Game of Death/YMMV

Revision as of 00:23, 29 November 2013 by Gethbot (talk | contribs) (clean up)

  • Harsher in Hindsight: The crooks try to kill Billy Lo by shooting him with what he believes to be a prop gun during the filming of his latest movie. A number of years later, Bruce's son Brandon would die from a malfunctioning prop gun. Yyyyyyyyeah....
  • Just Here for Godzilla: Just here for the fight scene with the yellow tracksuit.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Some consider the fact that this movie uses actual footage from Bruce Lee's funeral for plot purposes as this.
  • Special Effect Failure: A cardboard cutout of Bruce's face superimposed over the fake Bruce's face during one scene, for starters.
  • Unfortunate Implications: Sure are a lot of white people running things in Hong Kong, while all the Chinese aside from Billy are lowly employees.