Gilbert and Sullivan/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[Painful Rhyme]]: A lot (mostly of the [[So Bad It's Good]] variety; [[lampshaded]] in ''The Grand Duke'' ("When exigence of rhyme compels").
** Somewhat confusingly, if Gilbert wanted a word like "Navy", "Sympathy", or "Arcady" to rhyme with "bee", he always wrote it out as "Navee", "Sympathee", or "Arcadee". So, "I shall live and die" is meant to rhyme with "A heartfelt sympa-thigh", but "Stick close to your desks and never go to sea / And you all may be rulers of the Queen's Navee". It's Victorian! ''Iolanthe'' goes one step further:
{{quote| Strephon: A shepherd, I -<br />
Chorus: A shepherd, he -<br />
Strephon: -- from Arca''dy''<br />
Chorus: -- from Arcadee }}
* [[Seinfeld Is Unfunny]]: It is hard to believe now, but at the time what Gilbert was doing was actually quite new and innovative.