Game Breaker/Video Games/Turn-Based Strategy: Difference between revisions

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*** No longer possible in the games following ''[[Disgaea 2 Cursed Memories]]'' (The remake of 2 included), as you can't capture monsters of a higher level then the main character.
** It's possible to apply both the poison and sleep status ailments to any non-boss enemy to kill them off with ease, regardless of the level difference between you and them. As a result of this, one can clear some optional maps with extremely good rewards (Dark Sun level 1-4 of Axel Mode in Dark Hero Days in particular) far earlier then intended, and break the game with the absurdly powerful equipment and tremendous EXP rewards from them.
** Some consider Desco of ''[[Disgaea 4: aA Promise Unforgotten]]'' to be a game breaker due to her powerful evilities (Increases attack of adjacent allies by 20%, gains 20% attack per third of total HP missing, and deals 50% more damage at the expense of receiving 30% of normal mana), high stats, and multitude of long ranged area attacks that become even better after a monster fuses with her (Yog Sothoth hits a 3X5 area up to six spaces away, making it the biggest ranged area attack in ''the entire series''). On top of that, she can be boosted even further by a Beast Trainer.
* In ''[[Shining Force]]'', arguably, [[Secret Character|Domingo]]. Let's see... he flies, he levels up quickly, he gets some very powerful magic, he gets more MP than most spellcasters, and, [[Squishy Wizard|most unusually for a spellcaster]], he gets very high HP and physical defense, to the point that even enemies in the last few battles will probably only do 1 damage if they use a non-magical attack. On top of all that, as a spellcaster, he's a prime target for the AI, so you can use him to keep enemies' attention while your other characters wail away. His only major downside is that he doesn't get to equip any weapons, but since he's not likely to physically attack anyway, that hardly matters.
** In the GBA remake, Domingo is even more broken; because of the change to [[Useless Useful Spell|Desoul]], the token [[One-Hit Kill|instant-kill spell]] being a flat low chance for every non-boss enemy to a spell that has a 100% success chance for all but bosses and certain monsters, Desoul is now a ''very'' powerful and efficient spell for killing monsters - even factoring its steep 8MP cost. And with Domingo's massive MP growth, he can happily spam Desoul without ever worrying about depleting his MP pool.