Fridge Horror/Real Life: Difference between revisions

and here's another one: Am I just bloating that article so much that it loses its structure and will soon get deleted entirely?
(mental illness and more details on the cosmic thing)
(and here's another one: Am I just bloating that article so much that it loses its structure and will soon get deleted entirely?)
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* If you're dating someone with exes: Chances are, they've done it with someone who isn't you before.
* Remember that time you were being a petulant child and told someone you loved that you hated them and wished they'd go away forever? That's come true for some children who have to live with such hate as the last words they ever told someone they cared about.
** In a less extreme form, this appears to be fairly common with adults when they lose a parent. The last words were not necessarily a death wish, but at least an argument about something that later turns out to have been fairly unimportant as the situation has changed. If you still have living parents, older siblings or the like, it's not that unlikely that the last words you will ever say to one of them is something like "I hate you".
* Of the Holocaust survivors, some dedicated their lives to being tour guides in the very deathcamps they narrowly escaped. Some still do. Think about that: decades after seeing everyone you know and love tortured to death, and then choosing to go back there every day so that you can recount every horror you witnessed or bore, until you are physically incapable of continuing. Choosing to give your entire life over to atrocity, in the hopes of reminding people not to do it again, even as you heard about Vietnam and Yugoslavia and Somalia.
* You might have ruined somebody's life beyond repair... [[But for Me It Was Tuesday|and you don't know about it]].
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* That [[Paranoia Fuel|strange noise]] you heard last night when you were awake briefly before falling asleep again? May be totally insignificant. Or the desperate cry for help of a person who was dying a [[Cruel and Unusual Death]] at that moment, possibly to the hands of somebody else. Now the victim's corpse has [[Never Found the Body|vanished without a trace]], and you were the only witness of his/her grisly fate.
** Come on, it was probably just an ordinary burglar coming ''this close'' to breaking into your house.
* Do you sometimes ignore phone calls? Well, that last one could have been a loved one's last attempt to call for help in a hopeless situation... and now, as you ignored that call, this person is dead.
* Computer simulations. There are people trying to simulate the evolution of life or even our universe on a supercomputer. Of course, their models are ''much'' simpler than the reality around us, otherwise the calculation would take forever. But still creepy when you think about the [[Unfortunate Implications|possible implications]] of such experiments.
** What if some actual form of life developed in a simulation? Even a very simple one? The person who started the program is essentially playing God. No, they [[Humans Are Cthulhu|are God]] in some way.
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** And now combine this with the possibility that some "files" get deleted. Yours. Or the one which represents the earth. Or that the "simulation" stops suddenly, [[And I Must Scream|bringing everything and everyone to a halt]]. Maybe it will then be restarted later, after a few things have been changed... The sun has been replaced by a black hole, the most recent twenty years have been erased entirely, and (if you're older than 20 now) you [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|suddenly have grey hair]]... Cue [[Cosmic Horror]].
* Remember the butterfly effect? This time, think it in reverse. In distant history, if some really, really tiny detail would have been different than it was, chances are you would have never been born. One of the most obvious examples of this is the Diproton catastrophe (see [ here] for details and sources): If the strength ratio of nuclear and electrostatic forces were a little different so that the diproton was a stable particle, the complexity of our current universe would likely have never been possible.
** Taking a more recent and less obscure example: Many people living today - especially younger people in central europe - would never have come to existence without the horrible wrongdoings of the Nazis and World War II.
** And humans would never have existed at all, weren't the dinosaurs wiped out about 66 million years ago by an asteroid impact compounded with climate change and extreme volcanism.
* Our current and most likely human-made climate change is Fridge Horror. That's why it is so easy to filter it out of our daily lives. We most of the time don't notice the consequences directly. And even when we do, we can always blame another more proximate cause. It's a draught that causes people to starve, not "climate change". It's a storm that destroys someone's house.
** Made worse because the worst of these things are going to happen decades from now in the future. Who knows if you are still alive by that time, anyway?
** It gets more difficult when it comes to rising sea levels, but here we can still say we're not 100% sure that the climate change is manmade. There is a small chance that a similar climate change would also occur without us. Or we're just worsening a phenomenon that is already there independently of us. So at least we can deflect the blame and see the disasters that happen as the victims' "fate".
** The current mass extinction biologists over the world are seeing - also most likely human-made - is the same sort of thing. What's so bad about not having bees around us any more? They're annoying, anyway. ...Wait, without bees we won't have honey. But we would survive that... But who or what is going to pollinate all those plants that currently rely on bees? And if only some of those plants die out, what about all those animals which rely on them? And... [[Explain, Explain, Oh Crap|Oh, Crap]]! [[Disaster Dominoes|That could get nasty]].
* Think about all mistakes that you have ever made, and how your life could have been different if you hadn't made all those mistakes. All the nice things that you could have achieved, and all the bad things that you could have avoided. And how much better your living situation could be today.