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** ''[[Superman: The Animated Series]]'' uses it, but makes it even more useful by turning it into an effective (if short-term) spacesuit (Superman can survive in a vacuum, but can't breathe in one, in the animated series). It is, however, noticeably more fragile than Superman himself, so while he uses it often, he's not reliant on it.
** The suit reappeared for a story arc of ''Batman/Superman'' somewhat recently.
** The [[Silver Age]] had ''tons'' of Forgotten Phlebotinum. FoFor example, there is ''Action Comics'' #252, an issue otherwise better known for being Supergirl's first appearance. In the lead-in story, though, Superman is being menaced by kryptonite, and he escapes by melting it with his heat vision, at which point he learns the liquid kryptonite is no longer harmful. (In a real head against wall moment, he even says that it's because when items change their state, they lose other properties, like how ice, when it melts into water, [[Critical Research Failure|stops being cold]]. Of course, Superman forgets that liquid kryptonite is harmless to him thereafter, and in fact, liquid ''and gaseous'' kryptonite are shown being harmful to him in later stories. [[It Only Works Once|So maybe he found the only chunk of kryptonite in the universe that would be harmless to him if it were liquid.]]
** In those days, Superman also collected all manner of exotic gadgets in his Fortress of Solitude, in addition to all the Kryptonian gizmos in the Bottle City of Kandor. Generally, [[DC Comics]]'s Superman continuity cop (and world's biggest Superman fanboy) E. Nelson Bridwell was the only writer who consistently remembered what a fantastic array of machines Superman had access to.
* Shows up in one of the many ''[[The Avengers (Comic Book)|Avengers]]'' stories (the relaunch with Kurt Busiek). Justice, sidelined with a broken leg, goes on an [[Archive Binge]] and realizes that the best way to defeat an Adamantium robot on a homicidal rampage is with Antarctic (type B) Vibranium, a metal that somehow destroys any other metal within range when it exposed to the air. Fortunately, the Avengers destroyed an AIM base with stocks of type B vibranium four or five issues previously; but in all the long history of Ultron's rampages, some of the finest minds (Stark, Pym et al) in the world never linked the "really tough metal" and "destroys metal on contact" dots together.
