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* Compared to other Starfleet captains, [[Star Trek Deep Space Nine|Benjamin Sisko]] was quite willing to do things like poison a planet or participate in a murder conspiracy for the greater good.
* [[Kamen Rider Amazon]] defeated his enemies not with fancy moves and cool weapons and kaboom endings to the fight, but by ''ripping'' the [[Monster of the Week]] apart with his bare claws and teeth and the serrated edges of his gloves. However, if you don't happen to be an evil monster, he's the nicest guy you'll ever meet. He's a [[Friend to All Children]], [[Friend to All Living Things]], and so forth. He once even saved a monster from being executed by his bosses for failing to defeat him! That monster became an ally for most of the rest of the series.
* ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]:'' From at least [[The Chessmaster|the Sylvester McCoy version]] onward, the Doctor himself is this. He's sent some bad guys to rather harsh endings to protect the innocent, has put good people in the line of fire or done otherwise unkind things as part of [[Gambit Index|various gambits]], and has had to make choices between bad and worse often. These things heavily weigh on him, but if it's between [[Doctor Who (TV)/NS/Recap/S4 E2 The Fires of Pompeii|the destruction of Pompeii]] and letting the Pyroviles take the whole ''world,'' it often falls to him to throw the switch. This is thought of as a trait of the [[David Tennant]] Doctor, but just because that version had it explored the most deeply doesn't mean it hasn't been part of the series before and since.
** One of the Doctors is explicitly described as this. The Ninth Doctor is a [[Good Is Not Nice]] [[Jerkass]] who thinks he is better than everyone else. The Tenth Doctor is the complete opposite, fascinated by humanity and its foibles, genuinely caring and nice, and anyone who threatens them dies, no mercy, no second chances.
* In the series four finale of ''[[Merlin (TV)|Merlin]]'', the sweet, gentle, friendly Merlin carefully and deliberately murders Arthur's [[Evil Uncle]] Agravaine in cold blood. Okay, Agravaine ''had'' just drawn a knife on him, but a) Merlin could have easily dealt with the knife without harming the man holding it, and b) Agravaine had just discovered Merlin's secret, and Colin Morgan's performance makes it very clear that Agravaine wasn't leaving that cave alive.
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== Religion and Mythology ==
* In [[Norse Mythology]], Thor is a [[Hot -Blooded]] [[Boisterous Bruiser]] who spends most of his time drinking, eating and killing giants. Thor is humanity's best line of defense against the giants, who would otherwise destroy the world of men, and the stories told about Thor indicate that he truly does care for humanity.
* Notably, [[God]] from the three Abrahamic Faiths. As noted throughout [[The Bible (Literature)|The Bible]], he is compassionate to those in need, especially to those who turn to him for council, aid and friendship. But he has no qualms whatsoever with punishing someone when they've done evil and are unrepentant of it. Jesus is the same way, though in his case he directed it towards Satan, the corrupt merchants and moneylenders in the temple, and the manipulative Pharisees and Sadduccees.
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