God Is Dead: Difference between revisions

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This is going a step beyond [[Have You Seen My God?]]; they've called off the search and alerted the [[Jesus|next of kin]]. The [[Council of Angels]] is now running around trying to figure out who's in charge.
Of course, the subject of [[Trope Namer|Nietzsche]]'s pronouncement is [[Serious Business|one of the most serious debates in the academic world]].[[hottip:*:<ref>What he was probably trying to get at is that modern people have started to wake up to the "fact" that everything is meaningless, and there is no such thing as universal truths, absolute values, or any sort of afterlife -- thus, a more accurate statement (according to Nietzsche) would be "God never even existed", but that wouldn't quite manage to convey the poetic severity of the message. Thankfully, [[MST3K Mantra|we don't need to dwell on grim philosophical intangibles to enjoy a story about the mortality of the divine]]</ref>.
This trope can occur in either a monotheistic or a polytheistic setting; of course, the ramifications of a God dying vary in severity, depending on if there are many Gods or just one.
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