Flippant Forgiveness: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''"I trust you implicitly, thieving child."''|'''Joey''', ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!: theThe Abridged Series (Web Video)|Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series]]''}}
Alice does something nice for Bob out of the goodness of her heart. Bob's response to that is to go "Oh, you did it wrong. But that's okay, I forgive you." Alice bristles at his audacity.
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Compare with [[Backhanded Apology]]. See also [[Forgiveness]].
== Films -- Animation ==
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'''Galileo:''' Thanks, Scaramouche.<br />
'''Scaramouche:''' I mean it's not your fault you're a spineless, gutless, whinging litle crybaby! }}
* A darker version is used in Ibsen's ''[[A Dolls House (Theatre)|A Dolls House]]''. Nora Helmer has borrowed money to send her seriously ill husband Torvald on a trip that saves his life. Unfortunately, the man who lent her the money (who is Torvald's employee) blackmails her that he'll tell her husband unless she gets him a promotion. After some complications, Torvald finds out what she did and [[Ungrateful Bastard|snaps at her]] because the blackmail and her actions reflect badly on [[ItsIt's All About Me|him]] (especially since she had committed forgery at some point). Then he finds out that the other man changed his mind about blackmailing him. He generously "forgives" her and gives her a good deal of the "you didn't know better" part of the trope. Nora coldly thanks him, but then she proceeds to give him [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]] and leaves the house. The exit scene is described as the most dramatic doorslam in the history of theatre.
== Video Games ==
* ''[[Portal 2 (Video Game)|Portal 2]]'' has this in spades, mostly on the part of [[G La DOSGLaDOS/Self Demonstrating|G La DOS]], who's spent an undefined but ''very long'' time reliving the last few minutes of her defeat at Chell's hands [[And I Must Scream|on endless repeat]] and is (perhaps understandably) very bitter.
{{quote| '''GLaDOS:''' Okay. Look. We both said a lot of things that you're going to regret. But I think we can put our differences behind us. For science. You monster.}}