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[[File:freddy_got_fingered_ver1.jpg|framethumb|300px|No, but we ''can'' walk out of the theater and demand a refund.]]
{{quote|''"The day may come when this movie is seen as a masterpiece of neo-surrealism. The day may never come when it is seen as funny."'' |[[Roger Ebert]]}}
|'''[[Roger Ebert]]'''}}
{{quote|''"This cannot be [[Dada]]! It's too normal to be Dada! It's too shit to be anything else!"''|Oancitizen, [ in his review with] [[The Nostalgia Chick (Web Video)|The Nostalgia Chick]].}}
|'''[[Brows Held High|Kyle Kallgren]]''', in [[The Nostalgia Chick]]'s [{{=}}3v_wfECtCvQ review of the film].}}
'''''[[Freddy Got Fingered''']]'' is a 2001 comedy film written, directed by and starring [[Tom Green]]. The film shows the apparently mentally-retarded cartoonist Gord Brody (Green) heading to Los Angeles to obtain a contract for a television series. The producer, however, tells him, quite rightly, that his ideas don't make any sense, forcing him to go back home, to the chagrin of his father.
The film is infamous for its... bawdy humourhumor, which extends to bestiality, rape, and ripping a baby straight out of a woman's womb, in what [[Roger Ebert]] ascribed to a trend in Hollywood, starting several years previously and being definitively capped with this film. What was intended by Green as comedy was hated by reviewers, and has a reputation as one of the worst films of all time.
However, [[Vindicated Byby History|critical reception has softened]] since its release; a year after the film's release, Ebert re-examined the film and stated that, although he found it horrible, he admitted it was at least ambitious in its aim, and that Green had potential to "make a movie worth seeing" some day. A(this decadeis later...[[Downerthe Ending|heonly stillfeature hasn'tfilm Tom Green has ever directed).]] The film itself has gone on to gain a cult following.
=== This film provides examples of: ===
* [[Adult Child]]: Gord.
* [[All Women Are Lustful]]: Betty repeatedly insists on sucking Gord off, and he is often hesitant to accept.
* [[Ambiguous Disorder]]: Gord is a '''gigantic''' [[Psychopathic Manchild]] who is a social reject to say the '''least''', is somehow insane enough to still live with his incredibly [[Abusive Parents|abusive father]], is [[Literal Minded]] enough to interpret someone telling him that becoming a respectable [[Funny Animal]] animator requires him to be able to "get inside the animals" as a suggestion for him to ''cut a road-killed deer's stomach open and then wear said deer's corpse on top of himself'', and even cuts women's umbilical cords by ''biting them in half with his teeth''.
* [[Anti -Humor]]
{{quote| "What do you call a guy with cheese on his face? ''[{{=}}l_Mc63WEOik The cheese face!]''"}}
* [[Black Comedy Rape]]: How the titular assault is supposed to be seen by the viewers.
* [[Blessed Are the Cheesemakers]]: Gord works in a cheese sandwich factory at one point.
* [[But You Screw One Goat!]]: Except he does it [[Crossing the Line Twice|twice.]] One of the film's [[Razzie Awards|Razzies]] was Worst Couple for "Tom Green and any animal he abuses".
* [[Butt Monkey]]: Andy Malloy, a young child who has a horrific injury happen to him every time he appears.
* [[The Cameo]]: Tom Green's then-fiancé [[Drew Barrymore]] has a few appearances as Dave Davidson's secretary.
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* [[Dead Baby Comedy]]
* [[Deranged Animation]]: Gord's attempts at cartoons
* [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin]]: {{spoiler|[[Subverted Trope|Except not.]]}}
* [[Fan Disservice]]: The entire movie, pretty much.
* [[I'm Okay]]: {{spoiler|Andy after getting [[Major Injury Underreaction|chopped to pieces by plane propellers]].}} Supposedly to avoid an NC-17 rating.
* [[Insult Backfire]]: From [ a deleted scene]:
{{quote| '''Jim''': Nale, you suck!<br />
'''Nale''': What?<br />
'''Jim''': You suck cock!<br />
'''[[Camp Gay|Nale]]''': Well yeah! }}
* [[Karma Houdini]]: Gord
* [[Large Ham]]: Those familiar with Tom Green's style of comedy won't be surprised by this one.
** [[Blatant Lies|"He's a molester! He's a CHIIIIIIIIIIILD MOLESTER!!!"]]
* [[Literal -Minded]]: Gord
* [[Psychopathic Manchild]]: Gord
* [[Rape Asas Drama]]: How the titular assault is seen in-universe.
* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]: Gord gives one to an undeserving Nale in [ a deleted scene]:
{{quote| Cheese sucks! Cheese sandwich factories suck, and only stupid idiots work in cheese sandwich factories! And I'm not a stupid idiot, so you can take this job and shove it in your ass!}}
* [[Refuge in Audacity]]
* [[Refuge in Vulgarity]]: Ditto. It even includes footage of Green's cancer removal surgery!
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* [[Toilet Humor]]: Pretty much the whole movie.
* [[Vertigo Effect]]
* [["Well Done, Son" Guy]]: Gord, to the point of him and his dad nearly reciting the Trope word for word at the end.
{{Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Picture}}
[[Category:Films of the 2000s]]
[[Category:Freddy Got Fingered]]
[[Category:Golden Raspberry Award]]
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