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[[File:Egoimage.jpg|link=Marvel Universe|rightframe|Ego, the Living Planet]]
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* Though not sentient (at least not that we know) there are some areas with organisms or groups of organisms that have grown to be truly massive.
** The [ Great Barrier Reef] is the largest [ superorganism] on earth. Covering approximately 344,400 square kilometers of ocean.
** [[<!-- 28tree29%28tree%29 Pando]] is a single male Quaking Aspen looking for a good time. Aspens can spread by growing new trunks from their roots, creating a new "tree" that's just another part of a huge organism. He has taken this ability and used it to a ridiculous extent. He covers 0.43 square kilometers of land and weighs 6,000 tonnes, but that just means there's more to love. -->
** A large specimen of [ Honey Mushroom] has been discovered in Oregon's [ Malheur National Forest]. The fungus in an area of 8.9 square kilometers has identical genetics, though there is some debate as to whether it's all connected together or not. If it is all connected it would be a single organism weighing as much as 550 tonnes.
* Combining certain elements of the Gaia theory, Jung's belief in the collective unconscious, and [[The Singularity]] leads to this trope as the logical extreme. The internet itself could be viewed as a tangible form of Jung's collective unconscious, or even a full-on [[Hive Mind]]. And since most people in the developed world are expected to have access to the internet, certainly at home, if not on them at all times in the form of a smart phone, [[The Singularity|the point]] may well come very soon when nearly ''all'' human beings have constant access to this shared mind, making the human race the "brain" for a global superorganism consisting of all life on the planet.
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[[Category:Index of Fictional Creatures]]
[[Category:Genius Loci]]
[[Category:Trope]][[Category:Pages with comment tags]]