Game of Thrones/Characters/House Lannister: Difference between revisions

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* [[Abusive Parents]]: He antagonizes all three of his children, but Tyrion [[Butt Monkey|gets the worst of it]] by far.
** Though he seems to genuinely love Jaime the most.
* [[Badass Grandpa]]: Is a grandfather in-universe (to Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen, twice-over) and is introduced calmly skinning a massive stag. He fought alongside his men at the Battle of Blackwater. He is also the only Lannister able to completely intimidate King Joffrey.
* [[Bad Boss]]: His employees aren't any better, though.
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]/[[Villainous Rescue]]: Twice! Once {{spoiler|at Harenhall when he stops the torturing and killing of prisoners through [[Pragmatic Villainy]]}} and then again when {{spoiler|he and the Tyrells saves King's Landing from being overtaken by Stannis' troops in "Blackwater".}}
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* [[Pulling the Thread]]: He casually begins picking apart Arya's deception over time, noting small things like addressing him as "my lord" instead of "milord" to figure out that she's actually nobleborn instead of a commoner like she's pretending. However, he seems more amused by how clever Arya is than upset at the deception.
* [[Replacement Goldfish]]: He tells Arya that she reminds him of Cersei when he was young, and something in his voice makes it sound like he regrets how things went. <ref>He and Cersei were originally quite close, but a series of events including Tywin failing to get her married to Rhaegar Targaryen and instead marrying her to Robert strained their relationship to the point it's at now</ref>
* [[The Strategist]]: Zigzagged - Able to build the necessary alliances to get the better of Robb Stark but his actual military tactics are nothing more than sending wave after wave of Lannister soldiers to get defeated by the Starks because unlike Rob, Tywin can replace the losses.
* [[Screw the Rules, I Have Money]]:
** Implied to be a philosophy of his in particular and Lannisters in general.
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