Go Look At the Distraction: Difference between revisions

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Often the comic potential of this is stretched by having the departed character reappear at an inopportune time (and [[Brick Joke|just after the audience has forgotten about them]]). "You know, you don't even have tiles in your bathroom... [[Sorry to Interrupt|what are you doing?]]"
[[I Need to Go Iron My Dog]] is the inverse of this, where the character offers some excuse for their own departure. Compare and contrast with [[Look Behind You!]].
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== Fanfiction ==
* ''[[The Man With No Name (Fanfic)|The Man With No Name]]'', a ''[[Firefly]]'' / ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' crossover, has the Doctor throw a [[Hypno Trinket]] up in the air in the hopes that some brainwashed thugs will stare at it long enough for River to beat the snot out of them.
== Film ==
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* At least one ''[[Discworld]]'' novel has someone throwing an object into the air, then gutting the other person whilst they look at it.
** This happened in ''Interesting Times''. Cohen the Barbarian and his Silver Horde is being threatened by several samurai. One of them throws a handkerchief in the air and cuts it in two with his sword, which is sharp and looks like new. Cohen's sword, in contrast, is rusted and chipped, despite being very sharp, and the samurai aren't exactly impressed with it. Cohen asks for another handkerchief, throws it up in the air...then slits the throats of three samurai while they're looking up at it.
* ''[[The Supernaturalist (Literature)|The Supernaturalist]]'' had a character toss an 'ID card' <ref>a blank piece of laminated cardboard</ref> into the air, then shooting (nonlethally) the bad guys when they watched it go. Crosses with [[Hey, Catch!]].
* Once in ''[[The Dresden Files]]'', Harry needs to pick a lock. Since [[Fair Cop]] Murphy is there, he tells her to "look at that zeppelin." Subverted in that Murphy knows ''exactly'' what he's doing, but complies anyway so that she doesn't actually see him doing anything illegal.
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[[Category:Distraction Tropes]]
[[Category:Go Look At The Distraction]]