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* Stephen Harper, leader of the Canadian Conservative party mentioned missing his recently-departed friend Jack Layton, leader of the New Democratic Party. He said once during an exceedingly tedious session, he just walked across the parliament floor and sat next to him, talking about music (both being musicians) and family for a few minutes.
* During the battle for Gallipoli in 1915, there were times when opposing armies' trenches were only a few yards apart. There are records of Turks and Australians tossing food to one another, and of a Turkish soldier carrying a wounded Allied soldier back to the Allied side...mid-battle.
* During the 2016 US presidential primary after Donald Trump won the Republican primary while the Democrat primary remained contested between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, Trump repeatedly spoke positively of Sanders. The media ''universally'' acknowledged (regardless of outlet leaning) this as a shameless and transparent attempt to pull votes away from his expected opponent in the general election <ref>Hillary was certain to win through the Democrat primary's "Superdelegate" system where democrat political celebrities, which includes Hillary's husband, and party insiders have as much voting power as the primary results of entire states</ref>, but were more divided on if he really meant it. This reflected the general consensus among Republicans that while Hillary was seen as Hillary deeply vile<ref>allegations include allowing a US ambassador to be murdered, repeatedly working to bury women her husband had raped, knowingly storing state documents in an insecure manner that allowed them to be obtained by a hacker then by Russia who found out about the server from keeping tabs on said hacker, running a con charity to enrich herself, giving Russia Uranium for money, and having a history of pushing for video game bans</ref>, Sanders was at worst merely a crazy old man. The feeling seemed mutual as Bernie supporters were reported by pools to overwhelmingly favor not voting or even voting for Trump in a Trump v. Hillary matchup.