Firefly (TV series)/Characters: Difference between revisions

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== '''Inara Serra (Morena Baccarin)''' ==
Not really a member of the crew, Inara rents a shuttle for her... services. Despite (or maybe because of) [[The Oldest Profession|her profession]], she is well-versed in the ways of the universe ([[Captain Obvious|and sex]]) and continually shows [[Hidden Depths]]--who'd expect a space whore to be good at [[Sword Fight|Sword Fights]]? Plus, she ''is'' a [[High -Class Call Girl]], which adds to ''Serenity'''s reputation: a woman who can go out in public on the arm of an aristocrat (and into his bedroom) wouldn't be shipping out with Mal and his crew unless they were at least somewhat respectable. Ironically, her profession is legal, which is more than Mal can say.
* [[Ambadassador]]: Not [[Badass]] to the degree of the rest of the crew, but she has no qualms with holding people at gunpoint and holds her own in hand-to-hand combat.
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* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Usually towards Mal.
* [[Even the Girls Want Her]]: Inara is shown to be very in demand for both her male and female clientele. And that's without speculating on Kaylee's admiration.
* [[The Face]]: Officially, her role on the ship is to use her social contacts to "open doors that would otherwise be closed" to a group like Captain Mal and the crew. Being that she's the only one with a legal job she's the only one that can show their face to polite company the crew might need help from.
* [[High -Class Call Girl]]: ''Very'' high class.
* [[Hooker with a Heart of Gold]]: Subverted. She does have a heart of gold, but she doesn't really want to be rescued from her career.
* [[Hot Chick with a Sword]]: She attempts to teach Mal how to fence in "Shindig".
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* [[Not So Above It All]]: She really seems to enjoy participating in capers and double-crossing the villain of the week when she gets the chance.
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: The pilot has her taking a long, gratuitous spongebath. There's other scenes, too. Lots of other scenes. [[I'll Be in My Bunk|You'll be in your bunk]].
* [[The Ojou]]: Companions aren't actually royalty, but they're sometimes treated like it.
* [[Rule of Sexy]]: Applies to her muchly.
* [[Sex Tourism]]: Inverted. Inara finds clients in the area they're in.
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* [[Berserk Button]]: Not much can get Kaylee mad, but make one smart comment about her ship...
* [[Blithe Spirit]]
* [[Brainy Brunette]]: Behind her cheerful smile is a mechanical genius.
* [[Cool Big Sis]]: To River.
* [[The Cutie]]
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* [[Honor Before Reason]]: Basically his whole storyline. He gave up a lucrative job and lifelong dream to help his sister (His hunch being based on some pretty thin logic), ruining his life and turning himself into a fugitive. Later he says he will never harm Jayne or break his oath as a physician, despite Jayne betraying him and threatening him on multiple occasions. And one gets the impression He'd do it all again in a minute.
* [[I Will Find You]]: Variation; he had already done this when the show opens (although how he does so is seen in the prologue to the [[Big Damn Movie]]). Now it is necessary to make sure ''they'' don't find her.
* [[Knight Templar Big Brother]]: Don't mess with Simon's little sister.
* [[The McCoy]]: Admit it, On at least a couple of occasions, You expected him to say "Dammit Mal, I'm a doctor, not an outlaw".
* [[The Medic]]: The initial reason Mal lets him stay on on board.
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** Of course he has them. [[Fridge Brilliance|He's a surgeon.]]
* [[Noble Fugitive]]
* [[Old School Chivalry]]: He is a well dressed doctor who doesn't swear or have casual sex. Needless to say he doesn't fit in with the thieves he lives with, but he says that he has to be proper because it's all he has.
* [[Overshadowed by Awesome]]: He's a brilliant doctor though River is supernaturally good at everything.
* [[Princely Young Man]]
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** Also subverted to a degree. While she does have violent episodes, most of the time she is not-hostile, even when crazy.
* [[Improbable Aiming Skills]]: Shoots three guards without even looking in "War Stories", thanks to her [[Psychic Powers]].
* [[Knight Templar Big Brother|Knight Templar Little Sister]]: Do not mess with River's big brother. Pity the poor Reavers.
* [[Living Weapon]]: Explicitly called such in ''Serenity''.
* [[Mama Bear]]: River develops into this toward a few of the later episodes and of course the movie.
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* [[Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness]]: Notably when rattling off a lot of [[Techno Babble]] while editing Shepherd's bible.
* [[He Knows Too Much|She Knows Too Much]]: One of many reasons why the Alliance is interested in her.
* [[Sibling Yin-Yang]]: She is more sensitive, physically powerful, and (for obvious reasons) more erratic than her disciplined and calmer big brother.
* [[Sixth Ranger]]
* [[Spaceship Girl]]: "Objects in Space." {{spoiler|Subverted in that she's only pretending, to confuse the [[Bounty Hunter]]. The setup, despite how it tended to be [[Mohs Scale of Sci Fi Hardness|hard science fiction]], sure had Jubal convinced!}}
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'''Jayne''': [[Cold-Blooded Torture|Not right away.]] }}
* [[BFG]]: Vera, of course, but he has quite a few.
* [[Big Brother Instinct]]: Consistently sends money home to treat his ill brother.
* [[The Big Guy]]
* [[Black and Gray Morality]]: One of his primary beliefs, best exemplified when yelling at the Mudders:
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* [[The Corruptible]]: [[Only in It For the Money|If money's involved.]]
* [[Nice Hat|Cunning Hat]]
* [[Dumb Muscle]] / Street Smarts [[Genius Bruiser]]: While not refined or educated, Jayne is an impressive judge of character (reading Dobson's lies instantly, for example), a reasonably cunning planner, an expert tracker, and a capable pilot. Basically, so long as what he's doing is a practical skill and doesn't require a lot of Book Smarts, he can crack it.
* [[Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas]]: And write them letters. And send money to treat their brother Mattie for the damp lung <ref>Consumption or pneumonia</ref>.
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]
* [[The Face]]: His official job title on the ship is "Public Relations" and considering the ''Serenity's'' relations with the public this usually means hurting people.
* [[The Friend Nobody Likes]]
* [[Gender Blender Name]]: His mother must have liked this trope, since his brother also has a traditionally female name, Mattie.
{{quote|'''River:''' "Jayne is a girl's name".
'''Jayne:''' "Well, Jayne ain't a girl!" }}
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* [[Psycho for Hire]]
* [[Scary Black Man]]
* [[Soft -Spoken Sadist]]
* [[Warrior Poet]]: In a weird sort of way.
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* [[The Mafiya]]: Of sorts. [[In Space]].
* [[Sadistic Choice]]: Niska's attempt to give one to Zoe backfires on him when she immediately chooses Wash.
* [[Soft -Spoken Sadist]]: He can be very soft-spoken in the tone of a kindly old man. The fact that he does this while he's [[Electric Torture|zapping the living daylights out of you]], [[Cold-Blooded Torture|cutting off your ear]], or [[Complete Monster|even worse things]] makes him ''utterly fucking creepy''.
* [[Torture Technician]]: What Niska is generally known for.
* [[You Have Failed Me]]: People who disappoint Niska tend to be tortured to death multiple times.
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Primary villain in ''[[Serenity]]''. A special agent/assassin of Parliament, sent out to keep government secrets and take care of loose ends. While he technically represents their interests, they are never seen, making him more-or-less the [[Dragon-in-Chief]].
* [[Affably Evil]]: For a man who's possibly the most dangerous assassin the Alliance has, he is impeccably polite, willing to negotiate, and seems genuinely saddened by the measures he's forced to take in capturing River Tam.
* [[Badass]]: Outside of River, arguably the biggest badass in the ''Firefly'' universe.
* [[Catch Phrase]]: "Do you know what your sin is?"
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== '''Doctor Matthias (Michael Hitchcock)''' ==
The Academy technician in charge of taking care of River. He is noticeable for an odd encounter with a certain spoiled rich kid who had curious questions about his baby sister. Vaguely related to this was an investigation by a government agent who gave him lessons about the customs of "certain older, ''civilized'' cultures".
* [[Bio Augmentation]]: What he was researching.