Going After Cacciato is a novel written by Tim O'Brien set in the Vietnam War. The premise of the story, according to O'Brien, is that being a soldier in Vietnam involves constant walking; if one did all that walking in a straight line, one could end up in Paris.

Going After Cacciato
Written by: Tim O'Brien
Central Theme:
Synopsis: "Going After Cacciato is a war novel. However, this is a controversial idea due to the fact that the book is about a soldier going AWOL." - Tim O'Brien
Genre(s): War novel
First published: January 1978
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"Soldiers are dreamers."

The book is written in Anachronic Order, with the basic plot line being Paul Berlin's chase after Cacciato goes AWOL. The entire chase to Paris, which involves Laos, Mandalay, Delhi, Tehran, Athens, as well as Paris, all happens in Paul Berlin's head while on guard duty. Inserted between the main plot are assorted war stories and descriptions of the characters.

This book lends itself to interpretation because Cacciato is always shown as being happy and content, and the squad chases after them. Also, there are seven war stories of character's deaths, which is a perfectly symbolic number.

Tropes used in Going After Cacciato include: