Gargoyles/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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*** This troper has actually heard that some CEO of big companies end up doing just this.
**** This Troper sleeps from about 2PM to 8PM, not everyone has "normal" schedules. Xanatos might just take 2 hour naps through out the day. I can see it now; it's 10 AM and Owen wakes him up from a 2 hour nap for 6 hours of Gambiting. Then another hour nap, etc.
***** [http://en.[ sleep#Comparison_of_sleep_patternsComparison of sleep patterns|So he's an ubermensch?]]
****** He's Xanatos so yes. Or it could be 2 stages of sleep. For a couple weeks this Troper got his 8 hours in 2 4 hour blocks. Once your body adapts to a schedule then you function normally until you hit that magic hour your supposed to go to sleep at, THEN you suddenly get sleepy.
****** So long as you get a minimum of six is what I've heard, however it can't be REM as that is still too 'active', and you lose a bit of the affect if woken suddenly. Many 'in the field' agents and soldiers and the like are trained to make do on as little as 3 or 4 in case of a sudden assault or other emergency. Ditto also emergency/disaster relief crews.
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** Could also be a pistol that was censored into it. The only time a real gun can shoot real bullets is if it'll miss, which was averted once in the Extra Special Episode specifically about NOT using guns in the first place.
== Coyote is [[Two -Faced]] ==
Why? Xanathos repaired him not once but twice. But for some reason, the face continues to be "one-half xanatos, one-half [[Terminator]]" instend of just choosing one or the other.
** [[Rule of Cool]]. The robot face is menacing and connotes power, while the human half reminds everyone who the robot represents.