Final Fantasy Tactics/Characters: Difference between revisions

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The protagonist of the story, Ramza and his sister had lived the life of commoners until learning their father was a Beoulve (their mother was a concubine/mistress), and after a degree of rearing up they were formally introduced into the Beoulve family. Initially, Ramza is kind hearted yet naive about how the world works, but befriends Delita. After the disaster at Fort Ziekden, Ramza spends the next few years as a mercenary and learns how the world works but retains his purity and will. Through his actions he saves the world from tearing itself apart from war, as well as fighting off the demonic Lucavi. He gains neither fame nor fortune and is branded a heretic by the church. In the end, {{spoiler|Ramza fought for what was right and saved the only thing he truly cared about, his sister}}.
* [[Almighty Janitor]]: Ramza saves the world from an Eldritch Abomination and alters the course of history, yet technically (in-story) never rose above the rank of squire.
** The game drives this point further home: each new chapter has a new Squire ability exclusive to Ramza alone.
* [[Always Save the Girl]]: "I'm saving Agrias! Geronimo!"
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* {{spoiler|[[Exact Eavesdropping]]}}
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: Though it took a ''big'' wake-up call before it happened.
* [[My Master, Right or Wrong]]: Mostly because Barrington's been like a father to him; but once he finally realises how bad the man is, he turns on him.
* [[Locked Out of the Loop]]: Subverted in that Rapha ''did'' tell him Barrington's been basically raping her, he just [[Too Dumb to Live|didn't believe her]] until it hits him in the face.
* [[Red Oni]]: To Rapha's [[Blue Oni|blue]].
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* [[The Ojou]]
* [[Pimped-Out Dress]]
* [[Proper Lady]]: Of course an [[Ojou]] is proper. [[Hair of Gold]] hightlights it.
* [[Puppet King|Puppet Queen]]: What was intended for her by Goltanna.
* {{spoiler|[[Rags to Royalty]]: She isn't the original Princess Ovelia, but a common girl adopted into nobility for use as a political tool. Her step-brother Orinus might be one as well.}}
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* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: Deconstructed. {{spoiler|While Gafgarion doesn't exactly ''like'' committing cruel deeds, he still does so out of efficiency (as in the first battle). While he doesn't like what his employers are doing, he's shut off access to his own inherent morals to the point that he can do anything so long as he's compensated. It can be said that the only thing he believes to be 'good' and 'reliable' in the world is money, hence why he commits barbarity. When rebuffed, Gafgarion reaffirms that he has no problem with doing the job, though he did find Dycedarg's lack of feeling over the matter curious}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Evil Mentor]]}}
* [[Fail O'Suckyname]]: ''Gaff'' Gafgarion ([[PS 1]] translation only)?! Seriously? [[Sincerity Mode|Small wonder]] he {{spoiler|mostly gives a rat's arse only for himself}}.
* [[Foil]]: Acts as one to Ramza's idealism when Delita is otherwise occupied. {{spoiler|In their battles, if both are alive they will argue at length over idealism vs. cynicism.}}
** In the overall structure of the story, he's right at the Cynical end of the [[Sliding Scale of Idealism vs. Cynicism]]; Ramza's all the way on the other side, however ...
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{{quote|''Is it not I? I, who have dirtied my hands to keep yours clean? All that you are you owe to me! You ought be on your knees thanking me, yet here you stand in judgment!''}}
The eldest of the Beoulve children and the lord of Eagrose Castle, which he took over after his father, Barbaneth Beoulve's, passing. He acts as one of the primary advisers to Duke Larg - his longtime friend since childhood - and is the one who orchestrates many of The White Lion's actions. At the beginning of the game, he comes across as a stern man but seems to genuinely care for his younger brothers and sister. However, he soon reveals himself to be very ruthless, and his actions towards the Corpse Brigade (such as corrupting Gustav Margriff to kidnap Marquis Elmdore) dishonour the Beoulve name - facts Ramza at first refuses to believe, but must confront when it culminates in him {{spoiler|letting Tietra die at Ziekden rather than compromise}}, disillusioning Ramza greatly.
As the War of the Lions begins, Dycedarg plots with Larg to seize the throne of Ivalice. Ramza later suspects - and Zalbaag discovers for himself - that Dycedarg {{spoiler|is probably the biggest [[Complete Monster]] in Ivalice - he [[Self-Made Orphan|murdered his own father purely for his own ambition]], and later killed Larg when he got the chance}}. When confronted over these deeds, {{spoiler|Ramza and Zalbaag fight and kill him, resulting in him merging with Adrammelech, one of the Lucavi. After disposing of Zalbaag, he turns his attentions on Ramza and is killed, sundering the Beoulve line and forever ending their influence within the nobility.}}
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* {{spoiler|[[The Man Behind the Man]]}}
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]
* [[Not Worth Killing]]: He manipulates Ramza to his benefit a couple of times, only to ignore him when he is of no use and does not spare much effort to get rid of him. [[The Dog Bites Back|This comes to bite him in the ass at the end]], as it turns the guy who’s been carving a path through hordes of demon corpses is ''[[Captain Obvious|actually dangerous]]''.
* {{spoiler|[[Offing the Offspring]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[One-Winged Angel]]}}
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'''Associated Tropes common to multiple Lucavi''':
* [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil]]
* [[Dark Is Evil]]
* [[Demonic Possession]]
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=== Saint Ajora Glabados ===
The founder of the Glabados Church. He performed several miracles and was considered a messiah by the cult that would eventually become the Glabados Church. The Fara Church and Holy Empire Yudora, which was in power at the time, was afraid of his growing influence, beliving he was a spy and a rabble-rouser. They had him hunted down and killed. Shortly thereafter, the capital of the Fara Church was hit with a massive tidal wave and sank. Considering it a miracle, the Glabados Church was developed.
Ajora also happens to be {{spoiler|the host for the leader of the demonic Lucavi}}, biding his time for {{spoiler|a resurrection and return to Ivalice. This will require many, many sacrifices so the Lucavi manipulate the world leaders into constant strife and war. Ajora also needs the correct body to possess, and Alma Beoluve happens to be the lucky victim.}}
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She is Delita's younger sister, and a good friend of Alma. Due to her commoner status, she is ostracized at school. But as she attends such a prestigious school, the Death Corps/Corpse Brigade find her an easy target to take hostage. As part of his [[Last Stand]], Golagros/Gragoroth holds her in front of Fort Zeakden, packed with explosives and ready to blow if his demands are not met.
Algus solves this dilemma by shooting Teta dead, then shooting Golagros. After the ensuing battle, Delita holds Teta in his arms right in front of Fort Zeakden as it explodes.
She was never seen again.