Fridge Horror/Real Life: Difference between revisions

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* No matter what you do, you will eventually end up not existing. The same is true of everybody else, too.
*** Consider also that Death's moving your "death clock" forward every ''second'', not just on your birthday. Tick tock.
* A popular attraction in the nineteenth century were freak shows and "[http://en.[ zoos|human zoos]]", which were displays of non-white people in cages living like animals. Obviously, they were incredibly racist, but the [[Fridge Horror]] comes in when you realize that nobody, not even the most educated and liberal of people who were in any position to do anything about it (read: whites) saw anything wrong with the idea! Before [[World War II]], pretty much every Western nation was as racist as [[Nazi Germany]]!
** Nineteenth century? Try TWENTIETH century. Try MID-twentieth century. Its not too difficult to do an image search and find several photos of entire communities, smiling (white) men, women and children happily having their pictures taken next to the hanging corpses of innocent lynched and murdered African Americans.
* Aurorae are brightly-colored lights that appear in the Earth's atmosphere (usually at very high latitudes) whenever solar activity is involved. They're generally regarded as beautiful - The Northern Lights, and so on. However, it's not entirely unprecedented for extremely intense solar storms, like the [http://en.[ storm of 1859|1859 solar storm]], to cause the Aurora Borealis to appear as far south as Cuba or Hawaii. Where the [[Fridge Horror]] comes in is that such a storm would also be so strong that it would instantly destroy all electronics on Earth, including all ''power grids'' (the 1859 storm caused many telegraphs, the only electronics in use at the time, to ''catch on fire''). If you consider how dependent our society is on electricity for our economy, communications, food, and even drinking water such a storm would essentially cause a [[Apocalypse How|class-1 apocalypse]] like the most outlandish "[[Millennium Bug|Y2K bug]]" scenarios, except it could actually happen and [[Paranoia Fuel|we wouldn't have any warning]].
** Add to this that based on the periodicity of such events, many people believe that we are due for another round of intense solar storms, possibly even paired up with an overdue magnetic pole flip, which for a period of time would basically nullify the Earth's magnetic field, pretty much the only thing protecting us from those same ionized solar storms. Now imagine theyre not simply solar storms, but an actual Coronal Mass Ejection...
* How do you know that your podiatrist (if you go to one) doesn't have a [[Foot Focus|foot fetish]]?
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** Or if he/she turns out to be a monster of epic proportions...
* Remember the hubbub concerning May 21, 2011? That was the date when, according to Harold Camping, the world would begin to end and the good, true believers would be Raptured. Well, the day came and went with none of that happening. But prior to that date, hundreds of people quit their jobs, spent all their life savings in one go, ''[[Shoot the Dog|and people were euthanizing their pets]]'' so the animals wouldn't suffer. Imagine how most of these people, especially the children whose parents killed their pets, feel now that nothing happened. Imagine all the homeless people, jobless people, the people who had their pets put to sleep for nothing...Imagine what some of these people will ''do.''
** [http[wikipedia:// Disappointment|History repeats itself.]]
** It gets worse. Camping has re-predicted the rapture to October 21st, meaning the truly devoted followers will continue to do these things.
** October 21 has came and gone...and we're still here, [[Precision F-Strike|Fuck You, Harold Camping !]] for lying agian, hope you die soon .
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* You could be walking over a long-abandoned, long-forgotten graveyard, and not even know it.
* Alcohol removes inhibitions, and wipes out memory to a large extent. Imagine you're a teetotaler then. Now, what happens when you have all your inhibitions? You generally don't cross certain boundaries with other people you otherwise might, meaning you're more likely to be alone. You're also more likely to end up rejected because nondrinkers past a certain age with no history of alcoholism have a tough time explaining their choices, don't hang out in bars or if they do are seen as taking advantage since they're the one not drinking. All that loneliness and rejection? Not being able to forget it.
* The Duggar family on 19 Kids and Counting. They are a conservative fundamentalist Christian family with 10 sons and 9 daughters. Not much is known about female homosexuality as compared to male homosexuality, but due to the [http://en.[ birth order and male sexual orientation|Fraternal Birth Order effect]], each older brother a man has increases the odds that he will be gay. If the base chance of a man turning out to have a homosexual orientation is 2% and each older brother increases the chances of a homosexual orientation by 28-48%, that means that little Jackson, their 15th child and 10th son, alone has a chance as high as 68% of turning out to be gay. Given the amount of children they have, especially sons, it is most likely that at least one of them will turn out to be gay. Add into the mix the facts that Bob and Michelle Duggar restrict their childrens' access to television and the Internet and have praised and donated to anti-gay organizations such as the Family Research Council and Focus on the Family and [[Tear Jerker|you can't help but cry when you think about how ugly things could get for whichever child(ren) turn(s) out to be gay]]. For example, it is common for anti-gay parents to kick their child(ren) out of the house or disown them once they discover that they're gay. And to make it more horrifying, some people will ''[[Culture Justifies Anything|excuse it]]'' [[Culture Justifies Anything|as being part of the parents' religion or culture]].
** Consider what happens to gay people in general... there were several documents of people who were beaten up and relentlessly abused at school or at work because they were "Gay" or even worse. Simply because they were different. [[Karma Houdini|and most of their tormentors got away with it]]. It's also especially bad considering that ''some of these people weren't gay at all'' - they were merely autistic, retarded, or had something else.
* The [[Fight Club (Literature)|book]] (and [[Fight Club (Film)|movie]]) ''Fight Club'' brought something to this troper's mind. Specifically, Tyler Durden's prediliction with sticking it to the upper class by seasoning their food with his various bodily fluids while working at an expensive restaurant. Think about how many times you eat out and are having your food prepared by a stranger and can't see what they're doing. [[Chuck Palahniuk]] himself said that he spoke with a restaurant worker who told him that that detail from the book inspired him to do the same (although in his case he specifically targeted [[Margaret Thatcher]], as she frequented his restaurant and he apparently hated her guts). Even if you're not among the upper class, some people may just do it out of some misplaced revenge because they hate their job or they just think it's funny. It's because of this thought that this troper started being ''extra'' nice to servers when he went out to eat.