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== Comic Books ==
* Every single clone of ''[[Spider-Man]]'' ever made ([[Send in the Clones|and that's a lot]]), has Peter Parker's complete memories up to the time he was cloned. Even if the clone is [[Evil Twin|evil]] or a [[Distaff Counterpart|woman]] or a giant scorpion.
** The Venom symbiote and its spawn seem to have the ability to selectively pass on memories of a past host to a new one. Most notably, Carnage's symbiote recognized - and hates - [[Silver Surfer]] due to his role in killing thousands of them when he was a Herald of [[Galactus]]
* [[Wolverine]] and Sabertooth are not related, but according to ''Wolverine: Origins'' (no, not the movie), both are part of a prehistoric race of wolfpeople who fought each other for millions of years because they have a different hair color, and this battle has been watched over since the beginning by someone who started out as an amino acid in the primordial ooze.
** May this never be spoken of again.
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** [[Multi-Armed and Dangerous]] insectoids Thri-Kreen ("mantis warriors") have racial memory which isn't readily available, but is awakened by some reminders, piece-by-piece. Includes necessary skills like their language (spoken and written), how to make construction material from saliva, typical designs based on this material (like throwing weapon) and other interesting things.
** Dragons basically are able to pass along edited instincts through their genes—so yes, if a dragon researches some new spell, its children can learn it automatically. Or, if some evil empire nearly kills the parent (before the eggs are created, obviously), the children will know to avoid that kind of thing without being told. Given that most dragons are probably not great parents this is one possible way they know things like language, that or [[Functional Magic|magic]].
** It is rumored this is true for the arcane (or mercane) a [[Proud Merchant Race]] who travel the multiverse selling their wares. While nobody knows for sure how it works, arcane always seem to know everything about a mortal's interactions with other members of their species. As a result, it's not a good idea to cheat, con, rob, or harm a group of arcane if you want to do business with ''any'' arcane in the future.
* In a rather [[squick]]y variation, [[Super Soldier|Space Marines]] in ''[[Warhammer 40,000]]'' have the ability to absorb the memories of the dead by eating their flesh, particularly the brain.
** Furthermore, each Space Marine is based on the genetic template of a Primarch, one of the first Space Marines. The Blood Angels chapter and their successors have a random chance of triggering the genetic memory of their Primarch's bloody death, which can drive them into an [[Unstoppable Rage]].
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* The advantage Racial Memory in ''[[GURPS]]'' is a vaguely defined version of this. In the ''Space'' book the weaker version is listed among the traits that a realistic alien could have.
* In the setting [[Arcana Unearthed]], being able to access one's genetic memory (called "akashic memory") is the stated skill of the rogue, and the akashic memory also plays a large role in the worldbuilding and flavor text.
== Video Games ==
* The premise of the ''[[Assassin's Creed]]'' series is that human beings have genetic memories that can be unlocked and viewed via a device called an Animus. The modern-day [[Mega Corp]] that developed the device is using it to locate [[Lost Technology|powerful hidden artifacts]] by kidnapping people with important ancestors and forcing them to relive their past lives. The process has side-effects, however. Prolonged use causes a "bleeding effect" wherein users [[Upgrade Artifact|take on skills]] possessed by their ancestors and experience memories while not in the Animus, eventually resulting in insanity. It is later revealed that genetic memory was deliberately programmed into humans by [[Precursors|Those Who Came Before]] as part of a [[Plan]] allowing them to communicate across time with the modern-day descendants of the Assassins.
** ''[[Assassin's Creed: Revelations]]'' puts a twist on this: since Desmond Miles' ability to view Altaïr's genetic memories ends with his firstborn son, Altaïr's subsequent memories are viewed secondhand, by means of the Masyaf Keys that Ezio uncovers during the course of his adventure. So in this case it's a Genetic Memory of Ezio viewing the stored memories of Altaïr.
''[[Assassin's Creed: Revelations]]'' puts a twist on this: since Desmond Miles' ability to view Altaïr's genetic memories ends with his firstborn son, Altaïr's subsequent memories are viewed secondhand, by means of the Masyaf Keys that Ezio uncovers during the course of his adventure. So in this case it's a Genetic Memory of Ezio viewing the stored memories of Altaïr.
* In [[Metroid: Other M]], {{spoiler|the Ridley that appears in the game is a clone of the original}}, but it's extremely clear he knows EXACTLY who Samus is.
* In [[Record of Agarest War]] 2, all main characters after Weiss inherit Weiss lost memories followed by his nightmares. {{spoiler|Turns out, it's because they are all the same person right from the very beginning.}}
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* In ''[[Overblood]]'' {{spoiler|Milly (a clone) has all the memories of the original, justified because the husband of the original made her as a [[Replacement Goldfish]].}}
* The Tzhaar of [[RuneScape]], being by far the most bizarre race in the game, give birth to children that have ''all'' the memories of ''all'' their ancestors. It's very important in lore as it's how they keep records of their history and retain knowledge of how their individual castes work.
== Western Animation ==