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{{quote|'''''{{smallcaps|"FOCUS ON [[Player Character|SHEPARD!"]]}}'''''|[[Dangerously Genre Savvy|Har]][[Eldritch Abomination|bin]][[Justified Trope|ger]], ''[[Mass Effect 2]]''}}
|[[Dangerously Genre Savvy|Har]][[Eldritch Abomination|bin]][[Justified Trope|ger]], ''[[Mass Effect 2]]''}}
You're playing a multi-player game with one player and several computer opponents, set to free-for-all. You'll probably see the AI players fighting each other quite a bit, right?
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== Action Game ==
* The ''[[Bakugan]]'' game on the DS. In a battle royal, any time your bakugan is in combat, expect to see two of the following on the opposing side of the power meter: 2P, 3P, 4P. They NEVER aid you, and they do nothing when two computers are battling. you can attempt to return the favor, though, by aiding someone who has fewer captured gate cards to stall for turns.
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== Real Time Strategy ==
* Happens in ''[[StarcraftStarCraft]]'' if you're fighting against multiple computer opponents without explicitly setting teams beforehand. They actually ally each other and proceed to throw endless waves of doom down your throat.
** One particular level of ''[[Expansion Pack|Brood War]]'' [[Averted Trope|averted]] this. It's the simplest level in the entire game, because the computer-run Protoss and Zerg forces are too busy fighting each other to launch that many attacks against the player-run Terrans. The fact that this is a very dull and unchallenging level probably highlights the reason why this trope exists.
** This is actually somewhat pragmatically done in the original Terran Campaign. The second to last level involves a three-way between the Terrans, Zerg, and Protoss, in which you, the Terrans, will lose if the Zerg lose even one building, even if it's an easily replaceable defense colony. The Protoss and Zerg do not attack each other, in fact, the odd Protoss will actually ''walk through'' the Zerg base to get to you. It's not so irritating though, because the Protoss hardly attack at all (they're down to their bare basics on the tech tree) and it'd be even more of a pain to defend the Zerg bases while they're trying to kill you if the Protoss too were trying to kill them. Sure they suck, but they'd probably get a lucky building kill and screw you over.
** In skirmish mode, setting immutable teams beforehand will have the AI partner up with you, if that's what you set. (They're marginally helpful, but the AI really does not understand teamwork AT ALL.) In "Melee" Mode, It's Humans VS Computers, no exceptions. In "Free For All" Mode, it's every man (or AI) for him/her/itself, and the computers will happily frag each other into oblivion.
** In fact, by default the scenario editor doesn't even let you sort yourself into the same team as an AI player if you don't use triggers.
** In ''[[StarcraftStarCraft II]]'', the AI tends to be more hostile towards human players, at least on the highest setting (Insane). To test this, create a Free-for-All game with 8 Insane [[A Is]] on Megaton so that they start very close to each other. They won't start attacking each other until they built a few army units. Now make the same game but replace one of the [[A Is]] with a human player. The [[A Is]] closest to the human player will immediately send a few workers to attack them while the others will ignore each other until they build army units.
* ''[[Command & Conquer]]'':
** In every game before ''Red Alert 2'', the AI would gang up on you once you defeated one AI opponent unless you change the "Paranoid" setting in the rules.ini file.
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== Sports Game ==
* This happens in every single multi-man match in ''[[World Wrestling Entertainment|WWE]] Day of Reckoning''. A three or four-way rumble is just a fancy way to say "Handicap Match."
** This was fixed in Day Of Reckoning Two. The computer players only decide to gang up on the human half the time, other times they may just ignore the human most of the match.
** This trope was far worse in the rather mediocre WWE Wrestlemania X-8.
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* In the first [[Heroes of Might and Magic]], you could set all the computer players (since every map had four players) to "King of the Hill", which would cause this. No other entry in the games had it since.
** However, ''Heroes of Might and Magic V'' had AI behavior that ends up doing the same. While it's FFA, none of the AI players bothers to defend their castle against other AI players, usually taking their entire force to attack another player (more often than not, the human). Sooner or later, it would be you against one single AI who has taken over everyone else. Assuming you managed to survive the suicide attacks coming at you, that is.
* While it may seem that [[Space Empires]] suffers from this trope, it only ''sort-of'' follows it; enemies are just as likely to go to war (or already be at war when you find them) with each other as they are with you, not to mention make alliances, all dependent on their [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot|diplomatic personalities.]] If however you're expanding out hugely, and at all sides at once, it may SEEM like they're all targeting you, but that's only because you're the first alien species any of them have met and they ''don't have any other targets yet.''
** Also, the AI doesn't do a very good job of estimating how dangerous a human player is; they can overestimate you if you do a lot of cheap research or underestimate you if you don't build as many ships and units. Either can lead to AI players thinking they should wipe you out before resolving their own differences.
** There is an actual "all AI against all Human" setting, but it's disabled by default.
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== Western RPG ==
* In ''[[The Lord of the Rings]] Conquest'', [[Boss Fight|bosses]] ''will'' track you down, no matter what. Especially annoying is Saruman, who'll just stand around in his tower waiting for you to come up and get trampled, and maybe chase you for two feet.
* A minor version occurs in ''[[Mount & Blade]]''. In the arena melees, AI opponents will usually fight each other just as much as they fight you... but the moment you drop, they stop fighting and ''cheer''. It's like, "okay, he's out, we can stop pretending to be hostile now." This has been fixed in newer versions of the game.
** Also in arena fights, once you start winning the remaining enemies will often cease fighting altogether just to charge you, and ignore any opportunity to hit each other.
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* ''[[Awkward Zombie]]'': [ Priorities].
* ''[[Freeman's Mind]]'' sees Freeman worried why he's never seen any of the soldiers and aliens fight each other and why the hell they're always after him [ here].