Fruits Basket Abridged: Difference between revisions

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* [[Alternate Character Interpretation]] - Naturally, but not as prominent as other abridged series.
** Tohru is ditzier, and, at times, even a little more devious due to her stealing food from poor [[Neon Genesis Evangelion|Shinji...]]
** Kyo is a [[Hot -Blooded]] shonen hero, complete with announcing the names of his attacks.
** Shigure is a pure pervert, wanting only sex.
** Hana is some sort of dark arts practicing monster.
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* [[Grumpy Old Man]] - Don't take Grandpa's Fun Time Socks...
* [[Handsome Lech]] - Shigure might be handsome, but he's sure as hell a lech.
* [[Hot -Blooded]] - Kyo is a hot blooded shonen stereotype personified, and often engages in Kamina level [[Badass Boast|Badass Boasts]].
** Black Haru is so hot blooded it makes Kyo look like a pacified baby in comparison.
* [[Intercontinuity Crossover]] - Tohru steals frequently from [[Neon Genesis Evangelion|Shinji Ikari]]...
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* [[Relationship Voice Actor]] - All the voices for this series are either friends with one another in real life or dating each other.
* [[Rousing Speech]] - Attempted in Episode 7. Tohru starts to give her famous "Rice Ball" speech, only for Kyo to shoot her down in seconds.
* [[Shout -Out]] - Several of Kyo's lines consists of some shonen or mecha reference, most notably either [[Gurren Lagann]], [[Dragonball Z]], or [[G Gundam]].
** Additionally, Tohru has a habit of stealing food from [[Neon Genesis Evangelion|Shinji Ikari]]...
** ''[[Men in Black (Film)|Men in Black]]'''s "flashy thing" is compared to Hatori's mind erasing power.
** There's an entire gag about [[Shout -Out|Shout Outs]] in Episode 2.
** Apparently, Haru keeps mistaking Kyo for some guy named Kakarot.
* [[Stalker With a Crush]] - Yuki thinks that Tohru is one of these initially, not to mention the entire Prince Yuki Fan Club IS this trope.