Final Fantasy VI/Tear Jerker: Difference between revisions

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* This troper barely remembers how most of ''[[Final Fantasy VI (Video Game)|Final Fantasy VI]]'' went, but one thing that really got him was simply hearing the [[Game Over]] music ("Rest in Peace"). The song plays in such a sad way as you see your lead character kneeling down in a black screen and then fades away as the music fades to a close. Possibly the saddest [[Game Over]] theme he has ever heard.
* The part of the ending where Shadow stays back, [[Shoo the Dog|tells his dog to go on without him]], and promptly dies, made this troper tear up.
** You know it's not actually made clear whether he dies or not, right? Actually, the (semi-) ambiguity of Shadow's ultimate fate may make it a lot more tragic than him simply dying. What's worse: knowing exactly what happened, or never finding out whether he survived or not?
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* The entire game is pretty much a succession of tear jerkers. {{spoiler|Celes' attempted suicide if Cid dies}} and the cutscene after getting the Phoenix magicite are particularly powerful.
** The scene described in your spoiler sets up a [[Heartwarming Moments (Sugar Wiki)|Heartwarming Moments]] when {{spoiler|Celes survives and discovers Locke's bandanna}}, setting off the rest of the game's chain of events.
* After being completely blindsided by the [[Wham! Episode|Wham Level]] in ''[[Final Fantasy VI (Video Game)|Final Fantasy VI]]'', [[Eric DVH|this editor]] was absolutely crushed by the tableau of {{spoiler|Celes and a dying Cid stranded on an island in the [[The End of the World Asas We Know It|World of Ruin]]. Left with nothing to do but pointlessly cling to life catching fish on a monster-infested piece of rock which might be all that remained of the world}}, being confronted with an offer to commit suicide truly seemed like the only fitting end to the game.
** For a double whammy, those who cried during that scene end up feeling the grief all over again when they learn {{spoiler|it's possible to save Cid's life, if you catch good fish for him}}. If that scene isn't enough, knowing that it literally is ''all your fault'' makes it ten times worse.
** The most heartbreaking part of Celes trying to kill herself is that ''she's crying when she throws herself off the cliff.''
*** Strangely enough, in the GBA retranslation, {{spoiler|the scene after Celes throws herself into the ocean is a [[Tear Jerker]] because of how heartwarming it is. Celes yells at a pigeon and tells it to leave her alone because she has lost all hope. Then she sees a blue bandana wrapped around the pigeon. Celes recognizes it as Locke's trademark bandana. At that point, the pigeon flies away and Celes regains hope because she knows that, somewhere out there in the post-Apocalyptic world, the man she's secretly in love with, Locke, is still alive. It's incredibly heartwarming because Celes starts the game as proclaiming that she is "not some love-starved twit" and her love for Locke is what motivates her to do something about the World of Ruin.}}
* For this troper, it was the injured soldier in Mobliz and his girlfriend in Maranda. They upset him even before {{spoiler|[[The End of the World Asas We Know It]] causes the former's death. Cyan's lonely attempt to protect Lola from the truth and eventually to persuade her to carry on with life tore me to pieces}}.
* Celes singing Aria de Mezzo Carattere during the opera gets me every single time.
** Seconded by this troper. This troper bawled his eyes out the last time he tried to sing along.