Final Fantasy Tactics/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Hero with Bad Publicity]]/[[Historical Villain Upgrade]]
* [[Idiot Hair]]
* [[Irony]]: Think about it. {{spoiler|Delita tried to save his sister but failed, causing him to [[Start of Darkness|seek power at any cost.]] Ramza, too, wishes to save his sister but actually succeeds. Despite being a [[Kick the Dog|dick,]] Delita becomes a hero in the annals of history while Ramza becomes a heretic. The kicker? [[Lonely Atat the Top|Delita is aware of this.]]}}
** Also Ramza was just a bastard, but [[Heroic Bastard|he embodies the principles and ideals of nobility more than his "pure-blooded" brothers]]. {{spoiler|Heck, his eldest brother ''killed their father''.}}
** A mix of this and [[Gameplay and Story Segregation]]: despite being called a "heretic" for a good 70% of the game, Ramza is the ''only'' character whose natural Faith can be raised above 95 without fear of him abandoning your team.
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* [[Ambiguously Brown]]
* {{spoiler|[[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]}}
* [[Doomed Hometown]]: Thanks to [[Evil Mentor|Barrington]]. Unlike Rapha, he refused to even consider it until the truth stares at him in the face.
* [[Elemental Powers]]:
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* [[Anti-Magic]]: Due to having zero "Faith" he can't cast magic, but nor can magic be cast on ''him'' in return.
* [[The Big Guy]]
* [[Cast Fromfrom Hit Points]]
* [[Chest Blaster]]: He has this move where his torso opens up to reveal three cannons and he fires some kind of energy attack at an enemy.
* [[Frickin' Laser Beams]]
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* [[The Big Guy]]
* [[Cast Fromfrom Hit Points]]: Energize, which heals an ally for double the amount of HP Byblos loses when casting the spell.
* [[Enemy Mine]]: Teams up with you to take down {{spoiler|Elidibus}}. Presumably, given the time-frame during with the Byblos can be recruited, it joins with you to fight the Lucavi - though whether this is true - and if it is, then why - [[Big Lipped Alligator Moment|is never properly explained]].
* [[Mighty Glacier]]
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* [[Historical Hero Upgrade]]: To a debatable extent, but definitely there.
* [[Knight Templar Big Brother]]
* [[Lonely Atat the Top]]
* [[The Mole]]
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: Certainly, though he's a ''much'' less cruel and callous version than most. His intelligence is admirable enough that he qualifies much more as a...
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* [[The Archer]]
* {{spoiler|1=[[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]/[[Came Back Wrong]]: In the PSP remake, during Chapter Four}}.
* [[Blond Guys Are Evil]]
* [[Climax Boss]]: The final boss of Chapter One. Symbolically, fighting him is about bringing home everything you're supposed to hate about the nobility into the forefront.
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* [[Anti-Villain]]
* {{spoiler|[[Dead Little Brother]]: For Meliadoul.}}
* {{spoiler|[[HeelDeadly Face Door SlamChange-of-Heart]]}}
* [[Kick the Dog]]: {{spoiler|His killing of Simon.}}
* [[Knight Templar]]: Only by occupation - by nature, he's anything but.
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* [[Standard Status Effects]]: Part of his magic plenthora.
* [[Summon Magic]]
* [["Wake -Up Call" Boss]]: He's considerably tougher than Cúchulainn was.
=== Zalera ( {{spoiler|Messam Elmdore}}) ===
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[[Category:Final Fantasy/Characters]]