Global Guardians PBEM Universe/Tropes I-P: Difference between revisions

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* [[I Am Who?]]: Achilles began his career as a superhero because of this trope, when he found out that his entire life up until that point (all twenty-three years of it) had been manipulated and engineered by his father, whose identity he didn't even know up until that point. Who was his father? [[Evil Overlord|Lord]][[Big Bad|Doom]].
* [[An Ice Person]]: Centigrade (who combines this with [[Playing With Fire]]), Fafza Tel ("Winter Willow" in Hungarian), Icicle, El Halcon Blanco ("White Hawk" in Spanish), Flurry (who combines this with [[Blow You Away]]), Snowblind, Snowdrift, Chillblaine, Frost, Frostbite, Sub-Zero, Doctor Zero, Tundra, Iceberg, Lady December. and Snowstorm.
* [[I Believe I Can Fly]]
* [[Identity Impersonator]]: The Bodysnatcher lives up to her name by literally trading bodies with you.
* [[Idiosyncrazy]]: The Conundrum has to leave puzzles as clues. The Great White Hunter, who hunts superheroes for sport. The Widdershins Man, who only commits crimes based on opposite concepts.
* [[If ItsIt's You ItsIt's Okay]]: You should be very clear on this: Fiona Richards is not a lesbian, and has, in fact, dated and even had sex with several different men. Its just that she's madly in love with Margaret Shaw. She doesn't find any other woman attractive at all. And she wants you to be very clear on that.
* [[I Just Want to Be Normal]]: The Fabulous Frog-Man, a mutant hero, is super-agile, can leap the length of a city block, can heal quickly from most injuries, and has a six foot long, prehensile tongue. He's also green, warty, and has big googly eyes. He'd give up his powers and his life as a superhero to look normal again.
* [[I'm Going to Disney World]]: Disney ran a series of these commercials, each starring a particular region's big-name hero. The most popular of this series starred nationally-known New York City hero Free Spirit, the [[Camp Gay]] self-appointed "Defender of Greenwich Village".
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* [[Is That the Best You Can Do]]: Pulled off once with panache in a Global Guardians story. A mook, trying to take out the [[Nigh Invulnerable]] [[Flying Brick]] superhero Stone, slams into the hero with a fully loaded tractor-trailer.
{{quote| '''Stone:''' (dusts his shoulder off and looks at the driver) "That all you got?"}}
* [[ItsIt's All My Fault]]: Ultra-Man blames himself for the death of his grandson, who was killed at the hands of his [[Arch Enemy]], [[Diabolical Mastermind|Baron Maltus]], and he thinks his daughter blames him for it as well. (He's wrong about that last part.)
* [[ItsIt's Personal]]: This is how Ultra-Man and his [[Arch Enemy]], Baron Malthus view their long-standing rivalry.
** Nemesis, the Greek Goddess of Retribution and Punishment, took Athena's freeing of Arachne as a [[ItsIt's Personal|personal insult]]. This is why the goddess makes Arachne's life so difficult.
* [[The Jailer]]: Der Fallensteller ("The Trapper") is a German superhero. He is a [[Gadgeteer Genius]] who specializes in traps and bonds.
* [[Jerkass/Web Original|Jerkass]]: The Aryan is a [[Flying Brick]] hero who also happens to be a white supremacist. He absolutely repudiates violence against non-whites, and saves non-whites as often as he does whites, but is nonetheless a racist asshair and is ''quite'' vocal about his views on race relations.
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* [[Kick the Morality Pet]]: It was this sort of moment, when she recklessly injures one of her teammates in a drunken stupor, that convinces the heroic Swallowtail to seek help for her alcoholism.
* [[Kid Hero]]: * The characters from [[Super Hero School|Hyperion Academy]] range in age from 13 to 16. The kids at the [[Super Hero School|Venture Institute]] were about the same age. Similarly, Nicholas Chandler, from ''Things That Go Bump In The Night'' is a 14 year old boy who is perhaps the most feared monster-hunter on Earth (he once killed a monster he thinks of as ''The Boogeyman'' with a baseball bat).
** [[Wake Up, Go to School, Save The World]]
* [[Kill the Poor]]: [[Diabolical Mastermind]] Lord Doom has ended the problems of poverty, unemployment, and homelessness on the island of Bermuda by declaring it illegal to be unemployed or homeless. If you find yourself in either condition, Doom's regime will escort you to a retraining center where you will learn a needed trade, whether you want to learn a new trade or not. After the retraining and re-education, you will then be put to work where you are needed. If you refuse to learn the new trade (or turn out to be untrainable), you'll be put in a job that requires no training. Some of these jobs, like " biological waste disposal worker", are unpleasant, but survivable. Others, such as "involuntary chemical weapons test subject" are less so.
* [[The Kirk]]: In the Global Guardians, Guardsman is the [[The Kirk]], even though he's not the team leader. Achilles, the actual team leader, is [[The Spock]], while Arachne and Ultra-Man are [[The McCoy]].
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** [[Berserk Button]]: It is drastically important that you remember the following rule: '''''Never hurt a child if Stone can possibly find out about it.'''''
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: Raptor, Mustang, Sidewinder, and Overdrive.
* [[Light 'Em Up]]: Neon, Strobe, Spectrum, Photon, Allustria, Fireworks, Peter Pan, Solar, Sunspot, Eclipse (who can also manipulate darkness), Dagger, Tinkerbell, Independence, Blue, Rave, Rainbow, Senhora Luz Solar, North Star, Shining Dawn, Brightstar, Eclat ("Burst" in French), Iris, Ushas, Moonshadow (who, like Eclipse, can also manipulate darkness), Tecza ("Rainbow" in Polish), Prezma ("Prism" in Russian), Ion, and Radian can all generate, control, and manipulate light in various ways.
* [[List of Transgressions]]: Before killing his victim, the Confessor recites a list of his victim's sins. He plucks this information from their own minds telepathically.
* [[Literal Split Personality]]: Prezma ("Prism" in Russian) is a superheroine with diagnosed [[Split Personality|Multiple Personality Disorder]]. Normally, she has no actual super powers until she splits into seven individual bodies (one for each of her known personalities, and each matching a color in the visible spectrum). After she splits, each of her bodies has a different set of super powers based on the color they represent.
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* [[Mad Scientist]]: Heinrich Frankenstein, Baron Malthus, Phillipe Moreau, the Evil Genius, Doctor Blight, Doctor Sinister, Emilio Astonishing, Doctor XX, Doctor Devastation, Professor Sunday, Professor Septimus, Penelope Periwinkle, and Doctor Gavin von Leggend. And that's just the bad guys.
* [[Mad Scientist Laboratory]]: As prevalent as [[Mad Scientist|mad scientists]] are, these are all over the place.
* [[Mad ScientistsScientist's Beautiful Daughter]]: [[Diabolical Mastermind]] Doctor Gladiola Thanos is the doctor of [[Mad Scientist]] Doctor Thaddeus Thanos. Her father was an active supervillain in the 1980s and regularly fought the heroic Captain Challenger until he was killed during a lab explosion that resulted from a fight between the hero and Doctor Thanos's minions. While she originally followed this trope by helping the hero fight against her father's diabolical plots, his death sent her into a [[Heroic BSOD]] that ended with her following in his footsteps as a supervillain. Her first act of villainy was to find and kill Captain Challenger and his entire family.
* [[Magic aA Is Magic A]]: While any sort of magic (from Hermetic rituals to Native American Ghost Magic to Voodoo to Chinese Necromancy to Holy Miracles to Australian Dreamwalking) is possible in the ''[[Global Guardians PBEM Universe]]'', each particular type of magic is internally consistent for that type. You don't find Hermetic mages using Voodoo, or a Christian miracle-worker entering the Dream Time, and so on.
* [[Magic Knight]]: Mystic villain The Black Lion is a literal [[Magic Knight]]. Once an armored medieval knight, he is now been kept alive for nine hundred years through dark and sinister magic. In addition to his skills with a sword, he is also a powerful sorcerer in his own right.
* [[Magic Pants]]: This trope is standard fare for characters who can grow, shrink, or stretch.
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* [[Martial Pacifist]]: The heroic Dove specializes in evasion, blocking, and misdirection in combat. He's an expert at somehow finding convenient trees, walls, cars, and so on to duck behind just as the bad guys attack. He only goes "offensive" when he absolutely has to.
* [[Mask of Power]]: Inverted with the Mask Of Justice, in that the eyeholeless mask itself is powerless, but he can only use his vision powers while his eyes are covered with an opaque object...such as his mask.
* [[Mass Super -Empowering Event]]: The [ Tunguska Event of 1908] released a wave of radiation that encompassed the globe and activated the metagene in humans and apes, allowing for the presence of superpowers.
* [[Master of Illusion]]: In the ''[[Global Guardians PBEM Universe]]'', multiple characters are Masters of Illusion. Peekaboo, a member of the Vandolls supervillain team, creates light-based images. Mindscape projects images into the minds of her opponents, as does the Indian supervillain Rakshasa. Amethyst is a sorceress who specializes in illusion magic. Dream Catcher manipulates people's dreams and can bring them into reality as illusions. Figment, a student at the [[Super Hero School|Hyperion Academy]], creates holograms.
* [[The Masquerade Will Kill Your Dating Life]]: This trope is why so many superheroes from the ''[[Global Guardians PBEM Universe]]'' are divorced (in some cases, divorced multiple times). It also explains why so many of them are "girl/guy in every port" types.
* [[MesMe's a Crowd]]: Los Hermanos of the Global Guardians has this power in spades. He combines this with [[Hive Mind]], as not only can he create thousands of copies of himself, he shares his consciousness between them. (He is somehow capable of dealing with all the conflicting sensory input, and is capable of handling multiple tasks at once, multiple conversations at once, and so on). At any given moment, he's likely got a dozen duplicates active around the world working in as many different occupations. Anything one duplicate learns, all the duplicates know how to do. And at least two of his constantly active duplicates are married. But only one is an active superhero.
** Aryan Nation is a controversial white supremacist ''superhero'' (yes, you read that right) who shares Los Hermanos's powers. His powers are so similar to Los Hermanos that the Global Guardian once hypothesized that maybe Aryan Nation was one of his dupes who managed to gain a separate consciousness. (He found out later this wasn't true.)
** Posse is a superhero from Dallas, Texas, who can separate into twenty individuals.
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* [[Monster Mash]]: All Hallow's Eve is a villain team made up of a mutant who can [[Our Werewolves Are Different|shapeshift into a "Man Wolf"]], a [[Our Zombies Are Different|super-strong zombie]], a [[Clingy Costume|carnivorous alien abomination]], a [[The Fair Folk|dark elf sorceress]], a [[Frankenstein|golem created by mad science]], and [[Golem|an animated scarecrow]].
* [[Monster Clown]]: Tom Foolery of the ''[[Global Guardians PBEM Universe]]''. Scary makeup, spine-chilling laugh, weaponized toys, and an urge to see the whole world go down in flames. He is basically the setting's [[Captain Ersatz]] of [[The Joker]].
* [[Morally -Ambiguous Doctorate]]: No one is really sure what specific areas Doctor Heinrich Frankenstein, Doctor Phillipe Moreau, Doctor Blight, Doctor Sinister, Doctor Emilio Astonishing, Doctor XX, Doctor Devastation, Professor Sunday, Professor Septimus, Professor Penelope Periwinkle, and Doctor Gavin von Leggend (all villainous [[Mad Scientists]]) hold their degrees in.
* [[More Dakka]]: Sniper from the ''[[Global Guardians PBEM Universe]]'' is a [[The Punisher|Punisher-style]] vigilante who uses [[More Dakka|gym-bags full of guns]]. He thinks of himself as a hero; most of the heroes see him as a villain.
* [[More Deadly Than the Male]]: Demise, the super-assassin, is the deadliest fighter on the planet not because she's superhumanly strong or because she's superhumanly fast, but rather because she knows how to turn anything... anything at all... into a deadly weapon, and can figure out ways around your defenses in seconds.
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** The only character who was really allowed to get away with this was the [[Complete Monster|Blood Red King]], but he was a different kettle of fish altogether.
* [[New Super Power]]: The ''[[Global Guardians PBEM Universe]]'' used the ''[[Hero System]]'' rules regarding [[Experience Points]], thus allowing characters to [[Point Buy|purchase]] new powers. Restrictions were put into place, however, that only allowed [[New Super Power|New Super Powers]] that made sense when compared to the character's base concepts. Several storylines involved the player figuring out how to use these new powers.
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: The [[Your Terrorists Are Our Freedom Fighters|"ape-liberation" terrorist group]] Prime 8 attempted to detonate a high-yield nuclear weapon in downtown Paris. The Global Guardians stopped the simian supervillains... but during the course of the battle the ''heroes'' managed to knock down the Eiffel Tower (which, in turn, destroyed several square blocks of the city during its collapse). Oops!
* [[Nigh Invulnerable]]: The ''[[Global Guardians PBEM Universe]]'' has characters that fit all of the categories on both sides of the law:
** Byelobog really is ''the'' "White God" Byelobog from Slavic myth, while Ganesha really is the Indian elephant god.
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* [[The Omniscient Council of Vagueness]]: TAROT's Ruling Council is, with the single exception of [[Big Bad|The Emperor]], the leader of the organization, a faceless group of ruthless billionaire businessmen that work from the shadows to further the organization's goals. None of the heroes have ever met a member of the ruling council.. that they know of.
* [[Omniscient Morality License]]: The clairvoyant Domino, one of the closest advisors of [[Diabolical Mastermind|criminal mastermind]] Baron Samedi (and one of the reasons the Baron is so successful) has this attitude. She knows the future (and the present, and the past) from her perfect tarot-card readings.
* [[One -Man Army]]: Los Hermanos is literally this. He's a super-powered duplicator who can make thousands upon thousands of copies of himself.
* [[One Myth to Rule Them All]]: The ''[[Global Guardians PBEM Universe]]'' is a superhero setting. So... all those historical and mythical warriors we hear about in the stories? You know, Hercules, and Ajax, and Achilles, and Pontiac and Roland and King Arthur? Yeah... they all had superpowers.
* [[One Steve Limit]]: A surprisingly large number of Player Characters were named either "James" or "Anne" in their [[Secret Identity|secret identities]].
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* [[Physical God]]: Heroes Ganesha and Ma'at, and villains Kali and Nephthys are aren't just ''pretending'' to be gods.
* [[Pieces of God]]: The Church of the Ascendant is a cult that believes superhumans came about because God split his own essence up into millions of tiny pieces and spread it all around the world, and that its only been recently, when the human population approached a certain critical number, that the "power of God" (represented by the various superpowers possesed by the heroes and villains) has been able to manifest again, if only in a limited way. They believe that the higher the human population, the greater the power will manifest until eventually, God himself (herself? itself?) will manifest physically on the Earth and the human species will ascend into the next stage of being. Most people in the GGU think they're kooks.
* [[Pimped -Out Dress]]: These are the only things the Black Rose, a vampiric supervillainess, ever wears.
* [[Playboy Bunny]]: March Hare, White Rabbit, and Silver Marten all wear this sort of costume.
* [[Play By Post Games]]