Fist of the North Star/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Berserk Button]] - Don't abuse a kid in front of Kenshiro or let him find out you killed them. Just don't. Zeed, Spade, Diamond, The Godland Army, Jackal, The Kiba Clan, Jagi, Souther, etc. all learned this the hard and painful way.
** It's also a VERY bad idea to abuse women in front of Kenshiro, see the Wife-Basher Basher entry below.
* [[Big Ol' Eyebrows]]
* [[Bruiser With a Soft Center]] - Yuria doesn't love Kenshiro for his hyper-masculinity, but rather for his gentle, sensitive and kind-hearted side.
* [[Bullying a Dragon]] - Are the thugs and mooks really that dumb to try to taunt and torment this guy?
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** English dub movie: [[Lex Lang]]
* [[Nice Guy]]
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: Failing to put Jagi out of his misery when he had the chance not only ruined his own life, as well as Yuria, Shin, Rei and Airi, but threw away the lives of countless innocents in the process. Thankfully, Ken learnt his lesson.
* [[One -Man Army]] - Oh is he ever...
* [[Papa Wolf]] - You'll be even ''more'' dead if you mess with innocent children.
* [[Pre -Ass -Kicking One -Liner]]: Very frequently.
* [[Rapid Fire Fisticuffs]] - The ''Hokuto Hyakuretsuken''<ref>the North Dipper Hundred Crack Fist</ref>, delivered with his trademark ''"ATATATATATATATATATATATATATA!"'' [[Kiai]].
* [[Shipper On Deck]] - Believes Lin should love Bat, not him, {{spoiler|and he gets them together at the end of the manga}}.
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* [[Meaningful Name]] - Named after the flying rodent of the same name, according to an interview with [[Word of God|Buronson]] on the Japanese ''Raoh Den'' DVD.
* [[Ship Tease]] - While it might be debatable in the first series [[Relationship Upgrade|it's definitely romantic in the later part of the manga]].
* [[Spell My Name With an "S"]] - In the Manga Entertainment dub, his name was changed from "Bat" to "Bart", likely a reference to another [[The Simpsons|kid trickster]].
* [[Tender Tears]] - An adoptive big brother like Ken tends to even make the snarkiest [[Jerkass]] kid grow up to be just as sensitive and kind-hearted as a man.
* [[Took a Level In Badass]] - Bat took one after the [[Time Skip]], having grown up and become the leader of the Hokuto Army.
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* [[Nice Girl]]
* [[Tender Tears]]
* [[Token Mini -Moe]] - In the first series.
== Shin ==
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* [[Finger Poke of Doom]]: Shin can kill you just by poking his finger straight into your heart. Many of his other moves are jabbing motions intended to drive his hand straight into the enemy.
* [[A God Am I]]
* [[I Have You Now, My Pretty]] - Surprisingly averted. Shin intentions with Yuria was that she favor him over Kenshiro.
* [[I Love You Because I Can't Control You]]: Shin loves Yuria because she is an emotionally strong-willed woman whom he sees as a challenge to make ''willingly'' fall in love with him.
* [[I Want My Beloved to Be Happy]] - Subverted ''so'' hard by Jagi's influence.
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** English dub movie: [[Michael McConnohie]]
*** [[Relationship Voice Actor]]: Shin and Yuria were voiced by [[Michael McConnohie]] and Melodee Speevack whom are [[Happily Married]] in real life.
* [[One -Man Army]]: In Episode 21 of the TV series, where he thwarts General Barcom's mutiny alone.
* [[Posthumous Character]]: In the manga, his character was fleshed out throughout postmortem flashbacks after his arc was over, particularly when it came to his position within the ''Nanto Rokuseiken''; the revelation about Yuria's survival was one.
* [[Rival Turned Evil]]
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* [[Giant Mook]]
* [[Tattooed Crook]]: His notable "Z-666" tattoo on his forehead.
* [[Villain Team -Up]]: He is allied with Boss Fang in ''Hokuto Musou''.
* [[Warmup Boss]] - Whose spectacular death sets these ground rules for the audience 1) [[Muscles Are Meaningless|Size means squat-all]] in the Hokuto universe and 2) if you have a mohawk, prepare to explode.
* [[Would Hit a Girl]] / [[Would Hurt a Child]] : Kenshiro was exhausted and dehydrated to the point of death when he was trapped in that cell with Bat... and then hearing that Zeed is infamous for the above two tropes gave him the [[Heroic Second Wind]] to LITERALLY tear the bars off his prison to kick evil's ass.
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* [[Gonk]]
* [[Kevlard]]: Practically the [[Trope Codifier]].
* [[Kung Fu -Proof Mook]]: due his [[Kevlard]] he's apparently immune to Kenshiro's pressur point strikes. At least until Kenshiro ''moves'' the fat and hits his pressure points once, that's it.
* [[Macho Camp]] - One of the fairly uncommon confirmed cases of this in the whole ''shounen'' genre namely in the TV show, as just before he fought Kenshiro he was admiring Kenshiro's marvelous physique in a flirty tone of voice. (Though that doesn't seem to be the case in the movie though.)
* [[Minor Injury Overreaction]] - Despite his enormous frame, a paper cut can send him into a wild frenzy.
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* [[Rummage Sale Reject]] - [[Averted Trope|Averted]]. The Colonel holds the distinct honor of being the only character in the entire franchise (not counting ''[[Souten no Ken]]'') to wear a complete and recognizable modern set of clothing that is not deshivelled, torn, missing sleeves or liberally mixed with Arabic/Medieval/Viking elements.
* [[Social Darwinist]]: Believes that men who are unfit to join his army must be eliminated.
* [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]] -His reason for founding Godland was to prevent another nuclear holocaust from happening.
== Jackal ==
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* [[Monstrosity Equals Weakness]] - Literally being the size of a 10-storey-tall building is STILL not enough to survive Kenshiro's wrath.
* [[Psychopathic Manchild]]
* [[Spell My Name With an "S"]] - In some translations, he's even called Devil ''Reverse.''
== Rei ==
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* [[Adaptation Dye Job]]: From black in the manga to light blue in the Toei anime. This caused some problems when it was time for him to be [[Locked Into Strangeness]]. The 1986 movie streamlined this by giving him white hair from the beginning.
* [[Anti -Hero]]: A [[Sliding Scale of Anti -Heroes|Type IV]] whilst searching for his kidnapped sister, before reverting back to a straight-up hero later on.
* [[Badass]]: Rei is the ''only'' hero other than Kenshiro to take out a major villain in the original series.
* [[Badass Long Hair]]
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* [[Famed in Story]]: If Kenshiro is about to instill an asskicking on someone and reminisces about following the path laid by those who came before him, Rei will ALWAYS be shown front and center, even over Toki.
* [[A Good Way to Die]]
* [[Good Eyes, Evil Eyes]]: When he first appears, his alignment as a potential hero or villain was pretty ambiguous, so he was drawn with rather shifty eyes. It isn't until his good guy credentials are established that he's drawn more consistently with big eyes.
* [[Go Out With a Smile]]: [[Double Subversion|Double subverted.]] After bidding his friends goodbye with a warm smile, Rei is stricken with a look of intense pain just before dying... but when Mamiya looks up to see the Omen Star of Death gone, she sees Rei's smiling face right next to the Big Dipper.
* [[He's Back]]: When he loses it against Raoh's men who are brutalising Lin and other villagers, reclaiming his humanity and living up to his title of the Justice Star.
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* [[The Messiah]]
* [[Names to Know In Anime]]: His original VA is [[Kaneto Shiozawa]]. After his death, [[Shinichiro Miki]] succeeded him in the movies, while [[Isshin Chiba]] provides Rei's voice in the fighting game. Then, in ''[[Hokuto Musou]]'', apparently [[Takehito Koyasu]] is now voicing him.
* [[One -Man Army]]
* [[Real Men Wear Pink]]: Literally, with his pale pink protective cloth that make people believe the one coming to them is a woman.
* [[Redemption Equals Death]]: Just as he rises to his destiny as the Star of Justice, he pulls a [[Senseless Sacrifice]].
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* [[Tragic Hero]]
* [[Token Good Teammate]]: In the Dream Mode of ''Hokuto Musou'' he becomes this for the Nanto side when [[I Have Your Wife|Souther/Thouzer took hostage of Airi]]. Shew also counts, but Rei's the more visible example. Well, that and Shew isn't a playable character.
* [[White -Haired Pretty Boy]]: When he's [[Locked Into Strangeness]].
* [[Wife Basher Basher]]: "I think we're both here for the same reason... we are both weak to the tears of a woman."
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* [[Big Badass Wolf]] - His entire clan's thematic motiff is that of wolf-skin clad Mongolian Warriors.
* [[Hey ItsIt's That Voice]]: Holy shit. [[The Fresh Prince of Bel Air|Uncle Phil]], is that you in the movie?
* [[Made of Iron]] - Literally, when he uses a technique that looks suspiciously familliar. Though it can be dispelled by hitting certain pressure points.
* [[Moral Myopia]] - He mourns the deaths of his sons and begins seeking retribution, despite the fact that his clan is just as guilty of many atrocities.
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{{quote| '''Random Son:''' "I thought you loved us Papa!! We're of the same blood right?"<br />
'''Kiba Daioh:''' "Oh shut it!! As long as I'm alive I can conceive as many bastards like you as I want!! Now stall them (Kenshiro and Rei) so I can escape!!" }}
* [[Villain Team -Up]]: With Zeed in "Hokuto Musou".
== Airi ==
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* [[Sibling Rivalry]] - Most prominently with Raoh, since Toki and Kenshiro actually cared for Jagi and tried to not be competitive, but eventually Raoh overshadowed Jagi WAY too much for the rivalry to be sustained. However, when his rivalry with Kenshiro blossomed, it became the driving force in Jagi's life.
** Add to this that by the point the news of Kenshiro's succession reached him, [[Interrupted Suicide|he was right about to commit suicide]]. As the news got to him, his rivalry with Kenshiro had become the ''sole'' driving point in life, since he technically already had [[Despair Event Horizon|lost all hope in life]].
* [[Sibling Yin -Yang]] - Jagi is Kenshiro's absolute polar opposite: evil, sadistic, underhanded, manic, sociopathic and completely lacking in empathy.
* [[Sleeves Are for Wimps]]
* [[Spell My Name With an "S"]] - In all of the Italian adaptation of the series, manga, anime and OAV, his name is always spelt "[[Rolling Stones|Jagger]]".
* [[Start of Darkness]] - The ''Gokuaku no Hana'' spinoff series is all about this, which gives Jagi a [[Belated Backstory]] in an attempt to make him into a [[Sympathetic Murderer]].
* [[This Is for Emphasis, Bitch]] - He really likes to combine this with his [[Catch Phrase]] in Ken's Rage.
* [[Token Evil Teammate]] - In the Dream Mode of ''Hokuto Musou'' he becomes this for the Hokuto side.
* [[The Unfavorite]] - Jagi feels this way because of not being taught Hokuto Shinken.
* [[Unreliable Narrator]]: Though ''Jagi Gaiden'' is commendable in '''not''' making everyone else in Jagi's life a [[Jerkass]] (like most [[Sympathetic Murderer]] retellings unfortunately do) while still making him a ''genuinely'' sympathetic victim, unless the manga itself is endorsed as canon [[Word of God|by Buronson and Hara]], it can only be at best viewed as the warped and deeply biased flashbacks of an already mentally-disturbed individual; further twisted out of context by an exploding brain in the final moments of his life.
* [[Used to Be A Sweet Kid]]
* [[Villain Team -Up]]: With Amiba in ''Hokuto Musou''.
* [["Well Done, Son" Guy]] - One of the reasons Jagi wants to learn Hokuto Shinken is that he desperately wants Ryuken's approval, failing to realize that Ryuken does not want to teach Jagi Hokuto Shinken ''because'' he loves him, and that there was no need to seek his approval at all.
** Subverted upon Kenshiro's succession (when Jagi found out) and when he's dying -- Jagi came to hate Ryuken, but never could completely turn himself away from Hokuto Shinken.
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* [[Evil Genius]]
** [[Mad Scientist]]: Fits the mold without the look. Amiba taught himself a few Hokuto Shinken essentials as well as new ground simply via trial and error at the expense of quite a number of lives.
* [[Good Eyes, Evil Eyes]]: His facial structure is exactly like Toki's, except for his eyes.
* [[Minor Injury Overreaction]]
* [[No Celebrities Were Harmed]]: [[Word of God]] says his appearance is modeled after [[Highlander (Film)|Christopher Lambert]].
* [[Villain Team -Up]]: With Jagi in ''Hokuto Musou''.
== Uighur ==
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* [[Tragic Hero]]
* [[Weak but Skilled]]: Sort of. Due his illness, he's the physically weakest of the Hokuto Brothers, but both Kenshiro and Raoh admit they're ''far'' outskilled by him.
* [[White -Haired Pretty Boy]]
* [[Worf Had the Flu]] - Raoh states that Toki had surpassed him in strength, but Toki's radiation poisoning severely weakened him in both of their fights.
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* [[Adaptation Dye Job]] - From silver hair in the manga to black in the Toei anime.
* [[Anti -Villain]] - For what its worth, he ''did'' make the world a better place.
* [[Ascend to A Higher Plane of Existence]] - His death could be interpreted as this, since not only did he not leave a body behind when he died, but also died without regrets, a sign of higher understanding of the human condition.
* [[Aloof Big Brother]]
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* [[Names to Know In Anime]] - His original VA is [[Kenji Utsumi]], but for ''Hokuto Musou'', he's voiced by [[Fumihiko Tachiki]].
* [[Necessarily Evil]] - Bringing peace to a wartorn planet with sheer brute force.
* [[Nice Job Fixing It, Villain]] - If he hadn't taught Kenshiro kung fu while they were children, Kenshiro never would have become the successor.
* [[Noble Demon]]
* [[Stab the Sky|Punch The Heavens]]
* [[One -Man Army]]
* [[The Only One Allowed to Defeat You]] - He helps Kenshiro escape from Souther's men at one point, and has him bandaged up after the defeat by Souther for this very reason in ''Raoh Den - Jun Ai no Sho''.
* [[Posthumous Character]] - Became one in the story arcs following his death. It was easy to tell if a character was going to be important by whether or not Raoh was somehow involved in their back-story (see Falco, Jakoh, Akashachi, or any of the ''Hokuto Ryūken'' practitioners). Bonus points if the character was actually related to Raoh (like Raoh's brother Kaioh, or his son Ryu from the manga-only final chapters).
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* [[Serious Business]] - He had a real-life funeral arranged for him, although mainly done as a publicity stunt for the second ''Raoh Den'' movie.
* [[Showthe Forehead]] - a truly dedicated example. Not only is his hair particularly short-cropped, it's ''also'' slicked back. He wouldn't want anyone to miss out on the most imposing, serious forehead in the world.
* [[Spot Light Spotlight-Stealing Squad]]: After Toki's death, the series becomes more about Raoh than Kenshiro.
* [[Suspiciously Similar Substitute]] - Kenshiro's [[Rival Turned Evil]] who attempts to conquer the world and falls in love with Yuria before being defeated by Kenshiro in a [[Tear Jerker|tearking]] rematch. Are you sure we're not talking about Shin?
** Even their aliases are similar (Shin = King, Raoh = ''Ken-oh'' = "The King of Fist").
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* [[Utopia Justifies the Means]]
* [[Villain Protagonist]]: Raoh is arguably the protagonist of the series in the original saga's last storyline, as all the major battles feature him and revolve around his ambition and eventual redemption.
* [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]]
* [[Wife Basher Basher]]: Not only is Raoh one of the few tyrants in the post-war world to have ''never'' struck a woman, he himself '''despises''' those who do so. This is demonstarted in the manga wherein he ''literally'' SLAPS THE HEAD OFF A RAPIST who served in his army upon finding out the bastard has been up to his old tricks in his absence. This major [[Pet the Dog]] moment is unfortunately ruined in the animated adaptation, wherein the slapper is changed to Kenshiro.
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* [[A Good Way to Die]]
* [[Graceful Loser]] - ''"Rei, you're the one man that I admired. The strongest, most beautiful man in the world. At least let me die in your arms..."''
* [[Green -Eyed Monster]] - Yuda is ashamedly jealous of Rei's Nanto Suichōken style.
* [[Minor Injury Overreaction]] - You don't want to damage Yuda's "beautiful" face.
* [[Narcissist]] - ''And how!''
* [[Razor Wind]]: ''Nanto Kokakuken'''s speciality is to send vacuum waves that slice enemies at long range.
* [[Spell My Name With an "S"]] - Yuda? Or Juda? Yuda is the literal transliteration of his name, which in turn is the Japanese transliteration of Judas Iscariot's name, but Juda gets the point across quicker.
* [[What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic]] - Yuda is named after Judas Iscariot, the infamous 13th disciple who betrayed Jesus Christ. Yuda himself betrayed the Nanto Seiken school by joining Raoh's army at the time of the Nuclear War.
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* [[Redemption Equals Death]]: In the anime, not long after Shuu's blood seeps out from under the stone that crushed him, the Holy Cross Pyramid starts to inexplicably crumble and collapse, and Souther makes no attempt to escape its destruction.
* [[Relationship Voice Actor]] - [[Banjo Ginga|In the anime and fighting game he is]] [[Metal Gear Solid|Liquid Snake]], [[Akio Ohtsuka|in the movie he is]] [[Metal Gear Solid|Solid Snake]]
* [[Spell My Name With an "S"]] - "Souther" or "Thouzer"? One would think its Souther, seeing how his style is ''Nanto Seiken'' (or "South Dipper Holy Fist") after all, but more recent merchandise seems to favor the "Thouzer" convention. That's not even counting other variations such as "Thouther" or "Thoutoher".
* [[Start of Darkness]] - It began with 'To master Nanto Hō-ōken... you have to be ''tricked'' into killing your beloved master and father'.
* [[Straw Vulcan]] - It can be said that Souther is a heavy-handed (though totally valid) example of the kind of villain you become when you cynically claim to give up your emotions.
* [[Tragic Villain]]
* [[Used to Be A Sweet Kid]]
* [["Well Done, Son" Guy]] - Well, he tried. Though his kind-hearted old master would most likely weep tears of shame at what his beloved son has done ''in his memory'', after all the trouble ''he died for''.
** If you successfully use Souther's "Fatal KO" ''Tensho Jujihou'' in the fighting game, he poses and declares while an image of his late master appears and declares, "Your Holy Cross Pyramid will be completed soon!"
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* [[Messianic Archetype]] - See [[Kung Fu Jesus]] above.
* [[Nice Guy]] - "Though my eyes have lost their light, the tears refuse to run dry."
* [[One -Man Army]]
* [[Papa Wolf]] - Arguably the greatest in the series next to the big guy Fudoh himself... his love for his children conflicted with his duty as a warrior; costing him a priceless opportunity to slay a ''completely defenceless'' Souther; then his dignity, and finally his life.
* [[Spell My Name With an "S"]] - "Shu" or "Shew"? Depending on the Kanji, ''Shū'' can mean "kick" and Shu's style, ''Nanto Hakuroken'', does specializes in kicks.
* [[Tender Tears]] - Has a heart that is softer than both Kenshiro and Toki's.
* [[Tragic Hero]]
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{{quote| Ryuga is the master of Taizan Tenrōken (the Mount Tai Sirius Fist), a style in which he scoops the chunks of his victims' flesh while leaving them with a feeling of bitter coldness. Ryuga's star is the Heavenly Wolf Star, also known as Sirius, a solitary star destined to serve the Hokuto Shinken successor. Ryuga is actually Yuria's elder brother, who pledged his loyalty to Raoh after witnessing the chaos of the post-war era. At first, he believes that only Raoh can restore peace and order through his sheer force, but begins to question his loyalty when he meets Kenshiro, his sister's fiancee.}}
* [[Anti -Villain]] - Only wanted peace for the new world, but misguided in his actions.
* [[Dead Little Sister]] - Granted she was still alive, but neither he nor Ken knew that at the time.
* [[Death Equals Redemption]] - Invoked this by committing sepukku before fighting Kenshiro.
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* [[Tragic Villain]]
* [[We Hardly Knew Ye]] - Unlike most of Kenshiro's friends and rivals, we never see his upbringing in flashbacks. His absence in Yuria and Juza's flashbacks is odd too.
* [[White -Haired Pretty Boy]]
== Hyui ==
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* [[Razor Wind]] - Controls the actual element of wind, whereas the other Nanto fighters concentrate air pressure.
* [[Spell My Name With an "S"]]: A promotional poster released by Raijin Comics when they were publishing the short-lived "Master Edition" of the manga spells his name as "Huey". Supposedly he was named after singer Huey Lewis.
* [[We Hardly Knew Ye]]
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== Juza ==
{{quote| The Chariot Star of the Clouds, Juza is a master of his own self-taught martial art style with fighting skills said to equal that of Raoh's. A childhood friend of Yuria, he felt in love with her [[She's All Grown Up|while growing up together]] and wanted to pursue a relationship with her until he learned that they were [[Brother -Sister Incest|half-siblings from the same father]]. After the war, Juza began living a carefree life of promiscuity, indifferent to the battle between Raoh and the Last General of Nanto, until he learns the true identity of the Last General.}}
* [[Anti -Hero]] - [[Sliding Scale of Anti -Heroes|Type II]]. He's ''a lot'' more smart-mouthed and hedonistic than the other members of the Nanto Goshasei, but just as selfless and protective of others when he's on the battlefield.
* [[Badass Normal]]
* [[Bishounen]]
* [[Brother -Sister Incest]] - Averted. He reluctantly gives up on the idea of pursuing a relationship with Yuria after finding out that they're siblings.
* [[Chivalrous Pervert]]
* [[Demoted to Extra]] - The fight scene between himself and Raoh was omitted in the ''Shin Kyuseishu Densetsu'' movies and he only makes a cameo appearance as one of the spirits attending Ken and Yuria's wedding in the last of the five films, ''Kenshiro Den''.
* '''[[Determinator]]''' - Especially in the [[Adaptation Expansion]] final fight against Raoh where he keeps on fighting ''even after he's dead.''
* [[Eighties Hair]] - the kind that would put any other Casanova to shame. Allegedly an obsessively maintained coiffure.
* [[Estrogen Brigade Bait]] - On BOTH sides of the fourth wall; enough so that the latest [[Spin -Off]] starring him is drawn by a ''female'' '''Shoujo Manga''' artist gushing over how pretty he is.
* [[A Good Way to Die]]
* [[Go Out With a Smile]]
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* [[Mighty Glacier]]
* [[Nice Guy]]
* [[One -Man Army]] - Fudoh one; Ken-oh Bike Squad. ZERO.
* [[Papa Wolf]] - Threaten one of Fudoh's children and he'll ''destroy'' you.
* [[Tender Tears]] - Of love shed for children in suffering.
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{{quote| The Chariot Star of the Ocean and leader of the Nanto Goshasei. Unlike the other Goshasei members, Rihaku possesses no martial arts training, but he is a military strategist. He prepares a series of booby traps for Raoh when he attacks the headquarters in search of Yuria.}}
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]] - If it weren't for the traps he put to fight Raoh, Raoh wouldn't had escaped from his fight with Kenshiro, nor captured Yuria on his way out.
* [[Non -Action Guy]]: In the manga, he had no actual martial art skills, but rather his speciality came from his military planning and his ability to set up traps. The anime gave him his own fighting style (''Gosha Hasuiken'' or "Wave Crush Fist") and had him have a tussle with Raoh.
* [[Sole Survivor]] - Only Rihaku survives his battle with Raoh and helps Bat and Lin form the Hokuto Army in the second series.
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* [[No Celebrities Were Harmed]] - Blatantly based on Hawk and Animal Warrior of WWF fame.
* [[Scary Black Man]] - Played straight initially with both brothers, but averted with Gill in the manga. See [[He Will Not Cry So I Cry for Him]] above.
* [[Spell My Name With an "S"]] - An actual spelling variation exists in the original Japanese media due to a misprint in the early editions of the manga. The Japanese spelling of the elder Harn brother varies between ''Bazu'' <ref>バズ, with a dakuten</ref> and ''Hazu''<ref>ハズ, without a dakuten</ref>. The anime went with ''Hazu'', but the ''Kanzenban'' reprint of the manga replaced all instances of ''Hazu'' with ''Bazu''.
* [[Tragic Hero]]
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* [[Ki Attacks]]: He uses ''Gento Ko Ken''. His color is gold.
* [[No Celebrities Were Harmed]] - His design is based on [[Dolph Lundgren]]
* [[One -Man Army]]
* [[Worf Had the Flu]]: Kenshiro notes that Falco was still recovering from their fight when the [[Mook]] overpowered and wounded him to death. As soon as Kenshiro restores him a semblance of health, he proves him right by wiping the floor with his killer.
* [[Worthy Opponent]]- He starts out like this, but once the Empress is rescued by Bat and Lin, he does a [[Heel Face Turn]] and kills the true mastermind Jakoh. Unfortunately he does not last long as one of Ken's allies.
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* [[Dirty Coward]]
* [[Expy]] - Based on [[Batman]]'s nemesis, the Joker.
* [[Non -Action Big Bad]]: Pretty rare for this series, but he relies on his sons Jask and Shieno (or Taiga and Boltz in the anime) to enforce his will.
== Solia ==
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{{quote| A General of the Imperial Army and fellow practitioner of the ''Gento Kōken'', also known as "Solia of the Purple Light". He once lost one of his eyes during a sparring match with Falco, but still respects the man in spite of that. He challenges Kenshiro under orders from Falco.}}
* [[Anti -Villain]] - He all but admits he's only fighting Kenshiro to ensure he's ready to face Falco.
* [[Better to Die Than Be Killed]] - His death in the manga.
* [[Eyepatch of Power]]
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* [[Eyepatch of Power]]
* [[Mysterious Watcher]]
* [[White -Haired Pretty Boy]] - In the anime, at least.
== Han ==
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* [[Face Heel Turn]] - The noblest of Shura's overlords until the death of Sayaka sends him [[Ax Crazy]].
** [[Heel Face Turn]] - When he is reunited with Kenshiro and finds out that Kaioh lied to him.
* [[One -Man Army]]
== Kaioh ==
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{{quote| The [[Big Bad]] of the second series, Kaioh is the First Rasho, as well as the strongest of the ''Hokuto Ryūken'' masters. Kaioh is covered in a black armor which he wears not for protection, but to control the dark energy he possesses known as ''Matouki'' (the evil [[Battle Aura]]), which can only be possessed by those who were driven insane by ''Hokuto Ryūken''. It turns out that he is Raoh and Toki's true blood brother, who went [[Ax Crazy|insane]] after his mother died while protecting an infant Kenshiro.}}
* [[Card -Carrying Villain]] - One of the few ''Hokuto'' villains who openly brags about his evilness
* [[Chinese People]]
* [[Composite Character]] - Think Souther's [[Oedipus Complex]] turned [[Up to Eleven]] mixed with Raoh's character design, add a few facial scars, shake and bake. Heck, even the manner in which Kaioh dies {{spoiler|jumping into the air and falling into Kenshiro's fist}} is exactly identical to the blond-haired Nanto Hōōken master's.
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* [[Chinese People]]
* [[Dropped a Bridge On Him]]
* [[Pint -Sized Powerhouse]]
* [[Wolverine Claws]]
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* [[Fat Bastard]]
* [[Hoist By His Own Petard]]: Dies when one of his own traps springs on him.
* [[Non -Action Big Bad]]
* [[Rummage Sale Reject]]: Surprisingly averted, as his outfit is even MORE normal and recognizable than the Colonel's.
* [[Token Motivational Nemesis]]: For Ryu
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* [[Meaningful Name]]: He has grafted weapons all over his body, and even added metal plating to his skull for protection. Another translation for his name is [[Star Trek (Franchise)|"Borg"]].
* [[Mook Promotion]]: The final villain of the manga is a bandit Kenshiro spared.
* [[Nice Job Fixing It, Villain]]: Is responsible for Ken getting his memory back, which leads to his undoing.
* [[Not Quite Dead]]: After Ken uses his most famous finishing move, and most of Bolge explodes, he's still capable of getting up and fighting back.
* [[Senseless Sacrifice]]: Bat almost has one of these.
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