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* Many people took Finn telling Sean he'd come by in a couple of weeks as him not being much of a friend, pointing out that Rachel decided to come every week. However, Finn's mother, at the time, was a single parent, he had horrible luck finding a job, and until recently, he was likely spending all his money on helping Quinn with what he thought was his baby. If Sean lives in another town, Finn didn't have the money for bus fare to go on a regular basis or have the gas money to do so. Carole isn't going to have much money for him to go or the time to drive him on a regular basis. Rachel, on the other hand, comes from a more financially secure family. She can afford to find a way to get to Sean's house one day a week or more.
* I realize most people probably saw this right away, but due to me hoping Blaine and Kurt wouldn't become a couple, I didn't. Teenage Dream foreshadowed their relationship. A nice, cool guy who shares common interests with Kurt and wants to kiss and hold hands is Kurt's dream for romance.
* It's already been noticed that the Warblers were total [[Shipper Onon Deck|Shippers on Deck]] for Kurt/Blaine - what with stopping their bickering as soon as they found out that Blaine wanted to do some [[Duet Bonding]] with Kurt - but I just noticed how much they seem to ship them. If you look at the choreography for "Raise Your Glass" the two of them are almost always, when they're just standing, not moving to other parts of the stage, either next to each other or right behind one another.
* Quinn's comment of how she was feeling fat the day she had sex with Puck doesn't sound like a lame excuse after it was revealed that she used to be overweight.
* When the girls (and Kurt) perform "Bad Romance" in "Theatricality", Santana is given the lyrics, "I want your love, I don't wanna be friends." She later admits to being in love with her best friend.
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* Santana identifies as lesbian, not bi, despite the amount of men she's slept with. After sleeping with Finn, she tells him that "the feeling of accomplishment doesn't kick in until after like 20 times". Santana didn't sleep with men from desire; just for power. She doesn't need to sleep with Karofsky because she has power over him through blackmail.
** Random thought: What are the odds that Santana's twentieth time was with Brittany?
* A sad hybrid of brilliance and horror: After returning from New York, when Kurt and Blaine were sitting in the coffee shop and {{spoiler|Blaine tells Kurt he loves him, why does Kurt suddenly freeze and not freak out in true romantic fashion, as we would've expected from the boy who's ''finally'' found the perfect guy?}} When Kurt and Rachel finished singing [[Wicked (Theatretheatre)|"For Good"]] earlier in the episode, {{spoiler|they decided that Broadway was their one true love.}}
** Um, not exactly? Watch the scene again; {{spoiler|''Rachel'' says that she doesn't need to choose between Broadway and love because Broadway is her true love. Rachel is, in fact, the only one who says this.}} The only reason they were even on the stage was because Kurt brought them there so ''Rachel'' could work out what she really wants in life. She needed to make a choice between Finn and her career because she saw the two as mutually exclusive. Kurt, meanwhile, clearly stated that he'd talked about the future with Blaine and they wanted to be together in New York. It wasn't "Blaine ''or'' Broadway", it was "Blaine ''AND'' Broadway." So {{spoiler|why did Kurt "freeze" when Blaine said the magic three words}}? Let's break it down. He wasn't expecting something of that emotional magnitude seconds after he was nonchalantly describing how wonderful being able to go to New York was (would you?), plus he's an insecure teen who's been in love with Blaine for most of the season and was probably surprised to hear {{spoiler|that Blaine felt as strongly as he did and expressed it before Kurt did}}, [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|plus he had a mouth full of coffee when Blaine said it]].
** So... yeah, you probably weren't being serious about rewatching the scene, but I did, and you're right. [[Sincerity Mode|Thank you, by the way]]-- I really was upset about that scene, and you explained it perfectly. I guess I was just expecting something different and misinterpreted it.
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* Why do all the gay guys get the hottest chicks? Well, in one instance, it's because the hottest chick blackmailed him. Couldn't have thought of a better way to rile Finn up, eh, Dave?
** Not really fridge brilliance... but isn't it a little amusing that Karofsky's [[The Beard|beard]] is in love with his crush's [Kurt] ex-beard [Brittany]?
* In Silly Love Songs, when Blaine first comes up to Kurt to tell him about the emergency meeting of the Warblers, Kurt is doodling a giant heart with their names in it but makes the excuse that he's "daydreaming" and plotting "wicked" outfits. Ten episodes later, when Blaine tells Kurt he loves him, it's right after he mentions singing on the stage of, guess what, [[Wicked (Theatretheatre)|Wicked]].
* In Special Education, Santana sings the song "Valerie", obviously covering the Amy Winehouse/Mark Ronson version. The song was originally sung by a man. Because of this, the lyrics are all about trying to get the affections of another woman, which is strangely fitting for her, knowing what we know now...
* Regarding Brittany's relationships in season 2:
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* This one's kind of subtle and possibly less fridge brilliance and more "kudos to the set decorator:" in the background of Rumours when we see Kurt at his locker it's clear he still has his "Courage" sign up right under his picture of Blaine. The brilliance hits when Rachel comes up and accuses him of cheating on Blaine; Kurt calmly gives her his lecture on her needing to stop the "vicious, hurtful, hateful gossip," before walking away but if you notice, the c, o and u are covered up by a picture of the Warblers. Kurt's so mad even his locker says "rage!"
* When Kurt is singing Blackbird in "Original Song" he repeats the lyric near the end "You've been only waiting for the moment to arise" while the camera is focused on a smiling Blaine. Later, when Blaine is giving his [[Love Epiphany|Love Epiphany Speech]] to Kurt he says "There is a moment when you say to yourself..." It is a subtle, but powerful connection to the song, making them tie in together.
* For this [[ABE Crudele|Filipino troper]], I realize there is a hidden meaning in Sunshine's name. Children, and perhaps artists, associate yellow as the color of the sun or sunlight and in the history of Philippines, there are a few notable figures who has 'Corazon' in their names. Yes, I'm saying that Sunshine Corazon was named after the late President Corazon Aquino and an extent, the first EDSA Revolution aka the Yellow Revolution. Talk about being [[Named After Somebody Famous|named after somebody famous]].
** It could also have something to do with the yellow sun on our flag, but your theory is better.
* Santana becoming "the weepy, hysterical drunk" makes sense when you discover a few episodes later that she really has plenty of sadness she's suppressing.
** Or because you know her busting out into hysterical tears happens a lot (Acafellas, Wheels, Funk, Duets, Silly Love Songs)
* I can't remember the exact episode, but Kurt visits [[Mc Kinley]] one day, noting that he "waited for Karofsky to leave" before showing up. In layman's terms, he stalked Karofsky to avoid Karofsky. Made even funnier by the fact that Karofsky is apparently stalking Kurt in "The Sue Sylvester Shuffle". [[Sayonara, Zetsubou Sensei-sensei|It's a chain of stalkers!]]
* During the [[Imagine Spot]] performance of [[Dreamgirls|It's All Over]], the girls in the Glee Club wear red sequin dresses, while the boys wear grey suits...except Kurt, who wears a red sequined suit. At first glance it seems like it's just him being a queen, unless his role in that scene is to channel Jimmy "Thunder" Early (even if he sings Laurel's part in a [[Narm|narmy]] falsetto), who wore suits like that over the course of the play/movie.
** Kurt's actually wearing grey pants and a pink sequinned jacket in the same shade as the girls' dresses. This is because Mercedes, whose [[Imagine Spot]] it is, has always considered Kurt to be 'one of the (Dream)girls' - up to this sequence, in which she accuses him siding with stepbrother Finn and turning on her.
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** Basically, he's bribing him to come out of the closet.
* During the Bills, Bills, Bills performance someone is sitting outside the window in a black hoodie and pants similar to those of the Dalton uniform. At the football game Karofsky is wearing a black hoody and pants similar to those of the Dalton uniform...
* Everyone already knows about the [[Forceful Kiss|incident]] with Kurt and Karofsky, but I've just realized that Kurt's already-understandable terror has another reason: Kurt was alone in a locker room with an [[Armored Closet Gay]] who constantly bullies him and ''far'' overpowers him. If this had happened after school, or if Karofsky had been pushed just a little farther, things could have gotten ''[[Rape Asas Drama|infinitely]] [[Family-Unfriendly Violence|worse.]]''
** I doubt it. Karofsky backed off and left after a single push. The kiss seemed more like a cry for help or a spur of the moment thing. YMMV though.
** Kurt would have no way of knowing that, though. He's not psychic.