Galactic Civilizations: Difference between revisions

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* [[The Milky Way Is the Only Way]]
* [[More Dakka]] - Stacking Mass Driver weapons by the dozen onto ships will turn them into machine guns!
* [[Non -Entity General]] - Or national leader, in this case. The game will use the name you have typed in for your character in the conversations, and you can even choose an image for your leader, but otherwise you're pretty much just "Emperor."
* [[No Points for Neutrality]] - Averted. There are Good, Neutral and Evil alignments, each with their own bonuses. Neutrals don't get diplomacy penalties with anyone like the good and evil races do against each other. They also get massive trade bonuses, the best scientific building in the game and instantaneously maxed out planet quality, making Neutral the best choice for non-militaristic races (except for those that get better techs for sticking with their usual choice, and even then it may be a toss-up).
* [[No Sell]]: The Galactic Privateer structure makes your freighters invulnerable when they're shuttling between your homeworld and their destination. Literally, invulnerable. Enormous pirate battlecruisers and Drengin swarm-fleets come out of nowhere, scream down towards the tiny freighter that doesn't even have weapons, and come to a dead halt. You can almost imagine the pirate captain turning to his subordinates and demanding to know why their guns aren't working.
** United Planet Laws may also protect freighters, but only for a limited time.
* [[Omnicidal Maniac]] - The Dread Lords and the Korath Clan, oh so very much. The Dark Yor and the Snathi too, but they're played for laughs and have no serious chance at succeeding.
* [[One Nation Under Copyright]] - The [[Privately -Owned Society|Korx]] would sell you their own mothers, but they've already sold them to someone else.
** There are many resources that can be built for bonuses, but once one civ builds it, they have a monopoly, and can trade it to as many other civs as they want if they so choose; otherwise there is no way for the other civs to get it.
* [[One World Order]] - Subverted; if your population shoots up suddenly, the "news" will note this has to be from various non-affiliated members of your race applying for citizenship. Because a planet's population doubling in two weeks would be silly, see?
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* [[Precursors]] - The Arnor and the Dread Lords.
* [[Pretext for War]]: One of the random events.
* [[Privately -Owned Society]] - The Korx.
* [[Proud Warrior Race Guy]] - The Arcean Empire. They're neutral in their alignment, but due to this they typically side with the good factions. Since they are on average twelve feet tall and very physically powerful, this isn't really a surprise.
* [[Random Event]] - Lots, from ethical dilemmas that pop up when you colonize some worlds, to "mega" events that can save or wreck your entire empire.
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** The Pirate and Peacekeeper mega-event fleets are made powerful enough to defeat the galactic average tech level and tech types at the time when they spawn. If your fleets are far enough above the average or use a different weapon/defense type than that of the majority, you can still fight and defeat them sometimes. Though if you're still losing ships, it's generally a better policy to retire your fleet, let the invaders beat the tar out of everyone else, and then send fast troop transports on a blockade run to take those now-defenseless enemy planets.
* [[Scary Dogmatic Aliens]] - Subverted and played straight. Subverted in the case of the Altarians, who are highly religious, but their religion is extremely benign, resulting in a peace loving society with short work hours and a (formerly) four day school week. Played straight in the case of the Kyrnn Consulate who are much, much more zealous about spreading their beliefs which they call "The Way", though they still lean towards neutrality, so they probably try peaceful conversion before resorting to more...medieval methods.
* [[Sci -Fi Writers Have No Sense of Scale]] - Creating a Galactic Empire that spans a dozen of planets inhabited by hundreds of billions of people takes about 3-5 years.
** Also, the description of one of the hyperdrive technologies says "A trip of a million miles will feel like a light year" (Though, given the tone of the descriptions, this is certainly intentional).
** ''Painfully'' averted on the larger maps, especially if there's been a speed limit law enforced.
** The highly improbably population explosions you can end up having at least get a nod - the quarterly report will mention it's impossible for seven billion people to be born in one year... then point out the population is measure by ''taxpayers'', so what you're seeing is colonized worlds having their better-established government doing better censuses.
*** Though it appears to trigger when a certain population growth for the quarter is exceeded, so sometimes it will call BS on a rather low percentile population growth (205 billion to 210 billion? people cant possibly be born at that rate!)
* [[Shout -Out]] - The ship descriptions and announcements of new technologies are full of various pop-culture references.
** There is one random event involves [[Pokémon|alien creatures held in capture sphere and made to fight each other]]. The evil option includes a comment that you've "[[Gotta Catch Em All|already got 98 of 126 of them]]"
** Some planet names, too. One campaign mission features the worlds of [[Riftwar Cycle|Midkemia and Kelewan]] (which might have something to do with the developers being called [[Wizarding School|Stardock]]).
** Also, there exist planets by the name of [[Star Wars|Hoth and Alderan]].
** One mission in the Dread Lords campaign had three planets called [[Final Fantasy VI|Locke, Sabin, and Celes.]]
** When you research technological victory, all your clocks show [[Forty Two|42]].
** The Drengins' split into two different factions over the merits of enslaving versus exterminating their opponents parallels the Ur-Quan Doctrinal War in ''[[Star Control II]]''. The fact that the rebel faction is called the Korath is probably a nod to this.
* [[Space Compression]] - See [[Units Not to Scale]], below.
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* [[Spiteful AI]] - If you're about to conquer a race, you'll most likely get a message from them saying that they decided to surrender to another opponent. The message makes it clear that they did this purely out of spite.
** Hilariously [[Playing With a Trope|played with]] in the first of the PC Gamer playthroughs. The AI's do seem to work together against the human player, but only because the human thoroughly insulted all of them. And even this turns out to be a ruse; the AI's are clearly planning and taking steps to undermine each other after the human is defeated (They apparently don't realize defeating him will end the game). Further, the human player actually has an AI empire surrender to him... because they were being beaten by another AI empire and surrendered to the human's non-allied faction out of spite.
* [[Star -Killing]]: Terror Stars.
* [[Starfish Aliens]]: The Torians say the least. Also applies to many of the minor races.
** And the Iconians, and the Thalans.
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