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== [[Film]] ==
* The reaction to the eating of Robin's minstrels in ''[[Monty Python and Thethe Holy Grail]]'' is a very unenthusiastic "yay".
** The reaction to meeting up again was a flat yay, but the reaction to eating the minstrels was a slightly less flat yay.
{{quote|"[[And There Was Much Rejoicing]]."}}
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'''Joel, Tom Servo, and Crow in unison:''' ''[monotone]'' Yaaaaaaaaaaay. }}
* A common occurrence in ''[[Stargate Universe]]''. Whenever Dr. Rush, and sometimes, Eli Wallace, come up with a "solution" to a problem that ends up highlighting difficulties ahead, Dr. Volker will respond to the news with a very deadpan "Yaaaaaaay." Since Dr. Brody is no fan of Dr. Rush, he'll often join in with a bit more sarcasm.
** In one of the last episodes, when {{spoiler|they were forced by aggressive automated drones to refuel using a class-O supergiant star instead of the usual red dwarf, and were facing a future of being dogged by said drones, Dr. Rush pointed out that at least they had a full tank of gas.}} Volker, Brody, AND Colonel Young all responded with a rather joyless "Yay."
* George's surrogate in ''[[Arrested Development (TV series)|Arrested Development]]'' ignores affect: "Oh boy. Goodie."
* In one episode of ''[[Scrubs]]'', Ted reacts very deadpan to some good news. When asked about it, he says that he frowns so much it now hurts to smile. Later, when he gets even better news, he smiles, [[Brick Joke|and his mouth erupts in pain]].
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** Occasionally, he might break character for the sake of humor, erupting in joy and doing over-the-top [[Wild Take|Wild Takes]] and back flips, only to very suddenly stop and look at the camera, and give his usual flat joy line "You know what? I'm happy." This tended to happen when at the end of the episode he received a large sum of money, or [[Smooch of Victory|a kiss from a beautiful woman.]]
* ''[[Scooby Doo|Scooby Doo and the Reluctant Werewolf]]'' had a crowd of Transylvanian peasants cheering like this. This is subject to some mocking by [[Big Bad]] Dracula: "If I vant to be alone, I'll call you guys!"
** Also a funny subversion when the peasants are stuck by lightning, they do cheer appropriately, for once.
{{quote|'''Dracula:''' I ''liiiiike'' that!}}
** They also cheer when something bad happens to Drac.
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{{quote|'''Phineas''': You're on fire, Candace!
'''Candace''': Yay. [Beat] I'm not actually on fire, am I? }}
* The heroine of ''[[Daria]],'' quite often. Usually the sarcastic variety, but even when legitimately happy, the most one usually gets out of her is a slight, sly smile.
== [[Real Life]] ==