Generican Empire: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Main.GenericanEmpire 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Main.GenericanEmpire, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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This is the tendency for space states not to have an actual identification beyond a generic term for a given political system. Often this is specified a little by equally generic terms such as "of planets". But there is no identity with any local culture. Writers can justify this by explaining that past conquerors decided that it was bad politics to hurt their subjects' feelings more than necessary. This is partly a result of [[Good Republic, Evil Empire]]: Republics or [[The Kingdom]] are generic goodness, empires are simply evil, and that's all that needs to be said.
== Anime and Manga ==
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[[Category:Speculative Fiction Tropes]]
[[Category:Generican Empire]]