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* [[Ho Yay]]: So much it has its own page [[Glee/Ho Yay|here]].
* [[Hype Backlash]]: It's been experiencing this, since the show's win at the Golden Globes / Emmy nomination.
* [[Hypocrite]]: Although being cheated on by his last two girlfriends and being broken up about it, Finn's more than eager to {{spoiler|help Quinn cheat on Sam with him}}.
** And when she points that out he explains that {{spoiler|when they cheated on him, it meant that they didn't love him}}.
** Blaine in "'Dance With Somebody" tears down Kurt for flirting through texts with a guy he met in a music store, despite allowing Sebastian's flirtation for months. Blaine does address this, saying that his communication with Sebastian was always "family-friendly", as the show itself seems undecided in whether Blaine's telling the truth or [[Blatant Lies|just trying to save face]].
** In "Sexy", Blaine is completely okay with using sex appeal during a performance. Then, during Season's 3 "Hold on to Sixteen", he describes it as "selling themselves", and tears down Sam for suggesting to do so.
** Also all the Glee Club members who join in 'It's Not Right But It's OK'. Almost ''all'' of them have cheated or helped cheating on someone.
** Sue is this for many people since she preached against bullying even though she's one of the most vicious ones herself.
* [[Idiosyncratic Ship Naming]]: Fans of the pairing Quinn and Artie often refer to them as "Wheels + Preggers" due to episodes based around their conditions being named that, though to be fair they are also referred to as Quartie and Quarter.
* [[Idiot Plot]]: The entire fight between Kurt, Finn, and Burt in "Theatricality". Kurt for being too caught up in his ridiculous fantasy to accept that Finn is straight and going to insane lengths to be close to him, Finn for completely failing to articulate the very real [[squick]]iness of Kurt's harassment without using a slur and attacking Kurt's homosexuality specifically, and Burt for jumping into the fight without listening to anything other than a single word Finn used.
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** Shrubtana: the [[Crack Ship]] between Santana and a [[Cargo Ship|shrub shaped like a person]], based off of a throwaway line in "Sexy".
* [[Misaimed Fandom]]: An alarming number of fans think Sue is actually a good teacher.
** Except she is a good teacher or at least the school likes cheerleaders/Sue's semi celebrity status enough to keep her around.
** The problem is that, most of the time, it's Sue who gives a sensible solution to a problem, while Will tends to be useless.
* [[Moral Event Horizon]]: Terri lying about her pregnancy, for starters.
** Jesse after defecting back to Vocal Adrenaline, and later getting the entire group to egg Rachel after it appears he might still be a good guy, even though the way he guiltily looks away seems to suggest otherwise (in fact, there apparently was an apology scene in what was supposed to be the following episode "Theatricality", but was cut because FOX [[The Firefly Effect|decided to air it first]].
