Georgette Heyer: Difference between revisions

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* [[Break the Haughty]]: Sylvester, though a mild example.
* [[Defrosting Ice Queen]]: Sylvester.
* [[Evil Uncle]]: Subverted: Sylvester is perceived to be this by everyone, but he's actually a far better [[Parental Figure]] than the boy's mother. Because she's [[Brainless Beauty|mind-numbingly stupid]].
* [[Like Brother and Sister]]: Phoebe and Tom.
* [[Mouthy Kid]]: Edmund.
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* [[Cultural Stereotypes]]: [[Latin Land|Lola de Silva]] and her agent, a [[Greedy Jew]].
* [[I Have No Son]]: Arthur Billington-Smith tried to do this {{spoiler|and that was why he was killed.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Mama Bear]]}}: {{spoiler|The murderess was Billington-Smith's first wife, making sure her son wasn't disinherited. [[Title Drop|The unfinished clue]] is the word "There", the last thing he wrote. [[Chekhov's Gun|In spite of most people not paying too much attention to it, TheInspectorThe Inspector realises it's the first letters of]] ''Theresa'', the Major's first wife. }}
''{{smallcaps|The Unknown Ajax}}''