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* Kawachi from ''[[Yakitate!! Japan]]''. He started out as a talented baker with "real person" problems and a tendency to need to have the hero's eccentricities explained to him (and thus the reader). Over the course of the volumes this degenerated into him becoming a total [[Butt Monkey]], suffering any indignation or humiliation that the other characters were apparently too cool to have happen to them, and a tendency to shout disbelief at any tiny thing, causing others to mock and ridicule him. It finally culminated in even his beloved mother and younger siblings being dismissive of his abilities, and as the series went on he became the equivalent of Krillin hanging out with Goku and Vegeta... only without the abiding affection and/or small amount of respect those two gave Krillin, as Kawachi's "friends" took to using him to literally waste the opposing team's time.
** Also Kuroyanagi. At first, he was shown as a cold hearted judge with very high standard of food, but later is portrayed as a literal bread zombie whose only passion is eating delicious breads.
* ''[[Ranma One Half½]]'': This long-running comedy manga contains some of its medium's most pronounced examples of the trope. Kasumi went from a normal [[Yamato Nadeshiko]] to an [[Pollyanna|unfazeable]] near-parody. (Considering how [[The Generic Guy|comparatively dull]] she was before, it could be considered an improvement.) This is also applied to Nabiki's love of money, which propels over time from a merely opportunistic character to an appallingly two-faced exploiter. The first time Akane cooks in the series, it is merely ''bad'' and she realizes why immediately after tasting it (she made an honest mistake with ingredients, 'sides she's just a beginner); later in the manga, her cooking has become [[Lethal Chef|all but poisonous]], [[Cordon Bleugh Chef|she doesn't care what she throws into it]], she refuses to taste it or to acknowledge that it tastes bad, and everyone else treats it like toxic waste.
** Genma starts the series genuinely caring about his son (including going out of his way to help Ranma keep his curse hidden), ''despite'' being a selfish idiot who tends to do more harm then good with some very warped ideals and morals. By the end of the series, his already-extreme faults get flanderized to being willing to throw away his son for a knick-knack he already knows has little value.
* ''[[Pokémon (anime)|Pokémon]]'' - By mid-Hoenn many recurring characters are little more than walking collections of running gags, with Brock arguably getting it the worst, with the Team Rocket trio close behind.