Free-Range Children: Difference between revisions

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* The protagonists of ''[[Wandering Son]]'' are allowed to go to ride trains to other cities at nine years old, accompanied by no adults. On Takatsuki's first trip to the city (while dressed as a boy) she gets [[Adult Fear|hit on]] by an adult woman, who later becomes a [[Cool Big Sis]]. The protagonists are allowed to [[Intergenerational Friendship|hang around]] two adults whom their parents don't know, and even ''sleep over at their house''. Though, to give them a break, their parents are unaware of their friendship for some time and they use vague terms like "friends" - though when they do tell their parents they don't seem scared, just mad that they're keeping secrets from them.
* [[Sailor Moon|Chibiusa]] and (even more extreme) Chibi Chibi, whose strolling off becomes a plot point of one episode.
* [[Aria|Mizunashi Akari]] is fifteen years old when she leaves home and family to get a job on another planet. If she ever even '''visits''' her parents again, it's not shown or mentioned. Granted, her new home is a very '''peaceful''' and '''safe''' planet....