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* In the trilogy of ''Hulk: Grey'', ''[[Daredevil]]: Yellow'', and ''[[Spider-Man]]: Blue'', these elements (the colors in the titles being one of the dominant colors of their costume at the time) are explored through the lens of each hero's earliest years. When the Hulk, the original comic book [[Anti-Hero]], was a mass of confusion and rage that didn't know whether it was good or evil. When Daredevil, the Man Without Fear, was so afraid of someone losing their father like he did that he put on a costume and beat up criminals. When the jovial, wise-cracking Spider-Man was feeling lower than he ever had in his life.
* Lampshaded in the [[Spider-Girl]] comic ''The Buzz''. When Spider-Girl first encounters Buzz (red, blue, and yellow) fighting Doctor Jade (green and black) she immediately and correctly [[Genre Savvy|identifies Jade as the villain and Buzz as the hero]] based on their costume colours.
{{quote| '''Spider-Girl''': I'm not the type who usually leaps to rash conclusions, but you are dressed in green, and bad guys have traditionally favoured secondary colours since the advent of colour comics.}}
* There's a ''[[Star Wars Expanded Universe]]'' comic series called ''Infinities'', which is basically [[What If]]/[[For Want of a Nail]], speculating about just what would happen to the saga if, respectively, Luke's proton torpedo used on the Death Star was defective, if Han's tauntaun died a little earlier, if Threepio was incapacitated and couldn't translate between Jabba and Leia-as-Boush. The last case leads, eventually, to Luke and Leia confronting Vader and the Emperor together, Vader turning on his master to save his children and ''surviving'', and then being taken by them off the Death Star before it blew. It wraps up very quickly with the characters saying that the Emperor ''also'' survived, but the Rebellion will be ready -- and incidentally, Vader switched sides and wore a white version of his former costume.
* In ''Scion'', sky blue is associated with the Heron Kingdom (the good guys) and blood red with the Raven Kingdom (the bad guys). Of course, the Ravens also like to wear lots of black leather too...
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* Many [[Turn-Based Strategy]] games have allies in blue and enemies in red, especially if there's a "radar" where individual characters are represented as dots. ''[[Fire Emblem]]'' and ''[[Super Robot Wars]]'' are both examples of this.
** [[Fire Emblem Tellius|Path of Radiance's]] tutorial lampshades this: when two generic soldiers are used to demonstrate how [[Heel Face Turn|recruiting enemies]] works, the conversation goes something like this:
{{quote| Blue Soldier: Good sir, will you join our cause?<br />
Red Soldier: Sure, I'm tired of wearing red anyway. }}
** ''[[Advance Wars]]'', however, colors the player's units red in its campaigns, and enemy units (assuming there is only one enemy faction in the scenario) are usually blue or black.
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** Any legal target, regardless of relationship, is also displayed as red by default.
** With pink being the default colour for other people in your fleet, there is also the slightly less common Not Pink Shoot It rule of engagement which is the default MO on Ganknights<ref>Fleets of (by default otherwise unrelated) people from a third-party community site just going on a rampage in a random direction while often including at least a few people which are blue to the residents of the area which is getting visited</ref> usually leading to [[Hilarity Ensues|hot blue-on-blue action and diplomatic fallout in the aftermath]].
{{quote| Gank nights are large coordinated overview bugs. Shoot blues and ask for forgiveness later.}}
* ''[[Knights of the Old Republic (video game)|Knights of the Old Republic]]'': Every character-page picture has a colored background reflecting their force alignment. Neutrals will have grey, dark siders have red background, and light siders have blue (and at the very top, they will stand in a pillar of radiant light, against a dark-blue starry sky backdrop). They will also take on an increasingly hostile stance the darker they get.
** There was also an aversion of this in the second game. At one point on Onderon, you come across two aliens arguing about who the people should support, the good Queen Talia or the two-faced General Vaklu. The alien in support of the "evil" General is blue-skinned, while the one supporting the Queen is not only red-skinned, but has horns!