the flight alongside her. This means that ''Sam took the life of a man who was already going to be put on a new list Death made.'' And to top all that off, Nathan ''also'' took the life of a man on Death's list. So either way, they were ''all'' screwed.}}