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** [[The Golden Age of Comic Books|Golden Age]] superhero Johnny Quick accessed his superspeed powers by reciting the mathematical formula "3X2(9YZ)4A". More recent materials have [[Retcon|retconned]] this as a mantra that allows him to tap into the mystical Speed Force.
** One member of the [[Green Lantern]] Corps is a sentient mathematical equation, and so is [[Green Lantern Ring|his ring]].
* In the [[Marvel Universe]], Amadeus Cho (the seventh-smartest person on the planet) sees the world as mathematical formulas. The [[Incredible Hulk (Comic Book)|Incredible Hulk]] does as well, according to Cho (albeit unconsciously), which explains how he somehow doesn't hurt any innocent bystanders while Hulk-smashing.
* Small time Marvel villain Mathemanic has an array of math psycho-powers. For example, making people aware of galactic-scale distances so that they can't aim properly.
* There was a ''[[Fantastic Four]]'' arc where Reed whipped up a mathematical equation that became sentient. It was a low-grade [[Reality Warper]] that dealt with reality in mathematical terms and demanded that Reed create a formula that equalled himself.