Final Fantasy IV/Characters: Difference between revisions

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== The Heroes ==
=== Cecil Harvey ===
[[File:kim_082008_cecilharveydissdia1_7285kim 082008 cecilharveydissdia1 7285.jpg|frame]]
{{quote|"Stay back. This is a fight for me and me alone."}}
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=== Kain Highwind ===
[[File:ff4-kain-highwind_9747highwind 9747.jpg|frame]]
{{quote|"Cecil, Rosa. I cannot bring myself to face you both, not yet. I must test myself as you did, Cecil, at Mt. Ordeals. I will train until I've surpassed my father as a Dragoon. When that time comes, then I shall return to Baron."}}
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* [[Big Brother Mentor]]: To Ceodore in the sequel.
* [[Brainwashed and Crazy]]: The main reason for his [[Heel Face Revolving Door]] trope.
* [[Breakout Character]]: One of the most famous [[Ensemble Darkhorse|Ensemble Darkhorses]]s of the series. He got to be a central character in ''The After Years'' {{spoiler|due to his dark side being a major antagonist}}, and is one of the more plot-important characters in ''Dissidia 012''. Even [[Tetsuya Nomura]] is a Kain fanboy and tried really hard to get him in the first ''Dissidia'', looking at him for ''IV's'' representative villain at one point instead of Golbez.
* [[Cain and Abel]]: Is the name not a clue? He even gets an [[Infinity+1 Sword|Infinity Plus One Lance]] called "Abel's Lance".
* [[Dragon Rider]]: He ''is'' a Dragoon, although the only mention of his [[Cool Pet|pet]] [[Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons|wyvern]] is in [[All There in the Manual|supplemental materials]].
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=== Rosa Farrell ===
[[File:rosa_2_6358rosa 2 6358.jpg|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Yuko Kaida]] (Japanese), [[Karen Strassman|Kristy Pape]] (English)}}
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=== Rydia ===
[[File:rydia_2_3835rydia 2 3835.jpg|frame]]
A young girl from the Mist Village, home to many a [[Summon Magic|summoner]]. She will be appearing in the [[Dissidia Final Fantasy]] [[Spin-Off]] [[Theatrhythm Final Fantasy]] as a playable sub-character.
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* [[Detached Sleeves]]
* [[Easily Forgiven]]: Forgiveness ''from'' Rydia was surprisingly fast.
** [[Justified Trope]]: Rydia ''didn't'' forgive Cecil too quickly, but she was rational enough to realise that he felt remorseful for what he'd done after he saved her life after she attacked him and even continued to protect her from his own allies from Baron. The [[Plot-Relevant Age-Up]] also helped a lot -- Cecillot—Cecil was surprised she still wanted to fight alongside him now that she could protect herself, but she pointed out there were more important things to consider than their own discomfort (and given she spent at least a decade there, it would've given her time to truly forgive). As for forgiving ''[[More Than Mind Control|Kain]]'', though ... well, maybe Leviathan explained things to her so her anger wouldn't fester?
* [[Fetish Fuel Station Attendant]]: Just ''look'' at her picture and count the fetishes based on appearance alone. Then factor in her her abilities and personality.
* [[Glass Cannon]]: Her summons will blast your enemies into oblivion, but Rydia by far has the lowest health of any of the group. If not sufficiently leveled by the time you've reached Zeromus it's likely he'll have her face down on the floor half the time.
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* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: One of the earliest examples in the series. Given the only female characters to predate her were [[Final Fantasy I|Princess Sarah]], [[Final Fantasy II|Maria, Leila, Princess Hilda]], [[Final Fantasy III|Princess Sara, and Aria]], Rydia could almost be the [[Ur Example]] if not for Maria.
* [[Parental Abandonment]]
* [[Plot-Relevant Age-Up]]: [[Hand Wave|Hand Waved]]d by a [[Year Inside, Hour Outside|time flow difference]] between the regular world and the Feymarch/Land of Summoned Beasts. While only a week or so passed for everyone else, a decade passed for her.
* [[She's All Grown Up]]
* [[Stripperiffic]]: As an adult. It's [[Fridge Brilliance|probably because]] she was raised by summons, who aren't known for their [[Monster Modesty|modesty]] (when they're humanoid at all).
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=== Edward "Edge" Geraldine ===
[[File:508px-edgeds_4103edgeds 4103.jpg|frame]]
Ninja prince of Eblan.
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* [[Ninja]]
** [[Highly-Visible Ninja]]
* [[Only Known by Their Nickname]]: Not too well known in English fandom, but "Edge" is just an alias--hisalias—his real name is Edward ''Geraldine''. [[Embarrassing Middle Name|We think most of us would go by Edge in that case.]]
** This is also because there is already [[One Steve Limit|another character named Edward]].
* [[Fragile Speedster]]
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=== Tellah ===
[[File:ffivds-tellah_5862tellah 5862.png|frame]]
A wise old sage who has mastered both the arts of White and Black Magic. He meets Cecil at the Underground Waterway north of Kaipo to help him find a cure for Rosa's desert fever.
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=== Edward Chris von Muir ===
[[File:558px-gilbertds_3246gilbertds 3246.jpg|frame]]
The lovestruck Prince of Damcyan.
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=== Yang Fang Leiden ===
[[File:ff4-yang_2445yang 2445.jpg|frame]]
A hot-blooded fighting monk from the kingdom of Fabul.
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=== Palom and Porom ===
[[File:Palom_and_Porom_3248Palom and Porom 3248.jpg|frame]]
Twin mages from the town of Mysidia. The impulsive Palom is a student of Black Magic, while his much calmer sister Porom is a student of White Magic.
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* [[Bratty Half-Pint]]: Palom.
* [[Butt Monkey]]: Four Words: [[Grievous Harm with a Body|Palom in the Sky.]]
* [[Child Mage|Child Mages]]s
* [[Combination Attack]]: Before anyone else was using Bands, Palom and Porom had Twincasting as their signature move, setting off a small number of hard-hitting attacks after a sizable delay. In ''The After Years'', Twincasting is retconned into a Band during the twins' flashback. They actually lose the band as they grow up and apart, but regain it during the final chapter, stronger than ever.
* [[Different As Night and Day]]
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=== Cid Pollendina ===
[[File:250full_9059250full 9059.jpg|frame]]
Cid is one of Cecil's closest friends, and a master engineer. While he has helped build the airships that make up the Baron Air Force, he hates seeing them being used for war.
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=== FuSoYa ===
[[File:FoSOYa_6458FoSOYa 6458.png|frame]]
An old Lunarian sage and {{spoiler|1=the brother of KluYa, Cecil and Golbez's father.}}
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=== Golbez/{{spoiler|Theodor}} ===
[[File:Golbez_386Golbez 386.jpg|frame]]
A dark sorcerer who is believed to have taken over the kingdom of Baron from within. He seeks out the four Elemental Crystals in an effort to rule the world. {{spoiler|... supposedly.}} He plays a pivotal role in the plot of the [[Dissidia Final Fantasy]] where he appears as the villain representing Final Fantasy IV.
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=== Scarmiglione/Milon ===
[[File:Scarmiglione2_psp_9310Scarmiglione2 psp 9310.gif|frame]]
A zombie warrior, and one of Golbez's four Elemental Archfiends. He is dispatched to Mt. Ordeals to prevent Cecil from completing his trial to become a Paladin.
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=== Cagnazzo/[[Spell My Name with an "S"|Kainazzo]] ===
[[File:Cagnazzo_psp_6326Cagnazzo psp 6326.gif|frame]]
The second of Golbez's Archfiends, encountered when the party returns to Baron Castle.
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=== Barbariccia/Valvalis ===
[[File:Barbariccia_PSP_6590Barbariccia PSP 6590.gif|frame]]
Elemental Archfiend of the Air, and the only female member of the group. She first appears in the Tower of Zot, backed up by her [[Quirky Miniboss Squad]], the Magus Sisters.
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=== Rubicante/[[Spell My Name with an "S"|Rubicant]] ===
[[File:Rubicante_psp_2322Rubicante psp 2322.gif|frame]]
The [[Four Is Death|fourth and most powerful]] of the Archfiends, sent by Golbez to attack the kingdom of Eblan. He wears a special cape [[Genre Savvy|to compensate for his natural weakness to water-based attacks]].
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* [[Kill It with Fire]]
* [[Noble Demon]]
* [[The Power of Friendship]]: In a sense. After being defeated by Cecil & co., [[Genre Savvy|Rubicante notices that teamwork with his fellow Archfiends is a more viable strategy to besting the heroes than all of them attacking individually.]] You'd expect that you'd be facing all four Archfiends at once, with the quartet whipping out [[Combination Attack|Combination Attacks]]s, but it's really nothing more than an impromptu [[Boss Rush]], mainly due to the fact that all four Archfiends are too giant to all fit on the screen at once. They have a modicum of coordination, though: the order they are assembled into means that if an archfiend dies before one of your weakness-hitting attacks connect, the attack will heal (or provoke a counterattack from) the following fiend.
* [[Spirit Advisor]]: In ''[[Final Fantasy IV: The After Years|The After Years]]''.
* [[Worthy Opponent]]
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=== Dr. Lugae ===
[[File:Doctor_7103Doctor 7103.gif|frame]]
A scientist who answers directly to Rubicante. Turned Edge's parents, the King and Queen of Eblan, into zombies.
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=== Zemus/Zeromus ===
[[File:ZemusPSP_7984ZemusPSP 7984.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Ryo Horikawa]] (Japanese), [[Michael McConnohie]] (English)}}
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=== Ceodore Harvey ===
The son of Cecil and Rosa, Ceodore is a new recruit into the Red Wings.
[[File:520px-Ceodore_PSP_4026Ceodore PSP 4026.jpg|frame]]
* [[Adorably Precocious Child]]
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=== Luca ===
The princess of the Dwarf Kingdom, who greatly admires Cid.
[[File:After_Luca_9700After Luca 9700.png|frame]]
* [[Action Girl]]
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** [[Making a Splash]]: Izayoi of Water.
** [[Shock and Awe]]: Zangetsu of Thunder.
* [[Fantastic Fighting Style|Fantastic Fighting Styles]]s
** [[Combat Medic]]: Izayoi, balanced stats with a focus on healing Ninjutsu.
** [[Fragile Speedster]]: Tsukinowa, the highest Speed in the game but very weak otherwise.
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=== Ursula Leiden ===
The daughter of Yang and Sheila. She wishes to be trained as a monk by her father, but needs to get past his overprotective streak first.
[[File:FF4PSP_Ursula_CGI_Render_9646FF4PSP Ursula CGI Render 9646.jpg|frame]]
* [[Action Girl]]
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=== Leonora ===
An Epopt in training. Recent events have convinced the Epopts of the need for their members to be able to defend themselves, and so she begins her black magic training under Palom...
[[File:Leonora_2_6881Leonora 2 6881.jpg|frame]]
* [[The Apprentice]]: To Palom.
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* [[Nice Hat]]
* [[The Red Mage]]: She can learn both [[White Magic]] and [[Black Magic]], but does not learn every spell. She gains her spells at much higher levels than other characters; she gains Holy at level 70, the 3rd-tier elemental spells at levels 78, 80, and 82, and Flare at level ''85''.
* [[Squishy Wizard]]: The squishiest--atsquishiest—at Level 99 she's one of only three party members with less than 4,000 HP, and the other two are Calca and Brina. And then, if the random factor in HP gain doesn't like her, she can flat have the worst HP of all.
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: She stutters a lot and is respectful of Palom initially despite him being a [[Jerkass]]. Once he insults the Epopts though, she's had enough and tells him off, at which point for the rest of the game the stuttering stops. This event coincides with the completion of the Tower of Trials, and thus she begins to learn [[Black Magic]] as she levels up from now on.
=== Harley ===
Edward's assistant. She originally desired to be a scholar, but one day she heard his voice, and so abandoned her plans to become his secretary.
[[File:Harley_2_8715Harley 2 8715.jpg|frame]]
* [[Badass Bookworm]]
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* [[Death Glare]]: One of her special attacks.
* [[Hot Librarian]]
* [[Joke Character]]: Unfortunately while Edward [[Took a Level In Badass]], he passed his "usefulness" to his secretary. Piercing Sight gives an enemy a random elemental weakness and has a very low success rate, while Gil Toss is much weaker than in other entries in the series to the point that it's useless, even with the [[Money Spider|Money Spiders]]s in the final areas giving you lots of cash for it. Her Band abilities are also horrible, with all but Feast of the Land taking up the turns of half your party or greater, two requiring specific equipment set-ups, and another having random effects. And even then, the party configurations required to use her Bands quite simply suck.
* [[Meganekko]]
* [[Money to Throw Away]]: Has the Gil Toss ability.
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* [[Combination Attack]]: Though everyone gets Band abilities in the game, Calca and Brina's bands specifically rely on them [[Fusion Dance|combining into Calcabrina]].
* [[Creepy Doll]]
* [[Dance Battler|Dance Battlers]]s: Calca uses Jive, and Brina uses Dance.
** [[Magic Dance]]
* [[Killed Off for Real]]/[[Lost Forever]]/[[Guide Dang It]]: Unless you manage to [[Randomly Drops|obtain]] a Mythril Nut, Mythril Bolt, and Mythril Spring from a Quatro Puppet, Luca will be forced to scrap their bodies to repair the Falcon.
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* [[Ascended Extra]]: They are the two soldiers who questioned Cecil about taking the Water Crystal from Mysidia at the beginning of the original game.
* [[Crutch Character|Crutch Characters]]s. They don't even gain XP during Ceodore's initial dungeon.
* [[Drill Sergeant Nasty]]: Biggs.
* [[Guest Star Party Member|Guest Star Party Members]]s
* [[Mythology Gag]]: Named after the recurring pair of characters in the series.
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== Villains ==
=== Mysterious Girl{{spoiler|/Maenad}} ===
[[File:FFIVCC_Scan_Maenad_1269FFIVCC Scan Maenad 1269.png|frame]]
The {{spoiler|apparent}} main villain of ''The After Years'', she shows up to steal the crystals. {{spoiler|It turns out that there are multiple Maenads, and they were gathering the Crystals to take back to their master, the Creator, who also created the crystals.}}
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