Götterdämmerung/Quotes: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''It was true about the time measurement as well. The Tezumen had realized long ago that everything was steadily getting worse and, having a terrible little-mindedness, had developed a complex system to keep track of how much worse each succeeding day was.''|''<s>[[Discworld|Faust]]</s> [[Discworld|Eric]]''}}
{{quote| ''Sic transit gloria mundi...''<ref>"Thus passes the glory of the world", or "Gloria was sick in the van, but she'll be in on Monday."</ref>}}
{{quote|''Thus passes the glory of the world...'' |'''A Canticle for Leibowitz'''}}
{{quote|''Far-called, our navies melt away;'' <br />
''On dune and headland sinks the fire:'' <br />
''Lo, all our pomp of yesterday'' <br />
''Is one with Nineveh and Tyre!''|'''[[Rudyard Kipling]]''', ''Recessional''.}}